A to Z of Crystals Minerals & Stones

Do Fast Search On List Of Alpha Categories

➤ By Liz Oakes

The A to Z of Crystals Minerals and Stones is a list of links that will quickly take you to the alphabetic categories.

See in-depth extensive information about the Spiritual meanings and uses of individual crystals, stones or minerals for each letter.

A to Z of Crystals Minerals & StonesA to Z of Crystals Minerals And Stones

Over time I am constantly adding to the site, and adding information about new stones that come into my life. 

There are links below to separate pages for each letter of the alphabet, except for X, Y and Z which are combined on one page as there are so few in those groups.

Healing-Crystals-For-You.com is reader-supported. When you buy thru links on my site I may earn affiliate commissions. Click Here to learn more.

Each of the alpha categories below have pictures of many stones, with links to individual pages (if an article has been written). This helps you to quickly learn  about it's metaphysical and healing properties.

Do You Know How To Use A Pendulum?

If you are trying to decide on the right crystal to use for a specific purpose, have you tried using a pendulum to help you?

Even if you are looking at the same type of crystal, sometimes it can be hard to decide what the right one is for you. So using a pendulum can help you.

My in-depth article on How To Use A Pendulum may assist you to discover how to ask Spirit or your higher self for assistance when it's needed.

Check out the video or click through to the article straight away. Enjoy learning this important method to help you.

Extensive In-Depth Complete Guide

The earth is undergoing an ascension process where all of us and our surroundings are changing.

So sometimes it's necessary to make changes in pages, or add extra information, about the metaphysical properties of various crystals or stones.

This is in order for me to ensure that you are given an extensive, in-depth and complete guide to using the crystals and stones on the list.

About The A to Z of Crystals Minerals and Stones

For some crystals, minerals or stones I just give you a few paragraphs about a stone, which gives you an idea of how to use it until I write its own page.

For other crystals I may be inspired to write an in-depth page straight away with the meaning and properties of a new stone I have been using.

At that time I will add a picture and link to their related alphabetic page, so keep checking back to see what's been added.

A to Z of Crystals Minerals & StonesA to Z of Crystals Minerals & Stones

Be aware that this site has been on the web since 2009. While the basic energy of many crystals remains the same, sometimes I have noticed changes taking place.

So if you notice that a page has been altered to show this change of energy don't be surprised.

Checkout Crystal Healing Uses Page

Crystal Tip: If are looking for stones for a specific intention or ideal, there is another area you may like to check out here, Crystal Healing Uses.

It has in-depth sections listing individual articles about the ways to use stones for a specific purpose.

A to Z of Crystals Minerals and Stones: Alpha Categories

Alpha Categories: Each of the letters below are links to a hub page for that alphabetic group, as a few readers have told me this would be beneficial. 

Enjoy seeing what's here! Find what you are looking for in the A to Z of crystal meanings.

Each of the pages for the alpha sections below, feature expert articles about many crystals and stones within the A-Z sections.

Each alpha page features comprehensive meanings and has pictures of individual stones to aid you to identify them.

Simply click on the link below each letter to check out the page and see pictures of crystals in that section of the alphabet.

Some letters of the alphabet within the a to z of crystal meanings have only a few stones, while other letter groups have a lot of stones.

Did you know? If you would like to have your say about individual crystals you have worked with, you can tell your crystal story. 

See link to where you can write your story at the bottom of the page.

There are meanings and uses for many beautiful crystals in each of the alphabetic sections, so you might find it helpful to explore areas you have not looked at before.

The S Alphabetic group in the A-Z of crystal meanings is quite large, so it was  divided into two sections on two different pages, Sa to Sm and Sn to Su.

In the A to Z of Crystals Minerals and Stones I have tried to cover as many crystals as possible.

In each area there is a list that contains many healing crystals for you to look at, with links to in-depth pages written about the stones in that section.

You may be surprised when you see how many stones and crystal there are in the second half of the alphabet, even the unusual letter categories have a few stones listed.

The three links for the last three alphabetic categories all take you to the same page. So be aware that when you arrive it does cover all of these three alphabetic groups as they are all so small.

Amethyst Crystals

The beautiful Purple Amethyst Crystals are one of the most widely known of the quartz varieties, but you may not know about other kinds of Amethyst.

There are a large number of crystals in the Amethyst family, and all sorts have different properties.

Learn about the different types and varieties of Amethyst and on that page you can also see pictures of the different types to help you recognize them.

So check it out. There is also an Amethyst video to watch on both pages so check it out.

Tell Your Crystal Story

If you have information about a particular stone, or would like to share how you have used it, go to my page about crystal stories and write your own story if you wish.

That is not a place to simply comment. Short comments won't be published, but it is a place to write about your experiences with your crystals, minerals or stones.

Complete A-Z Guide To Crystals Minerals and StonesComplete A-Z Guide To Crystals Minerals and Stones

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Don't Know Which Book About Crystals To Buy?

Read reviews of more crystal books here

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Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.

Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing. 

Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.

Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.

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For: https://www.healing-crystals-for-you.com/

Any information that may be found anywhere on this site is not presented as a substitute, nor intended to be a substitute for medical advice, treatment or diagnosis.

Never disregard advice from your medical professional or delay seeking medical advice because of anything you may have read on Healing-Crystals-For-You.com.