Contact Me Page

➤ By Liz Oakes

Hi there! Thank you for dropping by my crystals site! I hope that you have enjoyed visiting this site and that you got value from what you read during your visit.

Due to the high volume of messages and emails that arrive, sadly I’m not often able to respond to every one as there are just too many.

Magenta FluoriteMagenta Fluorite

Please know that I do read every message that I receive. I do not have anyone working for me, and get a large number of queries so please understand if I do not reply to your email.

If I answered all the questions I would have no time to do all the things required to keep my site running. At present I am flat out writing new site pages as well as doing various other site related things.

While I do my best to answer emails where I can and when I can, it is not always possible for me to reply.

Thank you for your understanding.

PLEASE NOTE: There are no opportunities for guest post articles at this time (with or without links).

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If you would like to write a story about your crystal related experiences, there is a place to do this. Check out the Crystal Story page here.

Note: it is not a place to ask a question and small pages with just a question won't be published. 

But if you want to write a story about your experiences this is a place to do this. They can't be stories copied from somewhere else though, as copied content is not allowed.

Warmest regards

Liz Oakes

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