Crystal and Stone Meanings

In The R Alpha Section

➤ By Liz Oakes

The stone meanings below are specifically related to crystals and stones in the alphabetic group R. You can read the meanings of individual stones in this alpha group. 

There is a photo grid below showing the crystals starting with R, which is the subject of this page. 

There are a large number of crystals in this specific section of the alphabet, and there are links in the name of any that have their own in-depth page.

Rubellite Red TourmalineRed Tourmaline also called Rubellite

If you want to learn more about a specific stone, look to see if the name of the stone is highlighted with a link. The name is written below the picture.

You may be helped to discover the many healing crystals for you to learn about in the R alpha section by checking the photos in the section below. is reader-supported. When you buy through links on my site, I may earn an affiliate commission. Click Here to learn more.

Meanings of Stones: R

To help you to find various stone meanings more quickly you will see some words or names highlighted. You can simply click on the link to go to the page related to the picture. 

Rainbow CalciteRainbow Calcite
Rainbow MayaniteRainbow Mayanite

This means that you can go to a full article about the specific healing stone. 

You simply click on the link, and this will take you to the specific page for that crystal.

Red SpinelRed Spinel
Red Tigers EyeRed Tigers Eye

There are quite a few beautiful red stones on this page, which have a strong energy to stimulate the lowest bodily chakra, the base chakra.

The red crystals have an excellent vibration to assist your overall energy levels.

They also enhance your ability to achieve the talents and skills that you have within you waiting to be birthed so are powerful stones to utilize.

Rhodolite GarnetRhodolite Garnet

If a crystal or stone does not have its own in-depth page, you'll find a brief rundown on the stone properties, below the photo grid to help you to understand how to use the stone.

Ruby In FuchsiteRuby In Fuchsite
Ruby And Kyanite sq175Ruby In Kyanite

Want to know about the chakras? If you would like a quick method to discover which chakra each stone works best within there is a chart below.

To make it easy they are listed below the metaphysical properties and healing attributes of the stones covered here, at the bottom of this page.

Video About Rose Quartz: The Foremost Love Stone

The Stone Meanings: R

Rainbow Calcite

Rainbow CalciteRainbow Calcite

Rainbow Calcite is a name that applies to any color of Calcite that has a rainbow within it.

Although it may be easier to see the rainbows within the clear optical calcite, you may find them in other colors, so look to see if you have any rainbows in your pieces of Calcite crystals.

The stone meanings of the crystal that they are in applies first, and as well the Rainbow Calcite stones have particular qualities that relate to the presence of a rainbow within them.

The rainbow is a gift from spirit, from the guardian of that crystal to you. These rainbows bring harmony into your life, and help you to release negativity.

You may use them at all chakras to heal you, to open, cleanse and release any discordant energy that may be present.

They bring a loving gift from spirit that is visible each time you look at the rainbow within the crystal.

Rainbow Mayanite

Rainbow MayaniteRainbow Mayanite

Rainbow Mayanite is a type of quartz that looks quite unusual, similar to Golden Healer quartz but with more color in it.

The vibration of these crystals is quite unusual and very powerful.

The stone meanings of these stunning crystals relates to how they help you to work to release old patterning you have been retaining.

This can include releasing and clearing past life issues, as well as stuff absorbed during your current lifetime.

The energy of this crystal helps you to attract healing guides and the angels, whose assistance is powerful to aid you to use its energy wisely.

Rainbow Quartz

Rainbow Quartz is a one of the quartz configurations. There is more information on specific quartz configurations in the article on quartz configurations and their makeup.


Realgar crystals are very beautiful, but you need to take great care if you decide to use them, as they are an arsenic sulfide stone, which means they are poisonous.

Please do not ever use them to make elixirs and wash your hands carefully after touching them.

RealgarRealgar & Quartz

The stone meanings of these beautiful crystals relate to their strong energy within the lower chakras.

They may stimulate your sexuality, and they are known to open and align the solar plexus chakra.

Realgar may enhance the intellect and stimulate analytical thinking and may help you if you are studying.

These stones are sensitive to air and will break down easily, which means they need to put away carefully after use.

Red Calcite

Red Calcite CrystalRed Calcite

Red Calcite comes in a few different shades of red, including orange-red with transparent areas in the stone.

The stone meanings of all colors in this group relate to how they will uplift you emotionally.

While all are strong base chakra stones, others may also resonate within the sacral chakra as well.

Red calcite will help to make a connection to the heart chakra, and their vibration may help to gently energize you.

Their healing properties pertain to how they can help menstrual problems and other female related issues, as well as regulating hormones, aiding the kidneys and pancreas and assisting the healing of broken bones.

Red Spinel

Red SpinelRed Spinel

Red Spinel connects the base and heart chakra, and this helps you to feel more tolerant of others who may not think in ways that are in alignment with your ideas and ideals.

This crystal is good for helping to create a more loving personal relationship, both physically and emotionally. Red Spinel has stone meanings that tell us it will aid you to feel better physically.

It is a strong base chakra stone that will align the base chakra and help one to feel stronger physically. 

It helps you if you are are fearful, or are feeling depressed or anxious. Using this red stone is one of the methods to help stress.

Red Tigers Eye also called Ox Eye

Red Tigers EyeRed Tigers Eye also called Ox Eye

Red Tigers Eye is also known as Ox Eye. It may be produced by heating the golden brown crystals, which creates new and different metaphysical properties.

Its stone meanings are similar in many respects to Golden Tigers Eye stone.

This is a useful crystal to wear on you, to boost your personal power and they have a good energy to enhance your creativity.

If you are a women who works in a male dominated workplace, this is a strong stone for you to use to help you to get ahead, without giving up your femininity.

If you are working with anyone who displays inappropriate or sexist behavior, including using sexually explicit language, it may be helpful to place one or more of these stones on your desk, as their vibration may help.

They also has good properties to help to calm angry people, but remember to cleanse them regularly under running water.

Rhodolite Garnet

Rhodolite GarnetRhodolite Garnet

Rhodolite Garnet will work on the combined energies of the base chakra, heart and crown chakras.

It will activate your ability to make connection to your guides and also allow you to manifest your heart's desires.

Their stone meanings relate to these being crystals that will help to heal emotional problems, including feelings of shame or guilt.

Through the use of this stone you may allow yourself to receive an abundance of love, and they may help to elevate feelings of worthiness and adequacy.

Ruby in Fuchsite

Ruby FuchsiteRuby in Fuchsite

Ruby in Fuchsite is a combination of two quite lovely stones, Red Ruby and Green Fuchsite, and both have a strong heart based energy.

These are lovely stones to aid healing, and they may assist both physical and emotional healing. They have a number of useful stone meanings, and they will help a number of health issues.

This includes aiding the immune system and infections, as well as helping the body to heal from spinal column and repetitive strain injuries.

The green Fuchsite in this stone makes it a good stone to aid contact with elemental beings.

The combination with the Ruby Stone makes this a highly energetically positive stone, that stimulates motivation and the desire to succeed.

Its vibration is also helpful to stimulate your interest in life when you are feeling lethargic and lack inspiration.

Ruby In Kyanite

Ruby In KyaniteRuby In Kyanite

Ruby In Kyanite is a powerful high vibration stone, and an excellent combination of minerals. This is because the Kyanite in the stone stops the Ruby section from absorbing negative energy.

You may benefit from reading the articles on Blue Kyanite and Ruby Stone.

The stone meanings of each component in the mixture, will allow you to gain greater clarity on the metaphysical properties of this crystal.

It is a lovely stone to use for meditation, and it may assist you to enter the astral plane and to make a connection with your spirit guides once you are there.

Its energy may aid your thinking to be more organized and it  is an asset to aid manifestation.

This combination is good to enhance lucid dreaming, and it may assist you to remember your dreams more easily if you have it close to your third eye while you are asleep.

It has an excellent healing action particularly helping the throat and heart areas, and its energy works within the heart to assist you to deal with grief.


Black Rutile EggBlack Rutile Egg

Rutile is a quite extraordinary stone that acts like an antennae to the Divine mind.

It works within all chakras and aids you to tune into others and understand their intentions.

It has strong amplification qualities, and so is powerful to magnify the other qualities of stones that it is included within.

Although most people are familiar with Golden Rutile as Golden Rutilated Quartz is popular, it may also be found in other colors, including reddish brown, red and black.

This is a useful stone to aid you to overcome writers block as it helps to amplify your creative gifts.

Golden and Black RutileBlack & Golden Rutile

When Rutile of any color occurs as an inclusion in quartz, it is called Rutilated Quartz. Note: when the threads of rutile are within clear quartz, that creates a stone with an amazing vibration!

Specific Chakras - List Of Chakra Stones: Alpha Group R

Soul Star Chakra: Rainbow Mayanite, Rainbow Calcite, Rutilated Quartz, Rutile

Crown Chakra: Rainbow Calcite, Rainbow Mayanite, Rainbow Moonstone, Rhodizite, Rutilated Quartz, Rutile

Third Eye Chakra: Rainbow Calcite, Rainbow Mayanite, Rainbow Moonstone, Ruby In Kyanite, Rhodizite, Rutilated Quartz, Rutile

Throat Chakra: Rainbow Calcite, Rainbow Mayanite, Rainbow Quartz, Ruby In Kyanite, Rutilated Quartz, Rutile

Higher Heart Chakra: Rainbow Calcite, Rainbow Mayanite, Rhodonite, Rose Quartz Crystal, Rutilated Quartz, Rutile

Heart Chakra: Rainbow Calcite, Rainbow Mayanite, Rainforest Jasper, Red Calcite, Red Spinel, Rhodochrosite, Rhodonite, Rosasite, Rose Quartz Crystal, Red Tourmaline, Ruby In Fuchsite, Ruby In Kyanite, Ruby Stone, Rutilated Quartz, Rutile

Solar Plexus Chakra: Rainbow Calcite, Rainbow Mayanite, Rainforest Jasper, Realgar, Red Tigers Eye, Rhodizite, Rhodochrosite, Rhodonite, Rutilated Quartz, Rutile

Sacral Chakra: Rainbow Calcite, Rainbow Mayanite, Realgar, Red Aventurine, Red Calcite, Red Jasper, Red Tigers Eye, Red Tourmaline, Ruby Stone, Rutilated Quartz, Rutile

Base Chakra: Rainbow Calcite, Rainbow Mayanite, Realgar, Red Aventurine, Red Calcite, Red Jasper, Red Spinel, Rhodochrosite, Rhodolite Garnet, Rhodonite, Red Tourmaline, Ruby In Kyanite, Ruby Stone, Rutilated Quartz, Rutile

Earth Chakra: Rainbow Calcite, Rainbow Mayanite, Red Jasper, Rutilated Quartz, Rutile

Looking for information about a specific crystal?

To See The A-Z of Crystals Minerals and Stones Click Here

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