Clear Quartz Crystal

Emits Clear White Spiritual Light

➤ By Liz Oakes

Clear quartz crystal has a high vibration and emits white light to help to create a stronger Spiritual connection.

These stones embody the White Ray and resonate clear white spiritual light and stimulate all of the chakras of the body. 

They have a powerful positive energy and excellent metaphysical properties and are one of the easiest crystals to program.

Clear Quartz CrystalIsis Formation: Clear Quartz Crystal

They are easy to obtain as they come from many areas so are quite common stones.

Although quartz occurs in every color of the rainbow, the clear crystal has a special energy that makes it a desirable stone to add to your crystal collection. 

Their powerful energy is why they are utilized in industry and are used to make silicon chips for computers and radios and other man made devices. is reader-supported. When you buy thru links on my site I may earn affiliate commissions. Click Here to learn more.

Why Would You Use Clear Quartz Crystal?

Why would you use Clear Quartz? This beautiful crystal brings clarity to your communication and will amplify your thoughts and may assist you by stimulating clearer thinking.

It resonates strongly within the crown chakra and the eighth chakra commonly known as the soul star chakra, as well as within the higher transpersonal chakras.

Clear Quartz Crystal Cathedral FormationClear Quartz Crystal Cathedral Formation

It has a powerful energy to use in meditation and this is the most helpful way to use it as it can enhance contact with your guides and Spirit teachers when visiting the higher spiritual planes.

The crown chakra connects you up to the soul star chakra, which is situated in the etheric body above the head.

These crystals have a strong resonance, which is why they are commonly used by healers as part of crystal healing.

Buy Clear Quartz at Exquisite Crystals, who sell high quality crystals

It's vibration brings clarity to your communication and will amplify your thoughts and may assist you by stimulating clearer thinking.

They have a positive effect on all chakras, and they help to protect the aura and expand the human energy field.

Although these stones are usually thought of as one of the chakra stones for the higher chakras, they will aid all chakras.

Metaphysical Properties Of Clear Quartz

The beautiful clear white light of the white ray is your connection to the Divine Mind and this clear crystal is powerful to assist your thinking and encourage clarity of mind.

They are beneficial crystals for imagination that stimulative imaginative, innovative ways of thinking, and this may assist you to come up with some unique new ideas about projects that you are working on.

Clear Quartz Crystal ClusterClear Quartz Crystal Cluster

This aspect of its energy is why they are known as crystals for magic. It was why in ancient times it was thought to gift users with magical powers.

It is a deep soul cleanser, and is an excellent stone for healers to use for energy work as it enhances the flow of higher guidance during meditation.

This crystal has a number of strong metaphysical properties, and even though these crystals may be quite common, many have a very high vibration.

Both clear and white are the colors for the soul star chakra, also known as the eighth chakra, and they have a strong resonance at the highest chakras. 

Clear QuartzClear Quartz Crystal - Unique Burr Formation

Using a Clear Quartz Crystal will assist the higher chakras to emanate white light and may boost your connection to spirit.

These crystals also create a powerful resonance within both the third eye chakra as well as the crown chakra, which is the highest chakra in the physical body. 

Crystals To Prevent Negative Thinking

Clear Quartz is known as the master healer and has excellent crystal properties to aid the body to heal.

They are some of the best crystals to prevent negative thinking and are powerful to use to help to clear negative energies from your body.

There are a number of ways that they are known to assist healing and they are powerful healers to use to aid a number of health problems.

Clear Quartz Crystals in a ClusterClear Quartz Crystals in a Cluster

They are a powerful healing stone, and like most clear crystals, resonate strongly within the crown chakra.

They are strong crystals for relieving pain and may assist migraine headaches and help to remove negative energy.

They may aid emotional health and are said to help motion sickness, and are known to be beneficial stones to aid immune system problems.

Wearing Clear Quartz Crystals

I was fortunate enough to have found this absolutely gorgeous clear rock crystal pendant.

The beautiful clear quartz that this pendant is made from came from the Flinders Ranges in Australia.

It was created by the talented designer from Entia Jewellery in Australia and is both beautiful to look at and has a high vibration.

Clear Quartz Crystal NecklaceClear Rock Crystal Necklace

It is generally reasonably easy to get this stone made into jewelry, and is sometimes sold as rock crystal jewelry.

Necklaces and pendants made using Clear Quartz Crystals like the one shown here, is a perfect jewel to use to aid your personal healing. 

Wear Programmed Clear Quartz Crystal

Using one of these lovely clear crystals is very helpful, as they will aid you to reach the higher spiritual realms more easily.

As quartz is quite easily programmable you can program positive affirmations into the stones.

This can be very helpful to aid you in many different ways, depending on how you program it. Wear it on your body while doing a crystal meditation.

I have often worn a clear quartz crystal pendant to my meditation group, as it is an easy way to take a programmed crystal with you and to meditate with it on your body.

Manifestation Quartz PendantManifestation Quartz Pendant

These crystals resonate within all of the chakras, but particularly strongly within the higher chakras.

They are on the list of birthstones by month as they an April birthstone, and you should find it easy to buy birthstone jewelry made from this stone.

How To Program A Quartz Crystal Cluster

As clusters have so many points, each point will resonate out energy into the area where you have it.

They are excellent healing crystals for you to use to program and this can be done very easily.

So how do you program clear quartz crystal?

  • One way this can be done, is to use a positive affirmation to say what you want it to resonate. 
  • Using positive affirmations is a powerful way to harness the energy of these stones.
  • You may alternatively say a positive prayer while holding it.
  • This energy will resonate out to make a connection with the Divine Mind commonly known as Spirit.
  • For more information, see my article on how to program crystals, as it has in-depth details on programming crystals.

You can sit with any piece, regardless of the shape or size, and program it to send out a specific message into your home or office, such as peace and harmony.

If you have a health problem, aid your healing by programming your crystal so that it will send out healing energy all the time.

This will be very helpful to keep near you when you are feeling unhappy or stressed.

Double-terminated Clear Quartz CrystalsDouble-terminated Clear Quartz Crystals that have grown together

They can be programmed to aid weight loss and may help you if you have an illness that you have found hard to get over.

Using A Clear Quartz Crystal Wand

Clear Quartz wands are powerful healing tools. 

If you are a crystal healer you may already be using healing tools made from clear quartz including one of the powerful crystal wands.

Double terminated crystal wandDouble terminated clear quartz crystal wand

These wands may be natural crystal quartz or man-made. Many wands are natural double terminated crystals or can have crystal point on just one end.

Man made wands are fashioned from pieces of quartz and are similar in looks to the natural wands.

To learn more about how to use a crystal wand check out this page.

Where Is It Clear Quartz Found?

The clear variety of pure quartz crystal is the most well known of all the crystals, as it can be found on almost every continent in the world.

This includes in Brazil South America, Madagascar and the Arkansas region in the United States.

These areas noted above are the places that we find some of the finest specimens of these clear crystals, and many of these are the most beautiful stones that we associate with Clear Quartz Crystal.

Celtic Chevron QuartzCeltic Chevron Quartz

Beautiful high vibration crystals in this mineral family may be found in many areas of the world, and these stones embody the vibration of the area that they originate from.

So even if it has the word 'clear' in it's name, these crystals range from crystal clear stone through to milky or cloudy, almost opaque crystals.

What is known as clear quartz is commonly a transparent or translucent crystal, but may have other minerals included in a primarily clear quartz stone.

Many of these crystals are also a mix of clear and white quartz, which you will see in many of the stones shown throughout this entire site.

Clear Quartz CrystalClear Quartz Crystal

Some of these crystals are particularly lovely stones, with a high vibration and may be used for healing with quartz crystals.

Although clear quartz crystal is said to be clear, many have inclusions, but they are known by this name if they are uncolored.

Hyaline Quartz is the name for a piece of quartz that is completely transparent and totally free of inclusions of any sort. 

The word Hyaline comes the Greek word 'hyalinos' meaning transparent like glass

Very pieces of Clear Quartz have absolutely no inclusions in them so Hyaline crystal is quite rare. 

Clear Quartz Crystal Meaning & History

It may be called a universal crystal as it is one of the most common types of crystals and the most abundant mineral on the planet.

Its mineral makeup is silicon dioxide, and they are extremely common minerals with many powerful properties, so should be in everyone's crystal collection.

The word quartz comes from an ancient Anglo-Saxon word 'Quertz', and the name of these stones may be rock crystal, as they were called by this name in the middle ages.

People in ancient civilizations believed that it was a form of permanent ice and this was part of the creation myths of many cultures throughout the world.

Clear QuartzClear Quartz Cluster

Although it has the word 'clear' in their name, they range from crystal clear stone through to milky or cloudy, almost opaque crystals.

Also known as rock crystals, they have a very strong vibration and can occur in a variety of shapes and configurations.

Quartz Configurations or Formations

There are so many configurations that they are a separate subject, but they each have particular attributes.

They are used for specific purposes for which the specific structures are known.

Clear QuartzClear Quartz

Quartz comes in a variety of different formations and these formations have been given specific names so they can be recognized.

These lovely clear crystals occur in a number of different formations, in various hexagonal structures, which are potent tools to use for healing.

There are so many configurations that they are a separate subject, but they each have particular attributes.

They are used for specific purposes for which the specific structures are known.

Record Keeper Crystals

As I mentioned earlier there are a number of formations that these crystals come in. This crystal shown here is one such configuration.

This stone was the first big crystal that I bought, and when I received it, it was simply a lovely clear quartz and was not a Record Keeper crystal.

Record Keeper CrystalRecord Keeper Crystal

An interesting thing happened after I had been using it for meditation for about two years. Raised areas began to form, and it became a Record Keeper crystal.

It also has sunken areas, which I think of as chinks on the sides where the stone has gone in.

I did not know prior to this happening that crystals could change after they had left the earth, so don't be surprised if it happens to you, after you have used a stone for some time.

While record keeper crystals are not common, this particular crystal configuration is a powerful quartz formation, that is known to aid you to retrieve information that is recorded within your cellular structure.

This may be linked to specific past life messages that refer to your family lineage or your DNA.

Clear Quartz Crystal BallClear Quartz Crystal Ball

I have had amazing information come through to me while doing healing on myself, relating to my family line. This changing of clear quartz is not uncommon. 

So if you are drawn to any pieces of quartz crystals that seem quite ordinary when you see them, be prepared that if you use one constantly it may change, you never know!

Isis QuartzIsis Quartz

Most of them are of a similar hexagonal structure, and they may used for a variety of purposes.

This colorless quartz comes in a variety of different formations and these formations have been given specific names so they can be recognized.

Also in the same category are white quartz crystals, which have similar properties although most are an opaque crystal rather than clear.

These lovely clear crystals occur in a number of different formations, in various hexagonal structures, which are potent tools to use for healing.

How Will It Help You? Crystal Skulls

Clear Quartz Crystal is easy to buy. Through this you can make a stronger connection with beings in the higher realms and with your higher self.

It is common to use clear quartz crystals to carve into skulls, like this gorgeous Clear Quartz Crystal Skull of mine.

Sometimes they are made from quite clear crystal, but others are quite cloudy, although they often have patches within them where the stone is quite clear.

Doing a crystal skull meditation is a specific way that they can be used.

They enable you to make a stronger connection with the Divine mind, and this enables you to make extraordinary leaps in your spiritual growth.

Clear quartz can also kindle occurrences of coincidence or synchronicity in your day to day life, and it will amplify the vibration of other crystals it is used with.

There are many thoughts on why it is so, but when stone is carved into these shapes to make skulls made of crystal, you are enabled to make a one-on-one connection with the crystal being within the stone.

How To Use Clear Quartz Crystal

The use of crystals like these on a regular basis can be highly beneficial, and its action as an energy amplifier makes it a powerful asset to your healing stone collection.

As quartz generally has strong amplifying qualities, this is one of the reasons why it is so highly regarded. 

Double Terminated Clear QuartzDouble Terminated Clear Quartz with extra points

It works in a unique way, resonating strongly within the higher chakras, with a strong energy flow that stimulates the subtle bodies.

It is excellent to use regularly in meditation as it is a protective stone that will aid spiritual growth.

 Common Crystals With Wonderful Attributes

If you have angels cards or are a tarot card reader, you may choose to clear the energy of the area where you work with your cards.

This crystals resonates powerfully into the area where it is placed.

If you are a tarot reader, program it to remove negativity from a specific space, as this will be beneficial to assist you when you are doing tarot reading.

Faden Clear Quartz Crystal ClusterLarge Faden Quartz Cluster

They are beneficial when they are used as part of a inner child healing meditation and they may also aid the growth of your psychic abilities.

They are particularly helpful to aid you to develop clairvoyance, also known as psychic visions.

One of the more beneficial configurations you might own is a beautiful cluster with many points, as this is very helpful as each clear quartz point resonates its energy out into the surrounding area.

My Final Thoughts

My final thoughts: Clear Quartz Crystal is very common but has with some wonderful attributes.

These lovely stones are very easy to find, and have an excellent vibration and are the easiest crystals to program.

Program any quartz crystal rock with a positive affirmation and you may find that whatever you are working on may happen more quickly than you expected!

Clear Channeling QuartzClear Channeling Quartz

Quartz is also used to make silicon chips used in computers and other electrical equipment, due to its qualities.

Having a piece of this stone in the vicinity is powerful, as clear quartz crystals make a very strong connection with the higher realms. 

Although they may be found in a variety of shapes and different configurations, based around the hexagonal structure, it does not really matter which one of these shapes you choose.

Remember To Cleanse Your Crystals

Remember: your crystals do need regular cleansing, especially if you are using them in your environment to boost the energy where they are located.

The more they resonate the more they will collect negative energy within them and need cleansing.

Use one of the many methods for cleansing your crystals regularly.

Best Crystals To Use With Clear Quartz Crystal 

What are the best and most beneficial crystals or stones to use with Clear Quartz Crystal?

Here are a few stones you might want to combine these crystals with them, although really they can be used with any other crystal.

Use them with Green Dioptase, to bring new energy directly to cells that need it most, and enhance their function.

They are helpful used with Blue Apatite as this combination increases the level of insightful guidance that comes through.

Used with Merlinite or Chalcopyrite, they will help to boost its mystical attributes, and used with Zircon may help you to better achieve your specific purpose.

Their energy blends well with most other varieties of quartz crystals, including Spirit Quartz, Tourmalinated Quartz, Tangerine Quartz or Chlorite Quartz.

Clear quartz will combine well with any other member of the quartz family.

This includes some of the more well known crystals such as Rose Quartz, Smoky Quartz, Purple Amethyst or Rutilated Quartz.

These are high crystal energy stones, and are particularly helpful if you are working on your spiritual growth.

You may use Clear quartz crystals in combination with any other stones you want, and specifically with stones that you want to boost the energy of.

You may use them with any of the soul star chakra stones, such as  Phenacite, Danburite,  Datolite or White Selenite.

There are a number of high vibration stones that are also quartz crystals.

These will combine well with these clear crystals, including Star Hollandite Quartz, Herkimer Diamonds, Elestial Quartz and Nirvana Quartz.

Clear Quartz Crystal ClusterClear Quartz Crystal Cluster

More Pictures of Clear Quartz Crystal

Clear Quartz Crystal PropertiesClear Quartz Crystal Properties

Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.

Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing. 

Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.

Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.

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