Crystals Healing Properties 

 In The D Alpha Section

➤ By Liz Oakes

The crystals healing properties in this section relate specifically to the stones in the D section of the alphabet. 

See photos below of the many beautiful crystals beginning with the letter D.

Many of the stones on this page could also be featured on other pages on this site, as many have their own in-depth page.

Dragons Tooth AmethystD Alpha Section Features Dragons Tooth Amethyst

For those stones that do not yet have their own page, you'll find short summaries below of the healing qualities and metaphysical attributes of these crystals.

Crystals covered in this article that are found below may also have their own in-depth page elsewhere on this site.

But they may also be mentioned in pages on related topics, including in the various chakra stone articles. is reader-supported. When you buy through links on my site, I may earn an affiliate commission. Click Here to learn more.

Crystals Healing Properties: D 

Are you here to find out about a particular stone that starts with D? This section does not contain a lot of stones but there are some very interesting ones.

Or do you want to find out the properties of stones in other groups that may interest you, which are found in a different part of the alphabet?

To find out the meaning of stones in these other alphabetic categories check out the A to Z of Crystals here and in the menu across the top of the page.

You can use this to discover the crystals healing properties in the other alphabetic categories.


If you find that the name of a stone or crystal in the picture grid below is marked with a link, you will know that you can find more information on that crystal on its own individual page.

There are many healing crystals for you to read about here and you may find that there may be some uncommon or even rare crystals that are part of this alphabetic section.

Stones that do not have their own page have a short paragraph about them on this page until their in-depth page is written when that will be removed.

The gorgeous Dragons Tooth Amethyst hasn't yet had its in-depth article written.

But you can read more about it by clicking on the image below as there is information about it on the Amethyst Types and Varieties page.

There are so many varieties of Amethyst crystal that you can read about there!

Video About Dumortierite - Develop Psychic Powers

Meanings and Crystals Healing Properties: D


DiamondNatural Diamond

Diamonds are stones most of you will know, as these precious stones are so often found in your engagement rings.

They are one of the highest regarded precious stones, but are you aware that they also have powerful metaphysical properties?

All Diamonds have a very spiritual vibration, and they resonate within the highest chakras.

They bring spiritual light into the body from the soul star chakra down through the crown chakra and third eye chakra to the heart chakra.

They are positive stones that assist you to find the light and they have a powerful effect to aid the brain.  

You can get lower quality diamond stones and their crystals healing properties are highly regarded.

They may aid you with developing a number of psychic based powers and in particular the gift of psychic visions or clairvoyance.


Blue JadeiteDianite

Dianite are amphibole rich crystals that may also be found selling as Blue Jadeite or Siberian Blue Jade.

They have a lovely energy, so I can fully understand why they were named after the beautiful Princess Diana.

Dianite is a blue Nephrite that is found in an area in Russia quite close to where Charoite crystals come from.

These blue green or blue crystals have a good energy to aid healing. 

This crystals healing properties are known to help hyperactivity, stress and tension. They are helpful to aid the development of some psychic abilities. 

In particular they are known to help you to develop your intuition. They are quite stimulating within the third eye and crown chakra as well as at the throat chakra.

Their action may stimulate your psychic hearing and may aid you to hear the voice of your guides more clearly.



Dolomite stone comes in a number of colors that have excellent attributes. 

The crystals healing properties of Dolomite relate to the way it assists your body to regain stamina and strength.

It also helps the healing of the bones, teeth and skin and it may aid issues within the adrenal glands.

This is a helpful stone to aid people who are going through a time of grief, as its vibration will assist you to handle these difficult feelings.

The energy of this stone helps you to realize that you might need to permit yourself to let go of how you feel as there is always a purpose behind the things that happen in your life.



Duftite is a member of the Descloizite group, which resonates well within the heart chakra.

It is a helpful stone to aid relationships as it assists you to truly love another. It stimulates loving communication both with others and with yourself.

It helps you to find original and imaginative solutions to life problems, and may help you to find selfless answers to big issues.

The crystals healing properties of this green stone also relate to its action to stimulate creativity, specifically aiding artistic people.

Crystal Books

The crystal books shown below are very in-depth crystal reference books.

All of the authors have been in the crystal industry for many years, and any one of their books are good to have on hand.

Checkout my reviews as there are also a number of other books that are excellent reference books as well.

If you wish to read reviews of my favorite Crystal Books Click Here.

Chakra Stones For D Alpha Group

There is detailed information on the crystals healing properties for each chakra, and you need only click on the highlighted chakra name to go the article on each of the individual chakras.

So if you need to know more, please check out the pages on each of the chakras, or for an overview of all the stones see the page about the chakra stones.

If you would like to learn exactly what chakras are, please go to the page chakra meanings for an explanation of the chakras.

As it is possible for stones to assist healing of more than one part of the body, they may be found in more than one chakra category in the list below.

Please see the following chakra stones list, for details of which chakra each individual stone will heal.

Specific Chakras - List Of Chakra Stones D Alpha Group

Soul Star Chakra: Datolite, Diamond, Diaspore, Dog Tooth Calcite, Dream Quartz

Crown Chakra: Darwin Glass, Datolite, Diamonds, Dianite, Diaspore, Dog Tooth Calcite, Dream Quartz

Third Eye Chakra: Darwin Glass, Datolite, Diamonds, Dianite, Diaspore, Diopside, Dioptase, Dog Tooth Calcite, Dream Quartz, Dumortierite

Throat Chakra: Dianite, Dumortierite

Higher heart Chakra: Danburite, Dioptase

Heart Chakra: Danburite, Darwin Glass, Datolite, Demantoid Garnet, Diamonds, Dianite, Diaspore, Diopside, Dioptase, Dolomite, Dravite Brown Tourmaline

Solar Plexus Chakra: Dalmatian Jasper, Datolite, Demantoid Garnet, Diaspore, Dog Tooth Calcite

Sacral Chakra: Dalmatian Jasper, Diopside, Dolomite

Base Chakra: Dalmatian Jasper, Dianite, Diopside, Dravite Tourmaline

Earth Chakra: Dalmatian Jasper, Dianite, Diopside, Dravite Tourmaline

Looking for information about a specific crystal?

To See The A-Z of Crystals Minerals and Stones Click Here

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