➤ By Liz Oakes
Higher heart chakra stones stimulate the Spiritual heart chakra or etheric heart.
Using crystals that stimulate this area may assist the expansion of emotions such as love, compassion and forgiveness and may solve relationship issues.
Through boosting emotional healing and are known to help the expression of truthful authentic communication.
By using specific stones for this area you may stimulate the growth of a more compassionate ability to communicate.
Crystals for this chakra are also helpful to boost the health of the immune system which is related to the thymus gland.
This is why this chakra is also known as the thymic or thymus chakra.
While this chakra is sometimes called the seat of the soul, that term is more commonly used to refer to the soul star chakra, located above the crown chakra.
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Higher heart chakra stones are also well known for their action to boost Spiritual healing and growth as this area is the link between your emotions and your thinking.
They may also aid the healing of specific physical health issues related to this area.
This includes health issues such as influenza and problems in the thyroid gland above this chakra.
Before you work on any chakra, it is always beneficial for you to take action to clear stagnant energy, present within the auric field.
An excellent stone to do this is Green Kyanite, but any of the varieties of Kyanite will work.
Kyanite is a high vibration stone that never needs cleansing as it will not accumulate any negative energy.
You may use the green variety of Kyanite, or the Blue colored Kyanite, which is more easily available.
It does an excellent job for this purpose, so use that as an alternative, if you cannot get the Green.
Not only does Kyanite clear the chakras, but it will bridge any energy gaps that may have been created by accidents or trauma in the past, that have still not been healed.
Hold the stone at the heart chakra, as this is situated close to the center of the body.
The energy will flow both up to higher chakras, right up to the soul star chakra and up into the higher transpersonal chakras and down to the earth chakra, where it will ground any excess energy.
You may then begin working with the specific crystals for the higher heart chakra.
This is an area that responds well to the use of high vibration crystals, stones that embody a strong energy.
Their intense vibration is very powerful, to bring through Divine healing, within the higher heart.
All of the chakras from the heart chakra up to the crown chakra are stimulated by the intense vibration, common to many of these high vibration stones.
As the energy moves on up, it resonates strongly, moving to the first of the higher chakras above the crown chakra, to the chakra known as the soul star chakra, or seat of the soul, and then into transpersonal chakras.
These high energy stones are powerful to assist you are they work simultaneously on the higher heart chakra and all chakras above and including the heart chakra.
They aid overall your spiritual growth and healing, but are particularly powerful to aid the higher heart chakra.
You can learn more about the energy of the higher heart chakra here.
The number of stones for the higher heart chakra is extensive, so the list is fairly long. You will find the list including pictures of some of them at the bottom of this page
The colors of higher heart chakra stones are commonly magenta, pink, green, turquoise and aqua, although the brilliant, bright white stones also work well here.
These stones will assist in ones receptiveness to Divine love, forgiveness and the release of fear, and many are the deep pink crystals and the turquoise-green crystals.
One of the higher heart chakra stones that is very powerful to use here is a turquoise colored crystal called Dioptase, shown above.
The energy of Dioptase is about compassion and forgiveness, and these are important attributes to resonate within the higher heart chakra.
Any of the heart chakra stones will aid the thymic chakra to some degree, but not all of the heart chakra stones are specifically known to boost the action of this chakra.
Those recommended here are particular stones that will specifically resonate within the higher heart chakra and help to expand its action in your life and may aid emotional healing.
Use the higher heart chakra stones in a meditation with these specific crystals. This will help you to make a connection via this chakras energy.
Green Dioptase is one stone that is powerful to aid in this process, to help you to deal more fully with forgiving.
One of the important qualities that this chakra is responsible for is forgiveness. This is a powerful emotion, and one that many of you may find difficult to deal with.
Many of you have been holding onto negative energy, and have been unable to forgive others, and this may have been carried with you for many years.
By activating the thymus chakra, you may find that you are able
to release and let go of these feelings.
Another quite amazing and very useful stone for this chakra is Pink Tugtupite.
This pink stone will open both the heart chakra and the thymus chakra, both of the chakras that are associated with the heart.
The energy of Pink Tugtupite opens these chakras and encourages them to feel love totally and fully, in all its glory!
That includes both positive and negative feelings that are associated with the emotion of love.
In some of you, you may find this is not comfortable, as there may be a strong energy of grief and sorrow that may be brought to the surface.
While it may not be comfortable, these emotions can then be released and you may find that you are able to make amazing spiritual growth.
By the use of the specific higher heart chakra stones, such as pink Rose Quartz Crystals or Pink Morganite you may find you resonate with the energy of the Divine Feminine.
It is enormously helpful to your spiritual growth to bring the energy of the higher heart into play. In many of you this chakra has had very little activation.
The changes in the earths energy has altered that for many of you, as the vibration from the Divine spirit is now calling us to be more spiritual.
Many of the lovely deep pink and green stones that aid the heart chakra also resonate at this chakra as well.
As you link the thymus chakra with the higher chakras more fully, you will find that you begin to be more spiritual, and may find a definite change in the way that you view the world.
You may choose to activate your higher heart chakra and this will aid your body to be more easily activated by your thoughts, and may assist in the manifestation of your thoughts.
As you allow yourself to forgive those whom you feel have done you
wrong, or to whom you have done wrong, you will start on the path to
fully healing yourself.
You will find that quite a large number of the higher heart chakra stones discussed on this page have either had an individual in-depth page written about the stone
If not, perhaps they have an image with a short summary written about them on the A-Z pages to help you to locate it.
This may also help you to discover if I have covered any stone on its own in-depth page.
Higher Chakra Stones
Lower Chakra Stones
About The Chakras
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