Aquamarine Crystal

Aids Courage & Communication

➤ By Liz Oakes

Aquamarine crystal heightens courage and assists you to release anger and reduce stress. It's energy aids clearer communication with the Divine source of all that is.

This crystals energy may encourage you to embrace change and may help you to make positive changes in your life.

They have strong powers that increase your ability to handle grief by granting you the courage to go on.


Their strong metaphysical properties help you to let go of old emotional issues you may be holding on to.

These beautiful stones are powerful to assist self healing and are useful healing crystals for you to use to help to relieve stress. 

Aquamarine are excellent crystals for emotional healing and their vibration will also aid you to reduce the tension around a specific issue. is reader-supported. When you buy thru links on my site I may earn affiliate commissions. Click Here to learn more.

Crystal Tip: They are a March birthstone and it is easy to buy beautifully polished pieces of these stones that are made into lovely gemstone jewelry.

Grants You Courage While Calming Your Emotions

Aquamarine stones are wonderful stones to aid calm reflection so wear to assist emotional balance and to aid emotional healing.

As they are excellent crystals for emotional healing, wear them in the area of your heart chakra to be most effective to aid emotional healing.

The flowing vibration of these crystals grants you courage, while calming your emotions and aiding you to live a better life.

They are now quite commonly available and this means that it is possible to buy lovely crystal jewelry made from these stones.

Raw AquamarineRaw Aquamarine

Whether you buy natural crystals or use heat treated stones, the vibration of these beautiful gemstones will benefit your overall communication abilities.

Keeping them close to your throat chakra and your thymus or higher heart chakra is helpful, and wearing piece on your body is the best way to use them.

Like most blue crystals, Aquamarine are strong crystals for clear communication, and they have a quite soothing energy.

When you need to boost your communication skills, especially when you are dealing with angry or negative people this might be a good time to use them.

Aquamarine Stone Benefits For Grief & Loss

The Aquamarine benefits are powerful when you are undergoing emotional distress after the loss of a loved one. 

This lovely pale blue-green Beryl is powerful to assist those who are going through the process of grief and loss.

Often grief is accompanied by anger, and the feeling of 'why me?' These crystals are a powerful aid at these times, to use for self healing.

The vibration of these beautiful gemstones will calm your grief, and dilute your feelings of anger.

Natural Aquamarine CrystalNatural Aquamarine Crystal

They are good crystals to aid emotional healing, and the main thing is to keep it within your aura for as long as possible during the day for best results.

The word 'aqua' means water, so when you consider its name, you are aware that it has a lot of the water element vibration within it.

This means these lovely rocks will have powers that assist you to better handle your emotions, and they are excellent to soothe grief.

Aquamarine Stone Benefits

There are a number of Aquamarine stone benefits as it is a powerful stone that embodies a number of powerful properties for healing. 

This applies whether you choose to wear precious stone jewelry or simply want to keep a stone in your pocket, as both will benefit you.

So whatever your choice is, keep the stone you are using close to you, so it can benefit you by resonating within your energy field as long as possible each day.

Aquamarine PendantAquamarine Pendant

This stone has benefits for both healers and anyone who just loves crystals and is using this blue rock for self healing. In this case you may want to think about the type of stone you wish to purchase.

Aquamarine is easy to buy, and natural pieces of this stone occurs as both green-blue stones and the pale blue gemstones you commonly see selling.

Jewelry made from these crystals comes in many lovely styles, including being mixed with other first-rate crystals, and are available at a variety of prices.

If you wish to wear Aquamarine jewelry, you may pay premium prices for top quality gemstones including faceted Aquamarine gemstones for everyday wear.

Why Would You Wear It?

You can see that these lovely stones make beautiful jewelry, but if you are unable to obtain some, simply use a piece of this crystal. 

The main thing to ensure that their powers will benefit you, is to place them close to the right area.

At night you may also like to put one under your pillow, so that it will aid you while you sleep.

Using either a rough crystal or a tumbled piece will have the same metaphysical properties and healing powers as gemstones, as their vibration has a potent action to help with healing.

Aquamarine Gemstone PendantAquamarine Gemstone Pendant, set in silver

To get maximum benefit from this stones unique vibration, either wear it on your body or hold one of the Aquamarine stones in your hand.

Having one of these crystals somewhere within your energy field or aura is valuable. This applies to any stone you use for meditation.

If buying crystal jewelry is out of your price range, keep a piece of this stone on your body, either in a fabric bag or in a macramé crystal holder.

It is easy to buy a macrame crystal holder, and if you get one with a bead on top it is simple to change the stone if you wish, and this keeps your stone safe from being lost.

Benefits Of Aquamarine: Use In Meditation

One of the main ways that this stone can help you is to use it for meditation and there are many benefits of meditation, as mentioned above.

If there is a specific attribute of these crystals that you know you need, keep this in your mind as you go deeper into relaxed inner awareness.


For those of you who need courage during difficult times, these crystals have a gentle energy that encourages feelings of unconditional love.

If you need help to soothe and calm yourself emotionally during periods of deep grief or loss, doing the following meditation may improve how you feel.

Using Aquamarine In Meditation

The best way to use Aquamarine stones is to meditate with them, and it is also an excellent way to enhance spiritual awareness and to also relax yourself. 

As you go deeper into the relaxed meditative state, keep in mind the qualities that you would like to integrate, that this stones energy may accentuate.

There are a number of different ways that they can benefit your daily life.

Aquamarine Meanings Properties Powers & Uses

They are an excellent stone to use to travel in the spiritual realm and this may boost spiritual growth, mental clarity and inner strength.

Aquamarine may help you to find your spirit guide and to connect with your higher self and your guardian angels.

Their energy may also help you when you are developing psychic abilities or gifts.

Meditation with this lovely crystal can begin by you seeing yourself standing before a pool of clear aquamarine water.

You may find that negative emotions come into your mind at this point, for clearing, and this is okay, especially if you know you have have been feeling them for some time.

Allow any of these hurtful emotions  that are now being brought into your mind to release into the water.

As they float away, you feel the water purifying you. Allow yourself to let go of any disharmony that you have been experiencing.

This is an excellent way to aid stress and anxiety, as well as grief and loss and will also help your health to improve overall.

Aquamarine Facts: Wearing Aquamarine Stones

The pendant pictured below has this crystal used along with Pink Morganite and Blue Topaz. 

This Aquamarine necklace is a beautiful piece of jewelry, that is a pleasure to wear. Morganite is another beryl variety that has a deep heart based vibration. 

One of the Aquamarine facts for you to consider, if you are thinking about using this crystal, is about the blue-green colors of the stone.

The color of Aquamarine stones is a mixture of both blue and green, which makes it a stone for the heart chakra, the higher heart chakra and the throat chakra.

Aquamarine NecklaceBlue Topaz, Morganite and Aquamarine Necklace

You will find Aquamarine stones included on the list of birthstones by month.

The Gemological Institute of America has chosen them as the traditional birthstone for the month of March, but it is energetically also a February and October birthstone.

This is an advantage when shopping for jewellery, as you should easily be able to purchase either a pendant or an Aquamarine ring.

Delightful gemstones made from this stone are available and pieces with a vitreous luster and high clarity are popular with jewelry makers.

Beautiful emerald cut pieces are made into stunning rings. Keeping them on the body is especially valuable when you are working on integrating any of its specific healing qualities.

Aquamarine Birthstones

It is also one of the birthstones for the zodiac, and it is quite popular as it is known to help those born under a number of astrological signs.

Even though it is a blue stone, the green within Aquamarine stones makes them a stone for both the heart chakra and the throat chakra.

The color of Aquamarine stones is a mixture of both blue and green. So these throat chakra stones as well as crystals for the heart chakra and the higher heart chakra.

Wearing one of these blue-green crystals as either a pendant or earrings, keeps it in the general area. 

This is a good spot to place any heart chakra or throat chakra stones, for maximum vibrational effect.

It is a well-known Aries, Pisces and Gemini birthstone. So you can imagine that this gemstone is popular, and is often available in various qualities at a price to suit most people.

Aquamarine Properties For Healing

There are a number of good healing properties of Aquamarine, and they are an advantageous healing crystal to stimulate your energy center.

They can be used by crystal healers to enhance overall good health and bring positive change as well as assisting the healing of various problems.

They are known to be a cooling stones that will help to block infections, and are beneficial healing stones to assist sore throats, laryngitis, swollen glands and hay fever and may boost the health of the immune system.

Aquamarine TumblestoneAquamarine Tumblestone

As mentioned above they have a good energy to assist emotional healing but their primary role is to aid physical healing.

They are reported to assist inflammation and are known to aid skin issues such as eczema, hives and psoriasis, and may also assist herpes and allergy related problems.  

They are said to be helpful to improve the vision, may aid panic attacks and are purported to help the teeth and the overall bone structure. 

They have numerous healing benefits so are worth persevering with. If you are using it for healing and are most interested in its physical healing properties the smaller stones will work well.

It is easy to buy Aquamarine jewelry, and this is an easy way to keep it on your body. 

But another method is to put them in a small cloth bag in your pocket (to make sure you don't lose them).

 Why Would You Use It? 

As they are higher heart chakra stones, the energy of this lovely crystal is very powerful to assist you to release old issues related to this area.

A benefit of using this crystal is that it aids you to let go of emotional issues from your past that you have been holding on to.

Buy Aquamarine at Exquisite Crystals, my most reliable crystal seller


They are a stone of courage that may assist you to let go of problems that have been with you for some time and that you have been unable to let go of.

They may help you if you are inclined to be over critical or to judge others too easily, and their energy may assist you to be more accepting and tolerant of others at these times.

Aquamarine Meaning

Ancient lore says that the name Aquamarine is related to them being used by mermaids to keep sailors safe at sea. These old tales make it hard to know the Aquamarine crystal meaning for sure!

Natural AquamarineNatural Aquamarine

If you are interested in the Aquamarine stone meaning, be aware that this crystal's name has been in use for a very long time.

The meaning of Aquamarine relates to the two parts of the name. The meaning of aqua relates to the latin word meaning 'water' and marina is the latin for 'of the sea'.

The word Aquamarine originated in ancient times and derives from these two Latin words, meaning 'water of the sea' when you combine the two parts.

Where Is It From? 

These rocks are easy to obtain, with the largest amount of natural Aquamarine crystal coming from Brazil.

Suppliers of this stone also acquire them from Burma, Mexico, Ireland, India, Sri Lanka, Kenya, Zimbabwe, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Russia, Australia and the United States.

As a healer it is always an advantage to use the natural crystals for healing if you can, and this also applies to you if you are using them for self healing.

It is easy to buy Aquamarine, including natural or raw pieces of this crystal.

This may be helpful as the healing qualities of the natural stones may be superior.

The most common form of this rock that you'll find selling are the natural or raw specimens. You can also get tumbled stones and lovely polished crystals as well.

Color Of Aquamarine

It is possible to get milky aquamarine gemstones, and both the clearer stones and opaque crystals are very popular.

They are particularly prized as they make beautiful fine quality jewelry. 

The color of aquamarine ranges from a light blue-green color through to a deep blue, which is less common.

Their color relates to various minerals included in the Beryl stone, and the blue color is a great stone that is very popular as it has a good vibration within the throat.

It is easy to obtain natural crystals and even the large sizes will be less expensive than cut gems.

Stones that have the a greater amount of iron included will be a more green color, as the iron causes yellow to mix with the blue shade within the stones.

As the blue tones are popular, sellers are known to manipulate their color using heat treatment.

Many of these greenish blue colored gemstones are heat treated to remove the yellow color and accentuate the blue hues.

It is easy to buy beautiful raw or natural Aquamarine pieces.

My Final Thoughts

My Final Thoughts: Aquamarine embodies powerful metaphysical properties and powers and they have a strong vibration that supports communication and brings good luck.

They are beneficial healing crystals to help stress, anxiety and tension, and are powerful throat chakra stones that will enhance communication with the Goddess.

Their energy helps to improve your overall spiritual communication, which may change your life for the better.

Raw Aquamarine RockRaw Aquamarine Rock

In summary: these blue crystals emit a flowing, soothing, compassionate energy yet strangely some people find this an uncomfortable stone to work with.

If you pick it up and it makes you feel uneasy or tense, you could choose to use it for shorter periods until you adapt to it.

In that case do it gradually, as using them for a little while each day is a good idea to encourage the growth of inner peace and serenity.

Did You Know Aquamarine Is Blue Beryl?

Aquamarine stones are a member of the beryl family and most of the stones are in the color range from pale blue to medium blue, with only a few bluish green stones.

Some of the most popular stones for metaphysical purposes are a variety of Beryl and they are popular crystals for feng shui.

They are highly favored both due to their healing attributes and because they make lovely crystal gemstones, that are made into jewelry.

Other Crystals That Are Beryls

Natural Raw AquamarineNatural Raw Aquamarine

The Beryl group of crystals includes this blue stone as well as other colors of stone in this group.

Bixbite is the rare raspberry red variety of beryl, and Morganite crystals are pink, purple-pink or peach.

Emerald stones are green, Heliodor is yellow to yellow-green, and the colorless Beryl is Goshenite, also known as White Beryl.

All members of the Beryl family combine well, and can be used together, see pictures below.

The lovely pink Morganite crystals blend well with most other varieties of Beryl, and they may help to enhance love and compassion.

Use Aquamarine with Emeralds which are the lovely green Beryl to boost the level of love in your life.

You may also like to combine these blue stones with Bixbite the dark reddish pink stone, Heliodor the bright yellow Beryl and Goshenite, also called White Beryl.

Best Crystals To Use With Aquamarine

Wondering what are the best crystals to use with Aquamarine? There are a few combination of stones below that work well when used with them.

To ensure that the good energy of your Aquamarine gemstones continue, after you have been using them, make sure that you cleanse them on a regular basis.

Use it with Stellerite to aid you to handle negative emotions you may be feeling, or with Aqua Aura Quartz or Montebrasite to enhance the truthfulness of your communication.

You may choose to blend it with Moldavite, as this combination energizes Aquamarine, and the Aquamarine soothes the high energy of Moldavite.

They are strong stones to aid communication on a day to day basis, so you may like to combine this stone with other blue throat chakra stones.

Choose blue crystals such as Blue Aragonite, Amazonite, Sodalite or Ajoite for the most powerful results.

Other throat chakra stones that are not blue, that this stone will combine well with includes Kornerupine, Larvikite, Septaria or Thulite.

Using Aquamarine crystals is known to enhance the gift of intuition, so use it if you are working on your intuitive gifts.

If you wish to obtain psychic employment, where communicating psychically may be required, combine this lovely stone with crystals that may help you with developing your other psychic gifts.

Labradorite, Lavender Purple Iolite, Dumortierite and Blue Apatite are all psychic crystals.

For improved communication with the Goddess, you may like to use it with other stones that have a good energy to connect with the Divine Feminine.

Specific stones you may choose to use includes Rainbow Moonstone, Boli Stone, Larimar, Morganite or Lemurian Jade.

Lemurian JadeShadow Lemurian Jade

If you are having problems handling feelings of grief, you may wish to combine this crystal with other stones that have a good energy to help grief.

This includes stones such as Apache Tears, Strombolite also known as Spurrite, Blue Cavansite or Pink Tugtupite.

It is always useful to experiment with mixing different crystals to together, as the resulting energies are often more powerful than a particular stone used on its own.

Aquamarine Meaning Properties & PowersAquamarine Meaning Properties & Powers

Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.

Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing. 

Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.

Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.

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