My Favorite Gems

by Julie Herbert
(Northamptonshire UK)

Hello all Gem and Crystal lovers! Over many years I have been collecting stones wherever I go, in shops, markets, or even straight from the earth! Sometimes I buy on-line jewelry if it jumps up at me as the stones choose me.

My knowledge is minimal although I have marveled over them since a child, have read and researched all my life, every day there is more to learn and new discoveries are uncovered.

I love my large collection of gems and crystals, that I keep well protected from the elements natural and otherwise and drool over them ever so often. With more age I fine there is more time on my hands to enjoy my luxury's at my leisure.

I always have some Amethyst around nearby for positive energy, concentration and security at work and study. In my lounge there a several around my music station, though I am not totally sure why but I think it refines the output from the speakers some how and strengthens my aura? or sphere.

There is large pink Quartz in my bedroom giving healing and comforting love while bringing my Guardian Angels nearer in my dreams. Wearing pink Quartz near my heart brings this comfort during the day when I need it. There was a long time in my life where I was very ill and then I just went to my collection and picked various stones as needed to help my recovery.

Moonstone is a favorite that constantly amazes my eyes as the light from within brings different hues of blue, pink, silver and gold with a mist of mystery. There is a flat oval sparkly olive green worry stone with ruby entwined, the name escapes me, but it greatly reduces my stress.

My most loved at the moment is Labradorite. When I put this on it protects me in many ways both consciously and spiritually, making me feel safe, strong, confident and up-lifted. I step out of my home with my armor on to meet what life brings that day. Until today I did not realize how much gems and crystals live beside me. Oh I nearly forgot my black Galvic Stones used in my massage therapy.

Sorry for the spelling mistakes folks, I hope you find your path filled with the gems and crystals you need. Just follow your instincts and they will come to you as they did for me.

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