Stone Properties

Crystals In The K Alpha Area

➤ By Liz Oakes

The stone properties and metaphysical attributes in this page specifically relate to the stones that start with the letter K. 

There are a number of healing crystals for you to learn about in this alphabetic section although there are not as many stones starting with K compared to other alpha areas.

The images in the picture grid below to make it easier for you to find what you are looking for. 

Kalahari Picture StoneKalahari Picture Stone

The meanings of many of the crystals starting with K may already be covered in their own in-depth pages on this site.

It's easy to see which stones this page covers, simply check the photo grid below as there are links under photos to any crystals that have their own article.

While there aren't a lot of stones in this alpha group there are some quite interesting crystals. is reader-supported. When you buy through links on my site, I may earn an affiliate commission. Click Here to learn more.

K Section of Stone Properties 

Look for specific crystals or stones in the picture grid below, where the name under the photo is highlighted marked with a link.

This tells you there is is more information elsewhere usually on its own specific page.

Kalahari Picture StoneKalahari Picture Stone

Simply click on any of the links to go to the page about that particular crystal. 

For stones that have not yet had their individual page written, each stone is covered only briefly, with a paragraph on each stone. 

It includes an explanation of each particular crystal and its most valuable metaphysical attributes.

Following the individual explanations of the metaphysical and healing properties of each stone there is list which outlines the chakra stones.

It shows which chakra the stone may heal, and you may follow a link to the specific page for that chakra if you want to learn about specific chakra meanings.

Video About High Vibration Kyanite Stone

Stone Properties: K

Kalahari Picture Stone

Kalahari Picture StoneKalahari Picture Stone

Kalahari Picture Stone may be highly beneficial to use in meditation.

The pictures within the stone may evoke emotions that lead you more deeply into discovering past life situations.

Their stone properties relate to their action to assist you to see visions of situations that occurred in the distant past and in locations that my be far away from where you are currently located.

Use these stones in a meditative state, by staring at the picture in the stone.

This may help you to unearth old memories from past lives or deeply buried memories from this life.

It is possible that the memories that are unearthed my be stressful and even difficult to handle, but once dealt with you may be able to release these memories forever.

Its energy is also known to aid you to manage any stress, grief or fear that might surface at the time.

They are beneficial healing stones that may help the immune system and the healing of allergies, hay fever and problems related to digestion.

Kernite also called Rasorite


Kernite is also known as Rasorite, and can be clear, with a coating of Tincalconite, or it may also have dark inclusions within it. 

It is an excellent stone to use in meditation. Use the crystal at the crown chakra, to direct your request to the master you wish to ask for help from.

It has  a strong action at the higher chakras and its action to heighten clairaudience also known as psychic hearing, as well as clairsentience, and this is one of its useful stone properties.

Kernite has a quite stimulating action at the crown chakra, and helps to cleanse the entire auric field and all of the chakras.

This is one of the stones that aids detoxification of the body, so take it slowly to avoid overloading the liver and kidneys.


Kimberlite crystals are known to stimulate the solar plexus, throat and crown chakras. Used at the heart chakra, they may assist you to understand life events.

KimberliteRough Kimberlite Stone

This is a quite unique and very unusual igneous rock, that is a mixture of a number of different minerals.

Their stone properties are unusual in that they are powerful to boost the development of psychic abilities.

They are also good stones to prevent psychic attack, as they work as a psychic shield.

Specific Chakras - List Of Chakra Stones K Alpha Group 

Soul Star Chakra: Kammererite, Kernite, Kutnohorite, Kyanite

Crown Chakra: Kakortokite, Kammererite, Kauri Gum, Kernite, Kimberlite, Kurnakovite, Kyanite

Third Eye Chakra: Kakortokite, Kammererite, Kundalini Quartz, Kyanite

Throat Chakra: Kakortokite, Kutnohorite, Kimberlite, Kinoite, Kornerupine, Kyanite

Higher heart Chakra: Kutnohorite, Kinoite, Kunzite, Kyanite

Heart Chakra: Kakortokite, Kambaba Stone, Kutnohorite, Kimberlite, Kornerupine, Kunzite, Kyanite

Solar Plexus Chakra: Kimberlite, Kundalini Quartz, Kurnakovite, Kauri Gum, Kyanite

Sacral Chakra:  Kundalini Quartz, Kyanite

Base Chakra: Kakortokite, Kambaba Stone, Kammererite, Kernite, Kundalini Quartz, Kyanite

Earth Chakra: Kyanite

Looking for information about a specific crystal?

To See The A-Z of Crystals Minerals and Stones Click Here

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