My Story With Blood Amber

by Jose
(Long Beach, Ca. USA)

My friend tossed a red ball at me. It was Blood Amber he told me later on. I held it in my left hand and looked into it and was taken back to 3 past lifetimes. 2 times I had already experienced. The 3rd one took me back to caveman era.

I at age 7, snuck out of cave to "be a man", help the men catch fish for all in the cave. As I arrived where they were fishing,, I yelled "I am here! I can help". They were knee deep in the stream catching fish by hand.

They looked up at me in horror and ran away. I wondered what that was all about!! I got taken out by what seemed to be a huge bear with huge fangs.

I died, thinking I could not trust those close to me! I've since worked on my trust issues. Life is a bit better now in that regard. All this occurred within minutes, although it seemed like hours to me.

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