Pisces Birthstone List

List of Birthstones & Meanings: Feb 19 to March 20

➤ By Liz Oakes

Look at the Pisces birthstone list, and discover the meanings of each of the stones that help the person born in the Pisces sign. 

There are quite a few healing crystals for you to choose between, but it is common to find that one or more of these stones or crystals may simply appeal to you more than others.

Pisces BirthstonesRainbow Fluorite is on the Pisces Birthstone List

The special stones on this list have all been attributed to the astrological sign of Pisces. 

Start the process by reading through the list of stones and discovering more information relating to them. 

If certain aspects of the information seems to jump out at you, pay attention. This may help you to work out which Pisces Birthstone to use.

You may have one of these in your own jewelry, so go through the stones you already own. 

Once you have read both the list and the meanings of each of the stones on it, you may want to find out more details on specific crystals.

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A Guide To Which Pisces Birthstone To Choose

It is useful to have a large number of birthstones to choose between for each sign, and many of the stones are capable of assisting in a variety of differing ways. 

Some stones will help you with contacting angels, developing psychic abilities or help you to manifest abundance.

So it is worth reading about the ways each stone will help your life, and your overall well-being.

Ametrine PendantAmetrine Pendant

A number of the names of crystals on the list are highlighted with a link. This link takes you to another page on this site, that provides in-depth information about that stone.

It is possible that one of the summaries of a particular crystal appeals to you. You may then go to the article written about that stone and learn all about the other traits it has that may benefit you.

Wear Crystal Birthstone Jewelry

Even though all of these stones are suitable for anyone of this star sign, it is good to read through the list of healing attributes and metaphysical properties to aid this guidance. 

Then once chosen you may decide to wear this stone, and discover that you may be healed of some problem that has been an issue for you. 

Teal Smithsonite Crystal PendantTeal Smithsonite Crystal Pendant

Pisces birthstone jewelry is commonly made from many of the stones on the list, and these are often quite lovely pieces.

Birthstone jewelry is easy to buy, and this may make it easier for you to take advantage of their vibration. 

It is possible to buy lovely jewelry made many of these stones, and it can be quite beneficial to keep these healing crystals on your body during the day.

Do You Know Your Astrology Sign?

Although most people know their own astrology sign, if you are thinking of buying a gift for someone, you may be unsure of their sign. 

The list below will help you to work out which sign they are. The list of astrological signs, outlines the date in each month that they start and finish.

  • Cancer June 21 to July 22
  • Leo July 23 to August 22
  • Virgo Aug 23 to Sept 22

Pisces Birthstone List

The astrological birthstones for Pisces are in following list. It comprises a fair number of stones and all are recognized to be metaphysically advantageous, if this is your star sign.

Some of these stones are zodiac birthstones for another sign and a number may be listed for more than one star other sign.

This is because their vibration is known to be of benefit to people who are born under these signs.

If you wish to have a look and see this in detail, the full list for all star signs is on the zodiac birthstones page.

Pisces Birthstone List

  • Aegirine
  • Amethyst
  • Ametrine
  • Aquamarine
  • Bloodstone
  • Blue Lace Agate
  • Diaspore
  • Fluorite
  • Golden Topaz
  • Kambaba Stone
  • Kammererite
  • Lapis Lazuli
  • Natrolite
  • Smithsonite
  • Turquoise

Pisces Birthstone Meanings


Aegirine stone like this piece that originates from Greenland,  may be found in combination with minerals such as white Natrolite, Albite or pink Tugtupite.

Aegirine is the dark colored mineral in this pendant.

This lovely Pisces birthstone is beneficial to use when you feel stressed by things that are happening in your life that aren't what you want.

They are helpful stones to use if you are feeling depressed or filled with negative emotions, and they have a strong protective energy.

They are strong psychic protection stones that may be useful to keep on you if you feel you may have someone attacking you psychically.

Aegirine encourages extra light into the body's auric field, and this is helpful to assist you if you have electric sensitivity. 

It helps to heal damage caused by a range of electrical equipment that can cause health issues, such as the energy fields of computers, mobile phones and wifi.

Amethyst Crystals

Amethyst is good to wear as it is a soothing stone that will aid anxiety and stress.

They are lovely assets to have in the home to encourage serene untroubled sleep and restful dreaming.

The energy of this Pisces Birthstone will settle your mind and help you to more make contact with the spiritual realm, and it is a strong stone to aid the development of psychic abilities.

These purple stones embody the violet flame energy, and can be used to take the healing vibration to a higher level.

They also have a large number of other properties, so if this purple crystal attracts you, click on the link under the picture and read more about its benefits.


Ametrine creates a link between the energy of the higher realms and the physical body, and encourages you to think in a more spiritual way.

It enhances your thinking and aids you with uniting your masculine and feminine vibrations. It has a lovely energy that aids depression and creates peace and inner harmony.

It is known as a stone to aid you to keep focused and it may also enhance your creativity.

It embodies within it the more physical based vibration of the Yellow Citrine and a highly spiritual energy embodied by the purple Amethyst Crystals.


Aquamarine is the blue member of the Beryl family. 

This lovely Blue stone helps you to release any built up emotional baggage that you have been carrying, and encourages you to embrace change.

This Pisces birthstone is known to aid you with both developing intuition and contacting your spirit guide, and the vibration of this stone is also known to favor communication with the Goddess.

Aquamarine Gemstones have a spiritual energy, and as its color is a blend of blue and green it vibrates within both the throat chakra and the heart chakra. 

This encourages your communication to be more loving, and heart based.


Bloodstone is known to help to create calm, and assist with decision making, and help you to regain your personal power,  as well as helping to enhance your creativity.

Their energy helps to stimulate your intuition, and they will help to stimulate pleasant dreams and may revitalize you if you sleep with one under your pillow.

They are thought to heal problems in the blood, to help your eyesight and to aid the healing of kidney and bladder problems, and aid you to eliminate toxins.

Blue Lace Agate

Blue Lace Agate is a strong stone to aid your spiritual communication, and is excellent to use during meditation to enable you to make contact with angels and to find your spirit guide.

If you use this stone while doing meridian tapping, also known as EFT tapping, this stone will help your spoken word to resonate with strength and clarity.

The vibration of this Pisces Birthstone will clear stagnant energy within the throat chakra, and will connect up through the third eye and crown chakra.

This enables your connection to the higher spiritual realms. It is also an excellent healing stone.


Diaspore is a fairly uncommon stone that has good metaphysical properties to stimulate the way your mind works, and their energy may assist your memory.

Its a good stone to use if you are studying as it helps you to retain and recall information. It may help you to think more clearly, may aid you to concentrate on the task at hand.

It also may relieve your stress, and may inspire you to act more positively in response to changes in your life.

This Pisces birthstone is also helpful for those who are finding that with age their memory isn't what it used to be, and need help to remember details.


Fluorite comes in a variety of colors, but they are all strong stones to aid your thought processes.

They are also psychic protection stones, that may help to prevent psychic attack.

Their energy will balance and energize the third eye, creating clarity of thought. This will help you to make better decisions.

The action of these stones is analogous to a vacuum cleaner, that goes through and clears out undesirable thoughts that may be creating mental turmoil and confusion.

Although various colors have specific attributes, Green fluorite helps you to have a more heart based approach to thinking, and may create a more loving attitude.

Golden Yellow Topaz

Golden Topaz is a powerful stone to use for manifestation, and they are lovely stones to stimulate an increase in feelings of peace, joy and unselfishness.

This lovely Pisces birthstone is also known as Imperial Topaz or Yellow Topaz, and the color of the stones range from a bright yellow through to a lovely peachy pink shade.

By their action to stimulate the power chakra, or solar plexus, they help you to use will power to manifest those things you desire in your life. 

This may mean an increase of money, although it may also be other things, as it has an energy that boosts the flow of those things that are for your highest good.

Golden Yellow Topaz will also bring things or circumstances that align with your predominant mental attitude, so keep your thoughts positive when using this stone, to bring positive situations into your life.

Kambaba Stone

Kambaba Jasper is also known as Kambaba Stone. It is an unusual stone from Africa, that is said to have a strong spiritual vibration. 

It has these unusual swirls in it that are like eyes on the stones.

The energy of this stone will soothe your nerves, and it will help you to look deeply into all sorts of things.

It is known to help you to handle the emotions that are generated by whatever you look at.

It is a stone of magic, and is said to aid spells to be more potent. 

It helps you to make contact with those in spirit, and is said to help you to look into and gain information about past lives.


Kammererite crystals may help you to make changes to how you perceive the events of your life, and they may assist you to cooperate more readily with the people in your life.

This is a chlorite and chromium based stone that comes in a range of lovely shades of purple and pink. This Pisces birthstone has a quite spiritual vibration.

They are excellent to hold during meditation, and their vibration works within the third eye and crown chakras, which helps to stimulate the brain.

Their energy helps to unite both sides of the brain to create a more harmonious way of thinking.

Lapis Lazuli

Lapis Lazuli has a strong vibration that stimulates both the third eye chakra and the throat chakras with its resonance within the throat chakra aiding you to speak the truth.

This blue stone creates heightened depth and clarity in your thinking and communication, and strengthens psychic ability.

It will be effective worn anywhere on the body, but it is very helpful to your psychic communication abilities when worn at the ears.

It will have a stronger effect within the chakra where the stone is located, so you may choose to wear it close to the chakra that you hope to stimulate.


Natrolite is one of the high vibration crystals and has a quite obvious action when held during meditation.

Many people who use them notice a strong pulsing sensation when you first hold them.

Their energy can easily be felt within the higher chakras and the brain. 

They are wonderful stones to meditate with as they have a strong action to stimulate the higher chakras.

This is an excellent Pisces birthstone to use if you are working on your spiritual growth, as they work within the third eye chakra, crown chakra and the soul star chakra, the more spiritual chakras.

They are potent stones when combined with other high crystal energy stones, and may encourage coincidence and/or synchronicity and may help those who have a fear of water.


Smithsonite is a strong stone for psychic communication, and to aid contact with the angelic realm. They aid you to heal emotionally, and encourage relaxation and harmony.

They come in a range of colors, and although the different colors will stimulate specific chakras, all colors are helpful to relieve stress.

It may help you to feel happier as it stimulates feelings such as joy and loving emotions to flow within you, and they are will assist with healing the inner child. 

The blue or teal crystals resonate strongly at the throat chakra to strengthen communication abilities.

These crystals are also strong stones to develop psychic abilities, and to contact your guides.


Turquoise are powerful stones for protection. Wearing them is one way to keep this energy within your auric field, and this may also help to balance your male-female energy.

Lovely Pisces birthstone jewelry made from this tone will have a strong effect in a variety of ways. They have a good resonance within the throat chakra, and will assist with truthful communication.

These are strong psychic protection stones as well as being able to aid you with the expansion of your psychic gifts.

Your Pisces Birthstone

Reflect on each of the birthstones listed and check out the information about the stones in the list.

This will help you to make a decision about the particular one that you feel will be the best one for you to use.

Bloodstone PendantBloodstone Pendant

The  bright red color of the stone of this Bloodstone Pendant below may attract your attention. As color is also a vibration this may be how you may decide on the stone you want.

Look through the Pisces Birthstone list, and discover the qualities of each of the crystals listed.

One helpful way to decide is to allow your intuition to ascertain which Pisces birthstone you feel will be the best one for you to use.

Any of the crystals on the list are appropriate for anyone of your star sign. But you may find when you study the meanings that one or more of these may just seems to come to your attention, over and above the others.

While you are reading the meanings allow yourself to feel the guidance of spirit or your higher self to guide your choice. 

Pisceans have a kind and sensitive nature, so as you read let this guide your choice.

Allow your feelings about a particular stone to guide you, as spirit uses this method to let you know the one or sometimes more than one, that will benefit you over and above the others.

Choose a stone that appeals to you, then read its metaphysical and healing properties. If it is the right stone for you will know.

Then just enjoy wearing it, as it is excellent to know that whatever one you choose you will benefit from its healing attributes.

Pisces Birthstones list contains Amethyst Lapis and AmetrinePisces Birthstones list contains Amethyst Lapis and Ametrine

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Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.

Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing. 

Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.

Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.

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