
Aids Truthful Communication, Boosts Psychic Abilities

➤ By Liz Oakes

Turquoise crystals have a strong energy of spiritual attunement and are very effective to aid communication.

The natural energy of these crystals will help you to communicate with truth.

They help to balance your male and female aspects, and have impressive metaphysical properties.

TurquoiseNatural Turquoise Stone

They are powerful healing stones that will filter the fifth element ether into the etheric body.

You will probably have heard of these stones as they are very popular as they have been in use for thousands of years.

This stone's energy will work on the metaphysical level in a diverse range of ways within different chakras and may encourage the birth of psychic abilities.

These aqua or greenish blue stones have been in use for thousands of years, and are some of the oldest stones to be made into jewelry.

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Impressive Metaphysical Properties Of Turquoise

Turquoise crystals have a strong effect within the throat chakra, and they may aid you to manifest clairaudient and clairvoyant abilities and improve communication.

The distinct vibration of these stones resonates within the throat and third eye chakras, allow you to access past life knowledge. 

This may be helpful if you are aiming to work in psychic employment.

Within your day to day physical life they may enhance your effectiveness to communicate what comes through from spirit.


Turquoise stones have impressive metaphysical properties, that encourage empathy, but this will not hold you back from being able to speak with forthrightness when required.

The energy of these stones will assist you to feel calm and relaxed when speaking in public.

Their strong compassionate vibration resonates out, and effects all areas of the body, and may be helpful to harmonize your male and female aspects.

Yet this beautiful blue stone always carries a strong ability to aid you to live your life with integrity and truth.

A Stone of Truth and Compassion

It will also help you to forgive others who do not act compassionately towards you. This stone has a unique vibration that resonates with the energy of truth.

The effect of this unusual energy within the throat chakra, will help you to speak with truth, wisdom and forthrightness.

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They are good crystals for communication and may help you if you are a shy person by improving your interaction with other people.

Turquoise stones help you by assisting you to contribute more to conversations, and to be aware when what you have to say has value and validity.

The energy of this stone vibrates strongly within the higher heart chakra, which will aid you to be more compassionate.

Spirituality: Turquoise Spiritual Meaning

The spiritual meaning of Turquoise has been known about throughout the ages. It is a highly protective stone that was also used to make protective amulets.

Their strong spiritual healing action will be particularly powerful if you use them at the throat chakra.

This may enhance your ability to become aware of vows made during past lives, and to release them if appropriate.

TurquoiseGenuine Natural Australian Turquoise Stone

This stone resonates within the third eye which allows you to have a deeper awareness of the flow from life to life, and brings clarity to the way you think.

It may boost your spirituality, as it aids you to ultimately discover what your purpose is for being here at this time.

They are very effective healing crystals for you to use to aid communication, and are powerful stones for communicating psychically.

This may allow you to access past life knowledge. Along with this you may find that you also have a stronger ability to communicate in many ways.

Clear Thinking and Spiritual Attunement

It is a strengthening stone that aids you to relax into your meditation knowing you are protected from any negativity. 

This is fortunate as these stones are known to take you into a deep meditative state quite quickly.

It is said that the native American people believed that these blue crystals helped them to understand the infinite possibilities of the universe.

This is a strong stone of spiritual attunement, and using this stone in meditation is very helpful. 

Turquoise meaningTurquoise

The energy of Turquoise stones may aid you while you are in meditation, to explore past lives and may create greater mental clarity.

The vibration of this stone is powerful within the heart chakra as it ensures that the love energy flows through to everything you do. 

It is said to encourage romantic love, and the more blue-green color of Turquoise crystals may help to strengthen that heart based energy. 

Turquoise Benefits: Develop Clairaudience & Clairvoyance

It is a strong stone for mental clarity that helps you to understand and concentrate on important matters. 

It is well known for its action to aid the birth of psychic visions also known as clairvoyant abilities.

It is known to aid the development of psychic gifts, so using this stone may stimulate your specific gift to surface.

The clear vibration of these stones strongly resonate within the throat and third eye chakras.

Its resonance within the third eye chakra may enhance the birth of a range of gifts, including both intuition and clairaudience.


The energy of Turquoise stones may also enable you to begin to develop your intuition at a much stronger level.

Clairaudience is also known as the gift of psychic hearing, and may be stimulated by using a piece at either the third eye or the throat chakra.

Like those that went before us, many people both use and wear these lovely stones so they can benefit from their unique vibration.

Use For Developing Psychic Gifts

Turquoise Stones are easy to buy. There are a number of Turquoise benefits and they particularly help you to make a deeper connection with the spiritual world, and will help you to communicate with truth.

This crystal is known to aid the development of psychic gifts, so using this stone may stimulate your specific gift to surface.

You may choose to place your stone on the third eye during meditation, as this may aid the birth of psychic visions also known as clairvoyant abilities.

Sleeping Beauty TurquoiseSleeping Beauty Turquoise Covered With Drusy Pyrite

It is known to assist the release of negative energy from the physical body, and is a strong stone of protection. In ancient times it was thought to remove evil spirits.

It is a great stone to use for meditation as it helps you to make contact with the Divine and make a stronger connection with the great Spirit.

How To Use Turquoise Stones

One of the best ways to use them is in meditation, as they make a strong connection with the Divine and will stimulate the birth of psychic powers.

Unlike many stones that can be used at the third eye chakra, you will remain quite grounded while using them.

Turquoise Stones embody within them a helpful energy for spiritual grounding, so are excellent grounding stones to have nearby at any time.


By grounding you to the earth chakra, you avoid the discomfort that some 'spiritual' stones create. 

Throughout the body it brings a sense of deep calm and may help to heal emotional problems and stress, and prevent mood swings.

They have been known since ancient times to be strong stones for protection, and their psychic protection vibration is very reassuring.

Turquoise Healing Properties

The healing properties of Turquoise are advantageous for healing as they are powerful metaphysical healing stones.

They are excellent healing crystals that have been in use for this purpose since ancient times to bring good health and release negative energies.

They have been used for crystal healing as they have long been known to enable the body to heal a range of different ailments.

In ancient times it was said to have been used to heal eye problems, including cataracts and was well known for its role as a purification stone.

They are also known as good stones for headaches and may help muscle related problems.

Green TurquoiseGreen Turquoise

Wearing Turquoise jewelry on your body will help you to harmonize and revitalize your body, and is known to ease panic attacks.

This is because these stones embody an energy that will help you if you have been feeling depleted or overly exhausted.

They have a strong throat chakra healing energy. They are said to be powerful to wear in the throat area to ease sore throats.

They are said to help to boost the immune system and may also aid viral infections.

This stone may assist you to better absorb the nutrients that you eat, and they are said to help to protect against atmospheric pollutants. 

So it may be of benefit during periods when the air is not so clear.

They are powerful healing stones, and will filter the fifth element ether into the etheric body.

From there it then weaves this element into the physical body, to create a deeper level of healing.

This healing occurs on the physical level, and also flows through the entire auric field creating healing on all levels. 

Its action for spiritually and spiritual healing may enable the body to ascend and to reach a higher frequency.

Wearing Turquoise: A Powerful Way To Use Turquoise

Lovely Turquoise stone jewelry has been in use for thousands of years as it was prized for its beauty. 

Some of the first gemstones came from the south-western United States, where it was used by the Native Americans to make beautiful Turquoise crystal jewelry.

It is on the zodiac birthstones list, and Turquoise stones have an excellent effect within both the heart chakra and the thymus chakra.

Turquoise PendantTurquoise Pendant

This stone also resonates quite strongly within both the third eye chakra and throat chakra, and it is helpful if you are working on boosting your psychic powers.

You may choose to wear Turquoise earrings if you are working on developing your psychic gifts, as it may be more effective if worn close to the third eye.

Wear Turquoise Stone To Aid Protection

Wearing a Turquoise ring in that area aids a greater level of compassionate and loving energy to flow to your communications.

These days you will find it easy to buy jewelry made from this lovely stone as it is a birthstone for the month of December.

It is a December birthstone that has been in use as an ancient birthstone, so it is not a surprise that it is on the birthstone list by month.

Turquoise earringsTurquoise Stone Earrings: December Birthstone

It is a powerful stone that ancient people wore for protection. Wearing a Turquoise necklace, bracelet or earrings may be very effective to aid your overall health.

It will aid your communication abilities as well as resonating down into the lower chakras if it is worn as a pendant at the throat. 

It is a Pisces birthstone as well as a Scorpio and Sagittarius birthstone.

History Of Turquoise: Highly Protective & Very Powerful

Turquoise stones are some of the oldest crystals to be made into jewelry, as people have been aware of the natural energy of these stones for thousands of years.

The history of Turquoise is well known as it was a popular blue stone in the native American culture.

In ancient times medicine men of the native American tribes are said to have made protective amulets out of the stone, as it was known to have powerful protective qualities.

Green TurquoiseGreen Turquoise

The ancient Egyptians used African Turquoise which they made into jewelry for personal protection.

This may be because they were recognized to have impressive metaphysical properties, and because they are also powerful healing stones.

They have been used by Shamans throughout the ages as their distinct vibration was known to be highly protective and very powerful.

They are known as a sacred stone that helps to make a strong connection with the Spiritual realm.

Part of the reason is that the energy of these stones helps to filter the fifth element ether, into the etheric body. 

Where Is Turquoise Found? Physical Properties

These stones have been in use since ancient times, and their mineral make-up is hydrated phosphate of copper and aluminium. 

The chemical name for Turquoise is aluma phosphate.

The meaning of the name Turquoise relates to it being named for a French word 'turquois' which meant Turkish.

This related to the fact that it was primarily Turkish stone that came to Europe, even if some of the stone from Turkey was actually Persian Turquoise or came from other areas in the region.

The best stones now come from Australia, south-western United States, Iran, Afghanistan and Tibet.

It may also be found in France, Britain, Russia, Poland, Arabia, Egypt, Africa, China, Peru and Mexico.

Turquoise Colors

Rather than being translucent they are a quite opaque stone, and the aqua blue color of these crystals is commonly the classic color we call Turquoise blue.

But it is possible to obtain these stones in colors other than blue, including the beautiful Tibetan Turquoise, which is an uncommon blue-green stone.

Beautiful greenish blue stone is also found in other places and Australian Turquoise is a more blue-green color.

Other colors include White Turquoise stones and some fairly uncommon purple Turquoise and the lovely lighter colored sleeping beauty Turquoise.

Raw TurquoiseRaw Natural Turquoise Stone

Each of the colors has a slightly different vibration, with the blue-green stones having a strong heart based energy.

All colors of genuine turquoise are becoming hard to get in the natural form, and as it becomes rarer, much of the stone is now stabilized.

Blue Turquoise forms when there is copper present, Green Turquoise forms when there is iron and copper present.

Is White Turquoise Genuine or Fake?

Although White Turquoise is known to form when neither of these minerals occur in the stone, white stones are quite rare.

Note: you may sometimes see white areas in the blue or green stones.

Sadly, a lot of the stone now being sold is fake turquoise that is made from dyed Magnesite or sometimes dyed Howlite, so be aware and ensure you get the genuine stone.

Both Magnesite and Howlite have some powerful metaphysical properties, although it does depend on what you are looking for.

Who Should Use Turquoise? My Final Thoughts

Turquoise are a stone of good fortune, and this energy has made them a popular stone to being an increase of good luck.

It has an effective energy to aid creative expression through its resonance within the sacral or navel chakra.

Turquoise aids clear communication through its vibration within the throat chakra, and it has as strong positive energy.

They are powerful to assist public speaking as they are as good stone of communication that also helps you to let go of bad habits. 

This stone also resonates quite strongly within both the third eye chakra and throat chakra. 


In summary: wearing real Turquoise jewelry may help you to develop psychic gifts, and it is helpful if you are working on boosting your psychic powers.

You may choose to wear Turquoise gemstone earrings if you are working on developing your psychic gifts, as it may be more effective if worn close to the third eye.

It has an effective energy within the sacral or navel chakra to aid you to enhance your creativity and to aid creative problem solving.

Best Crystals To Use With Turquoise Stones

What are the best crystals to combine with Turquoise Stone?

If you are working on your psychic gifts and intend to work in any type of psychic employment combine this stone with other strong communication stones that also aid psychic abilities.

In particular you can use Blue Hemimorphite, Blue Sapphire, Blue Topaz and Lapis Lazuli to help you.

If you feel you have a need to balance your male-female energies you may like to combine it with other crystals that harmonize your energy.

This includes Iolite, Rhodochrosite, Amazonite and Hematite.

Turquoise stones may be used with other copper based stones, including with Malachite, Plancheite, Kinoite, Eilat Stone or Chrysocolla.

Turquoise has a good energy to help you to think more clearly.

To boost this aspect, you can combine them with Golden Topaz or with Clear Quartz known as the master healer as it will assist clearer thinking and aid your overall healing.

If you are using the blue green Turquoise stone, you may boost its heart chakra based energy by using it with other heart based stones such as the lovely pink quartz crystal known as Rose Quartz or with Mangano Calcite.

These stones are strong crystals for truth that enable your truth vibration to be enhanced.

To enhance the growth of this energy you may choose to use it with Sodalite, Montebrasite, Blue Ajoite In Quartz or Kinoite.

This lovely stone will also combine well with any of the other blue throat chakra or third eye chakra stones.

Calming stones such as Dalmatian Jasper, Dioptase, Skye Marble or Larimar may be used with Turquoise to calm the emotions and bring healing. 

Septaria, Smithsonite, Shaman Stones and Calcite Crystals of any color, including Orange Calcite or Mangano Calcite as any color will combine well with this stone.

Books That Aid Psychic Development

Sonia Choquette books are excellent aids to help you if you are working on developing your psychic abilities, including developing your intuition, a closely related gift.

Sonia has been working in psychic employment as a reader, and as a teacher in the development area for many years. 

In her book 'Diary of a Psychic', you can read the story of how Sonia developed her gifts, and how to develop yours.

To read reviews of Sonia Choquette's books Click Here.

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Turquoise Stone Spiritual Meaning Properties & PowersTurquoise Stone Spiritual Meaning Properties & Powers

Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.

Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing. 

Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.

Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.

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