Crystals Healing Properties 

 In The E Alpha Section

➤ By Liz Oakes

The stones and crystals healing properties in this article are specific to the E area of the alphabet. Check out to images below to learn about crystals in the E area of the alphabet.

There are more pages for other sections of the alphabet, but you will only find the stones starting with E on this page.

Elestial Citrine wide 1Elestial Citrine

There are a great number of healing crystals for you to read about on this site. While many have their own in-depth page, not all have been written about on their own dedicated page.

This means that many of the crystals found below may have their own in-depth page elsewhere on this site.

They may also be mentioned in pages on related topics, including in the various chakra stone articles. is reader-supported. When you buy thru links on my site I may earn affiliate commissions. Click Here to learn more.

Crystals Healing Properties: E

Check out the pictures here to see if the stone you are looking for is featured. Crystals that have written about in-depth are pictured in the first section below.

If it has its own article on this site it's name will be highlighted with a link that will take you to that page so you can read more about it.

Each stone that has not yet had its own individual page written has a short summary below, outlining its healing qualities and metaphysical attributes. 

Throughout all of the pages on this site you may notice links to a range of pages on crystal related subjects.

Articles such as crystals for change or the various zodiac birthstones may be mentioned, so that you can read more about these subjects.

Video On Emeralds: Stone Of Successful & Abundant Love

E Alpha Group Stones With No In-Depth Page

The stones pictured below have information about them below, in most cases, unless they have been added recently, and hopefully will be covered soon.

Elestial Amethyst Dark PurpleElestial Amethyst Dark Purple
Smoky Elestial QuartzElestial Smoky Quartz
Emerald Aura QuartzEmerald Aura Quartz
Eye Of The StormEye Of The Storm

Crystals Healing Properties: E

Emerald Aura Quartz

Emerald Aura QuartzEmerald Aura Quartz

Emerald Aura Quartz is bright green in color and this is of course not natural. These stones are created from Clear Quartz by bonding gold platinum and chromium onto them.

The creators use a special process where they are heated in a very hot oven to end up with these very bright green stones. They are also sold as Kiwi Aura Quartz and Apple Aura.

Due to the fact that they were created from clear quartz they have many of the attributes of clear quartz, and are known to be helpful for emotional healing.


Enstatite has a good energy to help you if you have trouble making decisions, as it helps you to be more decisive. This crystals energy stimulates the ideal of being of service.

Enstatite 3-500Enstatite

It will help you to be more tenacious and resolute in your choices while still being flexible enough to achieve what needs to get done.

The crystals healing properties are excellent to lift your mood if you are feeling down or depressed.

It is said to be good for those who are iron deficient as it is known to keep iron in the body for longer.

Etched Quartz

Etched Quartz is one of the configurations in which quartz crystals may form.

To learn more in-depth information about the various quartz configurations you can read about Etched Quartz in the in-depth article about the quartz configurations and formations.

Eye of The Storm aka Judys Jasper

Eye of The StormEye of The Storm

Eye of The Storm is an interesting stone, that is excellent to use for stress relief.

Also known as Judys Jasper, it is named for Judy Hall who is the writer of many crystal books. The crystals healing properties of these stones are quite unique. 

It has a lovely heart based vibration and also embodies a strong calming and grounding energy.

At the same time I feel quite relaxed and balanced, as if nothing is going to upset me or phase me.

Eye of The StormGroup of Eye Of The Storm Stones

Chakra Stones Starting With E

To discover which chakra each stone relates to, you can simply see if its listed below.

Specific Chakras - List Of Chakra Stones E Alpha Group 

Soul Star Chakra: Eckermannite, Epidote

Crown Chakra: Eckermannite, Eilat Stone, Elestial Quartz, Enstatite, Epidote,  Ethiopian Opal, Euclase, Eucryptite

Third Eye Chakra: Eilat Stone, Elephant Skin Jasper, Epidote, Etched Quartz

Throat Chakra: Eilat Stone, Epidote, Euclase

Higher heart Chakra: Eilat Stone, Emerald Stones, Epidote

Heart Chakra: Eckermannite, Eilat Stone, Emerald Stones, Epidote, Euclase, Eudialyte, Eye Of The Storm

Solar Plexus Chakra: Eilat Stone, Enstatite, Epidote, Eye Of The Storm

Sacral Chakra: Elephant Skin Jasper, Epidote, Ethiopian Opal

Base Chakra: Enstatite, Epidote, Ethiopian Opal, Eudialyte, Eye Of The Storm

Earth Chakra: Epidote, Eudialyte, Eye Of The Storm

A Stone That is Not Desirable To Use


Erythrite also known as Cobalt Bloom is an arsenate based stone, which means it contains the toxic mineral arsenic. So be careful when touching it, and instead use it with something between your skin and the stone.

Absolutely not a stone I would recommend using at all, even though it has some excellent metaphysical properties, I feel the risk is too great.

ErythriteErythrite aka Cobalt Bloom

Note: that as Erythrite is an arsenate stone, wash hands well after touching it, and preferably don't use against your bare skin.

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Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.

Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing. 

Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.

Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.

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