The Chakra Meanings

The Chakras Explained Simply

➤ By Liz Oakes

What are chakras? The chakra meanings have been gathered since ancient times.

The word 'chakra' comes from the Sanskrit language and means 'spinning wheel'. There are seven major chakras as well as many other minor chakras. 

These swirling energy centers or vortexes are situated along the spinal column and are located between the base of the spine and the crown of the head.

Chakra Meanings ExplainedChakra Meanings Explained: Chakra Stone Bracelet

These days more people are thinking about how the chakras work and what their role is within the body. 

It is beneficial to not only learn what these energy vortexes mean but also about individual chakra stones that stimulate various areas. is reader-supported. When you buy thru links on my site I may earn affiliate commissions. Click Here to learn more.

Chakras Explained Simply

Chakras Explained Simply: The chakras are energy vortices or spirals that exist within the etheric body. A vortex is a swirling energy mass, that draws more energy or qi into its center.

The energy moves both in and out along a system of channels known as energy meridians.

The energy is drawn into the swirling mass, which is one of the chakras, and it also moves out as they transmit life force energy to the body along the meridians.

How Did Primitive People Discover Chakras?

Primitive people knew when they felt out of balance. How did they know what caused their health problems? 

Perhaps they intuitively knew the problem was linked to a certain part of their body. 

Information on the chakras and the chakra meanings found in ancient texts has been able to be substantiated by modern man using current equipment. 

Yet these 'primitive' people had none of this equipment.

Chakra Kit

How can this be explained? Perhaps they simply knew what action to take, intuitively.  

Maybe these people who lived so long ago were able to use their innate gifts to find the energy centers of the body.

The Indian vedic texts were the earliest known place where this information was recorded. 

These ancient healers began to associate various parts of the body with such things as their emotions, their physical state, and their spiritual being.

It was also in ancient times when people first began to associate particular natural crystals with healing. 

They worked out the location of various chakras and the chakra meanings.

And then intuited how to use various natural crystals for healing. Using this ancient information combined with our current knowledge we now know that the concept of chakras is actually true. 

Chakra Meanings: Where Are The Chakras Located?

There are seven major chakras between the base of the spine and the crown of the head and each governs specific bodily functions.

There are also chakras located below the feet and above the head. We also have now become aware of the thymus chakra also known as the higher heart chakra.

It is not one of the main seven chakras, but is located in the chest between the heart and throat chakras.

The first chakra is called the Root Chakra or the Base Chakra, and is located at the base of the spine. It governs survival, base instincts, the sex drive and physical life.

The 2nd chakra is called the Navel Chakra or the Sacral Chakra, and is located below the navel.

It governs the area of the sacrum which is the large bone of the pelvis between the hip bones. It is associated with your emotions, sensuality, intimacy, sexuality and creativity.

The 3rd chakra is called the Solar Plexus Chakra, and is named for the complex network of nerves in the stomach. It may also be called the Power Chakra, as it is the area governing personal power.

The 4th chakra is called the Heart Chakra, and is located in the center of the chest near the heart. It is associated with love, compassion, unconditional love and happiness.

The Thymic or Higher Heart Chakra is called the Thymus Chakra, and is located in the upper chest, just above and to the right of the heart chakra, between the heart and throat chakras.

This area is where intent originates, and the energy of this chakra connects the emotions of Divine love, compassion, truth and forgiveness with the area where language originates, encouraging you to speak from the heart.

The 5th chakra is called the Throat Chakra, and is located above the collar bone. It governs the area of the throat and the ears. It is associated with communication.

The 6th chakra is located in the forehead above the eyebrows. It governs the area of the pineal gland, and is called the Third Eye Chakra.

The pineal gland has been believed since ancient times to be where 'second sight' or psychic sight was located.

The 7th chakra is located at the crown of the head, right above the top of the head.

It is called the Crown Chakra and is associated with the pituitary gland, spirituality, intelligence and deep thought.

The chakra meanings for the chakras that are located below the feet and above the head, are not included in the chakras listed above, as they are not within the body.

The chakra below the feet is the earth chakra.

There are a number of transpersonal chakras above the head, and the eighth chakra just above the crown chakra is the soul star chakra.

The Grounding Chakra is called the Earth Star Chakra, and is located below the feet.

It governs the principle of ensuring that you are able to ground your excess energy into the earth.

The Eighth Chakra is located above the crown chakra, a hand width above the head and is called the Soul Star Chakra.

It governs the ability to link the conscious mind with the Higher Self or soul. It is associated with spirituality, enlightenment and ascension.

The Chakra Meanings: What Do Chakras Do?

All of the chakras above the heart are known to be beneficial to aid the development of psychic gifts, but the third eye chakra is predominantly the chakra for developing these abilities.

You may be aware that energy flows within the physical body.

But did you realize that the energy that flows within the etheric body will affect you not only physically, but also emotionally, mentally and spiritually?

The smaller minor points are called meridians and are the lines of energy flow used by acupuncturists. The chakra meanings for the heart chakra and those above, are often associated with your spiritual journey.

Within the human energy field there are thousands of minor chakras, but the chakra meanings for these are not included here. 

When we speak of the chakras it is usual to speak of the seven major chakras. If you have some imbalance in your system it may indicate that the chakra is not spinning properly. 

Chakra balancing may be needed to improve your health and bring the chakras back to a state of perfect balance.

Although you are born with your chakras in balance, it does not take long for life's experiences to cause a state of imbalance to occur.

These blocks in the energy flow within the human energy field may cause anything from minor illnesses or a sense of feeling not quite right, through to a major illness.

List Of Chakra Colors

See the list of the particular colors and sounds (vibrations) that are associated with each chakra.

For healing, you may use these specific colors or vibrations to heal each of the chakras. Healing crystals of those specific colors or vibrations will work on individual chakras.

The chakra colors are:

  • Earth Star Chakra: black and brown
  • Base or Root Chakra: red and black
  • Sacral or Navel Chakra: orange
  • Solar Plexus or Power Chakra: yellow
  • Heart Chakra: both green and pink
  • Thymus or Higher Heart Chakra: pink, green, turquoise, aqua and bright white.
  • Throat Chakra: blue
  • Third Eye Chakra: purple
  • Crown Chakra: violet and white
  • Soul Star or Eighth Chakra: bright white.

There are many stones scattered throughout the various chakras that will aid you with psychic protection.

While a good number of the protective stones are base or earth chakra stones many are not, and you can read about the most protective stones here.

This is very important for everyone to know about, but especially of interest if your are doing spiritual development or working in psychic employment.

Examples Of Chakra Stones For Each Chakra

Black TourmalineBlack Tourmaline - Earth Star Chakra Stone
RubyRuby - Base or Root Chakra Stone
CarnelianCarnelian - Sacral or Navel Chakra Stone
Yellow ApatiteYellow Apatite - Solar Plexus Or Power Chakra Stone
Rose QuartzRose Quartz - Heart Chakra Stone
DioptaseDioptase - Thymus or Higher Heart Chakra Stone
Blue Lace AgateBlue Lace Agate - Throat Chakra Stone
SodaliteSodalite - Third Eye Chakra Stone
Lilac LepidoliteLilac Lepidolite - Crown Chakra Stone
SeleniteSelenite - Soul Star Chakra Stone

How To Use Chakra Stones

Each chakra has an individual page with the particular crystals that pertain to that chakra listed so you can discover the specific chakra stones for that chakra.

There are various stones of other related colors, and mixed color stones that can be used as well.

Once you know the chakra meanings it may be easier to acquire the natural crystals of the chakra colors. 

Many high vibration stones, with strong crystal energy, will assist the area of the human energy field from the heart up.

These chakras are very closely associated with the spiritual area within the etheric body.

Chakra MeaningsChakra Meanings

Use these stones to help you to develop your psychic powers, including clairvoyant abilities, clairaudience, to find your spirit guide and to develop your intuition.

Using natural crystals of the two lowest chakras, the earth star and base chakras, can be of benefit, and these are important chakra stones.

The chakra meanings of the lower chakras are associated with grounding you.

This is valuable to know about as it is easy to get ungrounded when you work with high vibration stones and spiritual grounding is extremely valuable, definitely something to be aware of. 

Do you know the symptoms of being ungrounded?

Take action to balance your chakras

Sometimes it is your emotions that alert you to the fact that you are experiencing an imbalance, especially when you feel that familiar feeling in the pit of the stomach, or solar plexus.

Red SpinelRed Spinel

So you need to take action to bring your chakras back to perfect balance.

If you need to make changes in your life, it may be the feelings you experience in your chakras that can alert you.

To make a difference in the quality of your life, you would be wise to use the knowledge you have gained of the chakra meanings.

Crystal Books

The crystal books that are shown below are all very in-depth crystal reference books.

Many of the books have references to the chakras, as various stones have vibrations that stimulate specific chakras.

If you wish to read reviews of my favorite Crystal Books Click Here.

Have Chakra Meanings, Colors & Human Energy Field ExplainedHave Chakra Meanings, Colors & Human Energy Field Explained

Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.

Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing. 

Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.

Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.

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