Sonia Choquette Books

Explore Ways Of Developing Psychic Abilities 

Sonia Choquette has been writing books for a number of years and they are amongst my favorite books.

Many of them are on the subject of developing psychic ability, and about ways to discover what your own personal psychic communication gifts might be.

Read Reviews Of Sonia Choquette BooksRead Reviews Of Sonia Choquette Books

Sonia is a psychic herself, and so brings this personal experience into her writing. Some of her latest books are more about the meaning of spirituality and how to go about developing your personal spiritual connections. is reader-supported. When you buy through links on my site, I may earn an affiliate commission. Click to learn more.

About Sonia Choquette: Sonia Choquette Books

In the book reviews below there are a number of her newer books reviewed, combined with some of her older books.

Sonia's books cover topics that aid you to develop your psychic powers or gifts, as well as aiding you to begin communicating with spirit guides.

Others are more leaning towards wellness and spirituality. They help you to understand yourself, and aid you to improve the state of your health through your own unique spiritual beliefs.

Through this you may develop your own emotionally healthy spirituality, via your own belief system.

List Of Books Reviewed Below

  • Diary Of A Psychic
  • Ask Your Guides
  • Soul Lessons and Soul Purpose
  • Traveling At The Speed Of Love
  • The Psychic Pathway: A 12 Week Programme For Developing Your Psychic Gifts

Diary Of A Psychic

Diary Of A Psychic gives you a background on the life of Sonia Choquette and gives you an idea of who she is. It is a very interesting book as it allows you to see into how the life of a psychic develops.

Coming as she did from a Catholic background, you would have thought developing psychic abilities would be unlikely.

Yet the book tells us how her life unfolded from experiences that may be similar to ones that many of you have had happen to you.

There are many ways that these experiences may have affected her, yet they took her in the particular direction that led her to her life's mission, to help each of us to get our lives on track.

Sonia Choquette is not only a psychic but a writer and teacher who gives seminars on using the psychic gifts or powers that every one of us were born with.

Ask Your Guides

Ask Your Guides has quite in-depth information explaining the differences in the various types of angels and the Guardian Angels and of course the Archangels.

This is an excellent book to help you in many ways, not only assisting you with finding your spirit guide but also to help you as you begin making contact with angels and with the highest group of angels, the Archangels.

I have to say that the methods in this book that she explains are quite powerful to contact the Archangels and have them aid you when you feel that you need the help of the 'big boys'.

If ever you wondered the purpose of Archangels she tells you all about it in this book. I really enjoyed reading and using this book.

I also have and use the Ask Your Guides Oracle Cards, which I use regularly, when I feel that it may help me to get answers on issues, sometimes everyday!

Sonia Choquette provides lots of excellent information on how to work with your guides and on writing in a journal and recording your experiences of the contact with the Angelic realm.

Soul Lessons and Soul Purpose

Soul Lessons and Soul Purpose is a series of 22 lessons, and as Sonia says they are laid out in a way that is simple and direct.

This information is partly channeled from Spirit, so there is a part of each lesson that is the channeled information and part is where she gives you an examples of real life situations.

She explains that each of us are at different stages and these stages may vary, and may be different from lesson to lesson, depending on the subject.

At the beginning she explains that she provides 4 categories to choose between, and tells you how you know where you fit in, in each specific lesson. 

Then you are given instructions on how to proceed to use the information depending on which of the categories you fit into.

Sonia Choquette wrote this book as a simple manual that anyone at any level could use to aid your spiritual growth.

What I liked about the book, when I started to read it, was that you don't have to read the whole book in order, as each lesson stands alone.

So this allows you to pick it up and read a lesson and benefit from doing the exercise for the lesson.

Traveling At The Speed Of Love

Traveling At The Speed Of Love focuses on how you can find a better way to travel your life.

The author uses the analogy of traveling by plane and uses various comparisons to explain how each of us make mistakes in our way of thinking as we travel on this journey.

Sonia uses personal experiences and circumstances that have happened to her on her life journey to illustrate what can go wrong in life.

These illustrations relate mostly to your spiritual and psychic journey.

It helps you to work out how to let go of mistaken beliefs, so that you can improve your life. She talks about how you carry a lot of excess baggage that is not beneficial to your life, and the need to let go of some of it.

By releasing this baggage, and the fear that holding onto it encourages, you can then feel freer and less burdened as you move on with your life, and you can develop your own emotionally healthy spirituality.

Sonia Choquette provides in this book a practical guide that will aid you to reprogram your brain, and by doing so change your life for the better.

The Psychic Pathway: A 12 Week Programme

The Psychic Pathway: A 12 Week Programme For Developing Your Psychic Gifts. This is as the title says a program that you do over a period of 12 weeks.

The book is designed to be used for half an hour a day, except one day a week when you use your journal to chart your progress.

She asks you to begin writing in a journal all the strange unusual and bizarre things that may happen, as well as anything that you feel relates to what you are doing.

This way you can look back and understand your journey. Sonia has planned the book to take you through from the beginning, even if you have already done some development work.

This is to ensure you don't miss anything and that you acquire all the necessary tools, as she calls them, to enable psychic growth.

She has a lighthearted attitude to teaching the lessons she wants you to learn, so this is not just a totally serious approach, as she also wants it to be enjoyable.

She also gives you personal experiences along the way, and examples of clients and their psychic experiences.

Sonia Choquette has developed an excellent system to guide you through developing psychic gifts in an easily understood way.

Develop your personal spiritual connections

Sonia Choquette has also written a number of other books, as she has been writing and teaching for some years.

Although those above are my favorites, some of her other books can also be found on Amazon and at other booksellers. She has written a number of books on the subject of developing psychic ability.

As well you can take a look at her latest books which lean more towards helping you to understand the meaning of spirituality, and how to go about developing your personal spiritual connections.

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Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.

Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing. 

Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.

Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.

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