
High Vibration Crystal For Rapid Personal Growth

➤ By Liz Oakes

Phenacite are a crystal of the Light that will generate pure, clear white light

They are potent high vibration crystals with the ability to clear energy pathways in the body that will lead to rapid personal growth.

Their energy may boost your intuition and enhance your telepathic ability

They stimulate and activate your inner vision, as well as the crown chakra, third eye chakra and pineal gland.

Phenacite With SeraphinitePhenacite With Seraphinite

Many pieces of Phenacite occur in combination with Seraphinite and this is a powerful combination that boosts an angelic connection.

If they are used consistently, these highly spiritual stones will lead you in a new direction, and may bring you to new levels of spiritual advancement. 

They are potent healing crystals for you to add to your collection, as depending on where and how they are used, have the ability to clear and heal any chakra. is reader-supported. When you buy thru links on my site I may earn affiliate commissions. Click Here to learn more.

High Vibration Crystal Energy

The energy of Phenakite is also highly stimulating when you use it at the third eye chakra.

Used alone it creates a powerful rush throughout the frontal area of the brain.

I have felt this many times while using it. I have read that it will even effect large groups of people at a time.

Although I have not tested this aspect it would not surprise me if that were true.

PhenacitePhenacite with Green Seraphinite

It is fairly easy to buy Phenacite crystals. It is an amazing stone that can easily be felt by most people as the vibration is very strong.

I have paired it with Herderite and with Heulandite crystals of various colors. These combinations with other high vibration crystals that stimulate brain changes are powerful.

Why Would You Use It?

One powerful reason to use it, is that it has an amazingly high vibration, that stimulates the crown chakra, then the soul star chakra in the etheric body.

This energy quickly elevates to the higher transpersonal chakras, and activates them.

Buy Phenacite from Exquisite Crystals, my most reliable crystal seller.

PhenaciteClear Phenacite

Once activated, this crystals impressive healing energy will assist white light from spirit, to flow down from the etheric and through the entire body.

The resultant healing within the physical body is extremely valuable.

It will help you to make contact with beings in the higher spiritual realms, including making a connection with angels and the Ascended Masters.

How To Use Phenacite

I have a couple of lovely pieces of this stone, that are crystals inter-grown with Seraphinite.

Phenacite with Green Seraphinite, like the ones in some of the images on this page, brings through the angelic connection and are very special.

I have used this stone alone and with other Phenacite crystals, and often in combination with the other high frequency stones.

PhenacitePhenacite With Seraphinite

There are different types of the stone and how potent they are may depend to some degree on their origin. 

Tiny Phenacite crystals are often relatively inexpensive to buy. 

A Strong Ascension Stone

Although they do not have the potent energy that the others have, they still are very powerful stones. However meditation with it may sometimes be intense. 

So for a less demanding yet still just as profound experience combining it with Scolecite is helpful.

Clear Phenacite Crystal

It makes the spiritual contact seraphic, peaceful and more loving. This allows for your growth, while recognizing your need to move at your own pace.

These crystals have an amazing energy that will help you to develop your intuition and other psychic gifts, and may also boost your telepathic abilities.

Who Should Use It? 

Although Phenacite has a lot of different virtues its most powerful attribute is its efficiency at aiding your progress on whatever path you decide to head down.

The strong spiritual growth and learning that just seems to come your way.

Some may call this synchronicity, which is elevated by having this stone in your life.


This is a stone that can be used by anyone who desires an increase in their personal growth.

If you are on a path of ascension, this is a stone that will aid your growth in that area.

Where Is It From? Phenacite Meaning

Deposits of Phenacite, also known as Phenakite, have been found in Russia, Norway, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Brazil, Sri Lanka, Tanzania and Colorado in the United States. 

It's name has two ways of being spelled, the most common being the spelling Phenacite, but Phenakite is also correct.

It is a Beryllium silicate, and may be yellow, pink, white, red, clear or colorless. Its form also varies according to the locality that it is found.

It may have an hexagonal crystal structure and may occur in short prisms.

Russian stones may be found that are intergrown with Blue Aquamarine, Green Seraphinite or Fluorite.

Many pieces are very small, see the size of a couple of pieces in the image further down. But they are so powerful this is not as important as it may be for other crystals.

The meaning of its name comes from the Greek word meaning 'deceiver' as when it was originally discovered it was often mistaken for Clear Topaz or Clear Quartz.

How Will It Help You? My Final Thoughts

This stone is a worthy aid on your spiritual journey, as its energy will move the process of spiritual growth along more quickly.

If you have been doing spiritual or alchemical healing work on yourself with the end result being ascension, you will be aided by this stone.

Two Small Phenacite CrystalsTwo Small Phenacite Crystals

For assisting Lightbody activation using this stone in meditation will bring through an amazing flow of energy, that will result in totally new spiritual experiences.

Specialist crystal suppliers sell this crystal, and they come in a range of sizes. Even tiny crystals have a powerful vibration.

As you can see in the picture, they can be very small stones. Yet even tiny pieces of this crystal will have a high and easily felt vibration.

Best Crystals To Use With Phenacite

What are the best crystals to combine with Phenacite?

Phenacite has the ability to totally accelerate your overall spiritual growth. Pairing natural crystals of Phenacite with Golden Brown Herderite has the ability to create an amazing experience.

I personally found that this combination intensely stimulated my brain, and I could feel this stunning energy moving through my brain as it opened new pathways.

You may also like to use it with White Heulandite, Natrolite or Brookite, as by using all of these together, it is a very potent combination.

There are also a large number of other high crystal energy stones you may choose to use with it.

Stones you may choose include Moldavite, Libyan Desert Glass, Herkimer Diamonds, Brookite, Elestial Quartz, White Heulandite, Clear Apophyllite, Cryolite, Tiffany Stone aka Bertrandite, Petalite, Natrolite, Satyaloka Quartz, Scolecite, and Stellar Beam Calcite.

For an amazing psychic meditation experience, it may be combined with Nirvana Quartz, Creedite, Azurite or Beryllonite, or with other high vibration crystals.

Pair With Other Manifestation Stones

It is also a stone of manifestation when combined with Tsavorite Garnet or Yellow Sapphire. 

Use it with stones for truth such as Rosasite or Euclase, to assist you to fully understand the meaning of truth.

Yellow SapphireYellow Sapphire
Tsavorite GarnetTsavorite Garnet

Using any of the above stones with Blizzard Stone, also known as Gabbro, helps to make you feel more stable and grounded when you are working in the higher realms.

To assist you to enhance your creativity, combine it with Crocoite or Zincite. To quieten your mind for meditation, use it with Axinite. 

This combination will create a strong stimulation of the solar plexus chakra, and the resultant strengthening of this chakra is very helpful.

Use it with Libyan Desert Glass, Golden Labradorite, Heliodor,  or Zircon Crystals to assist you to manifest an abundance of money through the power of the will.

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Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.

Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing. 

Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.

Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.

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