Could Use Some Help Please

by Tiffany

Hi - I am looking for a high vibrational stone that can speed up the changes one needs to make but not as harsh as Moldavite. I already have a Herkimer but I'm not really getting much from that.

I am also using Black & Brown Tourmaline, Kunzite, Rhodochrosite, Black Jade, Larimar and Brown Aragonite. I've had a rough year and I really need emotional healing. But I also need to get some energy back, calm my anxiety, sleep better and learn how to love myself again.

If anyone has any advice, please let me know. Thanks so much, Tiffany

Comments for Could Use Some Help Please

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A Few Ideas
by: ElizaBeth

The first stone that came to mind is Phenacite. And Kyanite......have you ever worked with it? One of my favorites!

I made a wand using Selenite as the base. I wire-wrapped pieces of black, green, blue and orange Kyanite to it. This combination-at least for me-helps me to clearly know that where I am RIGHT NOW is where I'm supposed to be, and the same for all the other spirits in my life.
Don't be too impatient with yourself or this world..... :)

Stones Suggestions
by: Whispering Peace

If I may, I would like to suggest Rose Quartz, a stone for pure unconditional love, and also Clear Quartz. Try sleeping with the stones and pay attention to where they are in the morning.

Also, if I may suggest a meditation cd by Doreen Virtue. Chakra Healing. It is a book with the cd included. This works on your chakras with a meditation for the morning and then one for the evening. I will be sending prayers filled with angels and peace.

Protection, Healing and Centering
by: Xyra

My advice is that you find a lovely, large piece of Green Calcite. That, combined with Rose Quartz and Selenite (hope I spelled that correctly) should help you greatly. Orange calcite uplifts the spirits, green heals and calms the body, and Blue Calcite calms and heals thoughts and emotions, also adding in awakening the crown chakra.

Holding raw a Sapphire and Emerald would be good for you, also balanced by Clear Quartz Crystal points. Please incorporate aromatherapy, especially the use of lavender and clary or sacred white sage to calm and protect.

Dragon?s Blood is another excellent fragrance element, mostly used for protection from lower energies. Cleanse your crystals in two hours of sunlight. Full moonlight is good for any stone that might fade. Never use salt water or any water on the Selenite, or it will disintegrate.

Add these elements to your scared space, or altar, along with fresh flowers or flowing plants. Light white candles with clear intent of what you want to see in your life and the world around you. Drink plenty of good water, and eat organic, healthful foods, as much as possible!
In Love + Light ~|~ OM Shanti OM

Stones For Help
by: Anonymous

All of those are wonderful recommendations... but I would like to add just one. A piece of Citrine on you would help with self confidence, self worth etc. Use it with a Rose Quartz and they could be a lovely combination to help you get back to your true self.

The Archangel Michael Stone, Sugilite
by: Anonymous

Yes, Citrine might be better than Orange Calcite, but I had a feeling about the calcite family for her. She must feel it in her heart and gut, when she looks at the stones. There are SO many good ones out there!

In Doreen Virtue's books, Angel Medicine and Archangels 101, she goes into detail as to which stones correspond to each archangel. If that is the case, we missed the Archangel Michael stone, Sugilite

One may light an orange candle for up, positive vibes, too!

It is so nice to see people reaching out to help one another, on this site!

Certified Angel Therapy Practitioner

by: Tiffany

Thanks so much for all of the advice! I do have Green Calcite, Kyanite and Sugilite on hand, but I will look into the other stones as well! Thank you all so much!

Lots Of Good Advice
by: Liz's Comments

Hi Tiffany

Well you have lots of possible alternatives there that you can choose between. Some of the stones suggested are high vibration stones and some aren't, but I am sure that everyone who made suggestions was being intuitively guided in what to suggest.

I would suggest that if you can get a fairly big piece of Blue Kyanite it will be good, as this will align your chakras while you are working with any of the others you may choose. I wear Sugilite almost every day. It is a violet flame stone that is highly protective and works within the higher chakras.

You were already working with stones for emotional healing, and as you asked about high vibration stones, the ones I would choose out of all of them would be Clear Quartz as it has strong amplifying properties and works through the higher chakras. While Rose Quartz and Citrine are lovely stones they do not have the high vibration you were asking about.

White Selenite is also another high vibration stone that is fantastic for both healing and spiritual growth and will team well with all of the others. Phenacite is very high vibration but may challenge you. Charoite is about service to the light, and all lightworkers might choose to use this stone as it brings your ideals into alignment with spirit. I wear Charoite ear-rings to aid me to better notice when the voice of spirit is talking to me.

I know you have had lots of advice and I suggest you use your intuition to choose a couple of pieces from amongst the stones suggested, and work with just those to begin with. Love and blessings on your journey. Liz

Remember to Clear And Recharge Your Crystals!
by: Xyra

If we forget to clear and recharge our crystals, they will retain old energies, thereby becoming less effective healing implements.

Clear and recharge each crystal, regularly. The only exception would be Selenite, as it has self-cleansing properties, according to legend.

In fact, you may rest or place other stones delicately atop or against Selenite, and it is believed to cleanse the other stones. Often, I place crystals inside a large, pure crystal bowl, for a similar affect.

Once you have cleansed and recharged the stones with your prayers and clear intentions, all of the stones should work better for you. Do this after each healing session.


Another question
by: Tiffany

Thank you all for your recommendations! I am working with various stones right now and I have more on the way. I have also been working with a psychic who does a lot of crystal healings so I've taken his advice plus all of yours. My next question for everyone is how many stones should a person carry on them daily? He suggested no more than half a dozen at a time. However I'm having a hard time figuring out which ones to continue wearing on me daily and which ones I should only work with on occasion.

First off let me state that I am really working on emotional healing (terrible breakup that still causes a lot of pain, I'm still quite connected to my ex & I also hope of reconciliation) plus finding happiness again, forgiveness of myself & him, and physically i'm all out of sorts (gained weight that is hard to get off).

The stones that I am currently carrying with me each day in a pouch close to my heart:
1. Sugilite
2. herkimer diamond
3. larimar
4. rhodochrosite
5. kunzite (I really feel awful when not wearing this stone & rhodo.)
6. emerald
7. nuummite
8. libyan glass
9. black tourmaline
10. apatite
11. aventurine (green)

I know that is way too many but I don't know what to leave out. Plus I have the following stones arriving today:
1. chrysocolla
2. citrine
3. chariote
4. pink tourmaline

I know that if I want to heal and really make changes in my life I need a lot of these stones. But which ones will work best on a daily basis?
I would really appreciate more guidance from you all. Thanks again for all that you have recommeded so far!

An Exercise To Help You To Let Go
by: Liz Oakes

Hi Tiffany

I will let others answer your question on the stones first before I give you my opinion, except to say, that you do have too many stones I think. Though what an excellent lot of stones you have chosen! That makes it very hard to choose when they all have excellent qualities. There is just one other you might want to add which is Amblygonite.

Please do the following exercise as it may help you to disconnect from your partners energy. What this is doing is disconnecting your energy, to allow you to think more clearly. It won't stop you reconciling if that is what you really want but you are too connected at the moment

An exercise to disconnect from your partner after a break-up.

If you wish to disconnect your energy, a good exercise is to meditate and in this meditation visualize that person floating in front of you in a bubble, attached via a cord to your solar plexus (near your umbilical area).

Now - imagine that you are going to cut that cord and see the bubble float away, watch it until it totally disappears. Now place your hands over your stomach area and ask for spirit to re-energize your solar plexus area.

If at any time later you feel that the cord has reattached just do it again, it does not matter how often you do it. This helps to heal relationships where the two parties are co-dependent or simply too dependent on each other. Emotionally you need to step back a bit and give yourself some breathing space.

All the best



Too Many Stones?
by: Whispering Peace

Please try Lapis Lazuli. As for working with too many stones at once, listen to your intuition. Some days we want them all with us and I feel that is fine. However, try just sleeping with one and having that with you the next day.

Keep in mind to also ask your angels and your God to be with you and give you guidance. And please make sure you are cleansing your stones. Peace.

About Your Crystals And How You Use Them
by: Clarity

I was just surfing and I came across you. I think you need to stop using the crystals for a couple of weeks. You are worn out and I'm afraid that you will not get the results you seek as you are.

If you can, purchase an Amethyst and a Rose Quartz crystal. I do not need to tell you to cleanse them. Have a relaxing bath in the evening, watch some telly, listen to some music... something you like, try to relax and remember what it is that led you to where you are.

With the crystal work, hold the Amethyst and Rose Quartz in your hand and let yourself relax, and clear your mind. Just free yourself of your anxiety for a moment. Ask Archangel Chamuel to send you loving guidance and surround you with loving protection. Pray to him often, especially when the anxiety is high. I feel that the trauma you have been through is still fresh, but it will dissipate with time and with the Archangels love. All the best with blessings

Use Them ALL !
by: C

I've had similar dilemmas choosing what stones to wear because there are SO many that I like and feel powerful vibes from. What I do is wear whatever stones I think are appropriate for that day or whatever I'm trying to accomplish.

If you are trying to sleep better, Scolecite is great. I put a piece of Scolecite and Fulgurite near the bed where I can grab them, because Solecite helps you sleep and Fulgurite helps to get you out of bed in the morning! (avoid fulgurite when you are trying to relax).

Lepidolite and Lithium Quartz are great for stress-relief. So is Kunzite, and the Rhodochrosite helps to confront and heal heart issues - it is for self-love.

Great stones for general healing are Seraphinite and Healer's Gold, and taping a tiny Rhodizite to your navel/solar plexus area stops other people from draining your energy !

Just have fun with them all - they're all awesome and it's nice to have a big collection.

Am I Being Swindled?
by: Anonymous

I've been sick for 4 mos now - chest pains, short of breath, pelvic pain. Starting to feel better a tiny bit at a time. Went to a psychic who immediately read that I've been sick and told me there is a negative spirit that attached itself to me and that is what is causing my sickness.

The drs cannot help me. She charged me 450 (150 per) to light 3 candles so she could meditate for me, also gave me a crystal (I don't know what type) to carry with me and sleep with under my head. Did two meditation sessions with me where she had me put the crystal on my head, heart and root chakras. Second meditation also involved wishing on a white candle and burning it through the night while sleeping with the crystal at my feet. Now she wants to do more crystals and more meditations and praying for more money.

I can't tell whether she is right. I want to believe her but I can't afford her prescription. What should I do??

Calming Additions
by: Xyra

In my opinion, Larimar and Labradorite combined with Iolite and Brazilian Clear Quartz would help as a power grid. However, I strongly advise Rose Quartz, Amazonite and Amethyst to calm you. Create an angel altar with these, incorporating aromatherapy. The best essential oils to anoint your candles are Rose Absolute and French Lavender.

Eden's Garden and Planet Life make great oils, and Coventry Creations make blessed, hand-poured candles of the finest natural ingredients.

Use a white altar cloth, of silk or cotton material. It also helps to place fresh flowers on your altar, and to play Reiki, classical music by Debussy, Chopin and soothing music by Enya and other calming artists.

Your diet is also important, as are prayer and meditation. Please contact me personally if an Angel Reading would be of benefit.

I am an ATP, certified by Doreen Virtue, PhD, and happy to help in any way possible.


To: Am I Being Swindled? by: Anonymous
by: Xyra

Yes, you are bring swindled. I am happy to help, if you wish to contact me. However, I can tell you NOW, and quite simply, that you must ask Archangel Michael, in the name of Christ, to remove all lower energies in all directions in time, asking him also to cut all cords that bind you to this psychic and any other person who manipulates you by instilling fear. Fear is the enemy, in that fear is the opposite of love.

I will give you a free consultation, with no stipulations or strings attached.


Spiritual Psychic Help
by: Michelle

Hello... My name is Michelle.. I have had premonitions since I've been a child. When I had these visions or dreams my mother would take me to church to be prayed for at the alter.

I come from a Pentecostal background.. so this was bad! I continued to have these visions but chose to not say anything about it... Now, my mother passed away... she was truly my best friend and the grief gut retching. Later, I found out that she had these gifts as well...

Now, my question... I really don't know what to do with them... I am in contact with my Angels, spirit guide and even get messages from people(spirits) who has passed away for their loved ones, I also see spirit orbs and have taken pictures of spirits.

I have people calling for "so called readings" and wanting me to go into homes and help remove negative energy. I do all the above without charging. I have a problem charging people to help people, which becomes a problem for me... also, I need to know what stones and crystal should I use to help me.

I have been receiving stones like Phenacite, Herkimer, Heliodor, Lemurians, quartz crystals, Elestial Lightkeeper and many more... and to my surprise have been given to me! I wear them all the time but I'm not sure how to use them...

If any one could give me some advice on what to do with this journey I'm on... I would be so grateful! I know God gave me many gifts, but I still have a lot of fear and self-doubt.

Thanks so much... Michelle

Softening Moldavite's Energy
by: Anonymous

Just wanted to add to all the fine comments that, if Moldavite seems too harsh combining it with Rose Quartz softens up the energy to a more comfortable experience without losing the Moldavite effects. Rose Quartz definitely "takes the edge off" Moldavite.

Also, Liz's excellent cord-cutting visualization can be combined with Novaculite which is often called "the cord-cutting crystal". Novaculite is a surprisingly energetic form of cryptocrystalline quartz.

Cleanse and charge Novaculite on White Selenite and then wave it over the solar plexus area while visualizing any unwanted "cords" being cut. Some folks also visualize connecting any cut "cords" to ground.

Hope this helps someone!

Hyper Sensitivity To Environment, People, Places Objects
by: Redhen

I'm sensitive to energies. I'm a bridal hair make n planner.I've lots of close contact, long hours w/ clients, places. 2 years ago I became a usui reiki master, karuna reiki master for shielding n healing. It helped a lot.

I began wearing crystals n studied w/ a wise crystal healer. I'm also able to scan energies of pictures, people n places. Before going out I surround myself w/ white light n wear protective crystals. I sage n clean my crystals n self everyday.

During an attack I need a quicker discreet way to completely clean my aura n self. I've been told by other healers that I've a lot of power. I want to develop my gifts safely,n always keep my energy clean.

Crystals You Need Right Now
by: Anonymous

Hello Tiffany

One of the most important crystals you need right now is Rose Quartz, I suggest wearing and cleansing it daily. The second is a blue quart bracelete, again wearing daily and cleansing nightly. The one crystal you choose to wear as a pendant should be a nurturing, crystal. Wear only one, look up the meanings of the crystals you have and choose one to wear as a pendant that fits the above description and that resonates with you, possibly the first one you bought. Wear it on your breast bone ie over your heart chakra. Then choose two crystal stones to carry around with you, not in a pouch, small ones and carry them in your pockets and hold them in your palms as and when you feel the need (all need cleansing daily/nightly).

This sounds like a lot of crystals but it is not, wear one bracelet on each wrist. If you choose to do this, at some point you will feel the need to swap the ones in your hands or on your wrists, or on the pendant, this is the right way for you personally to use the crystals.

You may find you are not choosing higher vibrational ones at first, that is okay, let the gentler stones work on you first and the higher vibrational ones can carry on the work a bit later on, it will be a much smoother transition, you will feel the benefits.

Pink is loving, healing energy, white crystals are cleansing, blue calming, only pale green ones for you if you are attracted to them. Do not use any red, dark orange, dark green, dark purple for now, instead if you feel attracted to these colours use clothes instead and you will absorb the vibrational energies from them in a much gentler way.

Once your aura has come back into balance you can move forward with the higher vibrational crystals and darker ones again. I am a psychic and I can see your aura is very scattered like points floating out, it needs gently smoothing down.

If you want to contact me for a free reading I can also help with removing the blocked energy I can see in your chakras (distant healing, very gentle), no obligation and no fees now or in the future. I have given Liz my email address so if you'd like to email me, please contact her and she will pass it on.

Sorry, maybe I should explain, somehow I can connect with peoples energies from a distance, not sure how, I just found out from giving readings when people asked me about their family and friends and found I could read their energies as well.

Angel Hugs

by: Anonymous

A shiva lingam stone can help cut energetic phallic hooks... Nuummite is a better Earth chakra stone. Other awesome heart stones are Morganite and Dioptase though I think you've got the basic heart stones covered with Rose quartz, kunzite, green Aventurine, pink and green tourmaline. Black Tourmaline is better in a pocket close to your root or as a root belt (which I use Smoky Quartz). Always helps to be grounded when processing a lot of heart turmoil. Good luck!

Sleeping With Rose Quartz
by: Jane

A user commented on sleeping with rose quartz in hand. She then said to pay attention where it was when you wake up. What is the reason behind it? Just wanted to further my knowledge. Thanks!

Re: Crystals you need now...
by: Angel

Hello Anonymous

I was just starting out with crystals years ago and then made a move, then me getting sick, then another move, and 2 more moves.. Sort of taking me away from my self healing..

I use to have a rose quartz pendant that I can make move with my thoughts.. but with all the turmoil I had, I gave it away because it wasn't responding to me at all.. even after cleansing..
Which I was very good to my crystals.. so I gave it away.

But anyways, where I live there isn't a Reiki master around here, I miss my old one I had previously. I feel so overwhelmed, tired, get sick easily. I need help.. I am looking to get a blue Kyanite to open and clear and align all my chakras.

I'm to the point right now of panic wanting to get one.. So I can feel more at ease with myself.. I for some reason, misplaced some of my crystals.. I have a Herkimer diamond, amethyst. smokey quartz and Black tourmaline ( tourmaline is in left pocket on my at all times ). Cant find my others.

I'm so scattered right now, that I want to do a self healing on myself. I am married to a wonderful man, actually a full blooded native American Indian, he is a very strong minded man, and sometimes can be negative.. tries to get above me.. I want to do a cleansing on him too, to open his chakras, we love each other so so very much.. We are both Leo's need I explain more.. lol

But, will I be do right by getting the blue Kyanite and making a chakra bed on both of our sides? Will this help me? Need anyone's respond too, all will be appreciated!!

Love and Angel blessings to all.
Thank you. <3

Tiffany who needs help
by: Faron F.

Let crystals and rocks choose you. Did you know that some energy from some stones CANCEL one another out. As for sleep and anxiety I recently bought a dark dark almost black dreamstone which absorbs the anxiety which bad dreams leave.

You still have the dream but the effect it use to have is gone. Amethyst in as dark purple as you can find will work to if you cant find a dreamstone anyway, if you see a stone or hold a stone and you notice that you feel the urge to take a breath...BUY IT.

Trust your guide to bring the right stones/ crystals to you but you have to be open to feel what they want you to feel and trust in the power to heal, you cant expect them to take away the problem they help you through they don't take away they help you through.

Need help feeling panic and not myself
by: Angel

I was just starting out with crystals years ago and then made a move, then me getting sick, then another move, and 2 more moves.. Sort of taking me away from my self healing..

I used to have a rose quartz pendant that I can make move with my thoughts.. but with all the turmoil I had, I gave it away because it wasn't responding to me at all.. even after cleansing..
Which I was very good to my crystals.. so I gave it away.

But anyways, where I live there isn't a Reiki master around here, I miss my old one I had previously. I feel so overwhelmed, tired, get sick easily. I need help.. I am looking to get a blue Kyanite to open and clear and align all my chakras.

I'm to the point right now of panic wanting to get one.. So I can feel more at ease with myself.. I for some reason, misplaced some of my crystals.. I have a Herkimer diamond, amethyst. smokey quartz and Black tourmaline (tourmaline is in left pocket on my at all times). Can't find my others.

I'm so scattered right now, that I want to do a self healing on myself. I am married to a wonderful man, actually a full blooded native American Indian, he is a very strong minded man, and sometimes can be negative.. tries to get above me.. I want to do a cleansing on him too, to open his chakras, we love each other so so very much.. We are both Leo's need I explain more.. lol

But, will I be doing right by getting the blue Kyanite and making a chakra bed on both of our sides? Will this help me? Need anyone's respond too, all will be appreciated!!

Love and Angel blessings to all.
Thank you. <3

Response to your help needed
by: Star Feather

It's unclear and kind of scattered what you are trying to achieve with all the stones you have mentioned currently using.

I use black tourmaline and black jade for cleansing and/or grounding. I don't think you want to combine cleansing and resting at the same time.

If you just need rest, protection, and self love, wrap yourself with rose quartz, blue calcite and green kyanite at bed time.

During the day keep the rose quartz and green kyanite with you

Black, green and blue kyanite are great for all chakras at the same time. They just seem to know what to do and can be used constantly for 3 days consistently. Then cleanse them with running water.

You'll be ok. You're not alone with the intense discomfort. Agape

Black toumaline
by: Anonymous

My psychic gave me 4 black tourmalines. Said I would know what to do and when done bring them back and he would exchange them for four white ones. What are the white ones and why? What do you do with the tourmaline? And what with the white ones?

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