Green Apatite

Boosts Abundance & Enhances Intuition

➤ By Liz Oakes

Green Apatite or Asparagolite has a lovely relaxing and balancing energy, which will help you if are anxious or stressed.

It has an strong action to stimulate your intuitive ability and is a good healing crystal for you to use to help recuperation after an ongoing illness.

This is an excellent abundance stone, and it is about being abundant on all levels and gaining an understanding about money and its presence in your life.

Green ApatiteGreen Apatite

Remember it is not always about money, as they may also create an abundance of love and good health.

It is a good heart chakra stone that is known to aid you to deal with grief and sadness after the loss of a loved one.

They may also be helpful to relieve anger you may be feeling about the situation. 

Their energy may help you to let go of  feelings of heartbreak after a relationships ends. is reader-supported. When you buy thru links on my site I may earn affiliate commissions. Click Here to learn more.

Why Would You Use It? Abundance & Prosperity

Green Apatite is beneficial to assist you when you are undergoing grief and sadness after the death of a loved one. 

You may also be feeling anger when this happens that is difficult to resolve.

Sometimes at these times of deep loss you may feel angry about the circumstances around your loss, and this can be hard to deal with.

This stones energy is known to soothe anger related to grief.

Green Apatite TumblestoneGreen Apatite

Green Apatite is easy to buy. This is an excellent abundance stone, and this is about being abundant in all areas of your life. 

Prosperity is often thought to just be about having lots of money but that's not all there is to it.

These green crystals have an excellent energy to assist you to attract a flow of plenty into your life. 

Its not always about money, as their vibration can also encourage the growth of love and and an improvement in your health.

This stone may help you if you are a person who has become too attached to money, or conversely feel that wanting money is not appropriate, especially if your faith frowns on riches.

The vibration of this green stone may help you to understand that money is just another element of energy and should be seen as such.

Note that they are beneficial crystals for money, that do have a good energy to assist you to manifest money.

For this purpose may be boosted by using with other manifestation stones, see the section further down.

How To Use It: Contacting Nature Spirits

Contacting Nature Spirits: 

The energy of these green crystals may help you to contact elemental beings or nature spirits, and will help you to make a stronger connection with Mother nature.

They have a lovely vibration that can help your energy field to be open to allowing these beings to connect with you. 

Dark Green ApatiteDeep Green Apatite Stone

If you are a gardener, you may find it is quite beneficial to keep a piece on your body while you work with your plants, to assist you to connect with elemental beings who live in the green areas.

This can not only assist you to connect with nature spirits but may bring their help too to enhance the growth of your garden. 

As mentioned above this is a stone of abundance in many ways.

You may discover that keeping a stone on you while you are tending your garden may also enhance the growth of your plants and bring a more abundant harvest.

How Will It Help You? Spiritual Properties

Green Apatite has some excellent spiritual properties, and is a lovely stone to use in meditation and may be beneficial to stimulate your intuitive ability.

Similar to their sister stone Blue Apatite, they may stimulate both the throat and third eye chakra.

Their energy can encourage you to reach a greater depth of meditation, may boost intuitive gifts and bring spiritual growth.

Their energy may also assist the development of gifts such as clairvoyance or psychic visions.

For this purpose the darker the stone, the stronger its energy will be to boost your psychic powers.

Green ApatiteGreen Apatite

Their vibration helps to unite the energy of the heart chakra with the throat and third eye chakras, and like most green stones, are quite strong heart chakra crystals.

Their resonance within the throat and third eye chakras can assist you to receive communication from Spirit or your guides during meditation.

Their throat chakra energy may also enhance your communication ability, helping you to remember what you are told, and to communicate it to others.

My Final Thoughts: Healing Properties

When you have been suffering from a long drawn out illness, Green Apatite is one of the healing crystals for you to use to encourage your body to finally heal.

They have a quite relaxing and balancing energy that assists emotional healing as well as helping stress and anxiety.

Dark Green ApatiteDeep Green Apatite Stone

They also assist the healing of problems of the nervous system, and may aid weight loss.

They are known to help the healing of the physical heart, may assist bones to heal and may boost how the immune system works.

They may also be used to help those who have issues related to dyspraxia, such as clumsiness and left-right confusion, especially children.

In summary: one of the easiest ways to utilize the energy of these stones is to keep a piece on your body. 

As they resonate within both the throat and heart chakra, wearing a piece in that general area may be valuable. If you can wear jewelry made from this stone, that will be helpful. 

Alternatively, buy a macrame crystal holder, to make it easy to wear on your body and if you get one with a sliding bead it's easy to change the stone too.

Green Apatite Meaning: Aka Asparagolite or Asparagus Stone

Green Apatite is a member of the Apatite family of stones and there quite a few other colors in this group.

While each of the stones are similar in make-up they have different metaphysical properties.

The green part of its name is quite obvious, and it comes in a number of shades from a quite dark green through to a fairly light color.

It may also be called Asparagolite or Asparagus Stone, which is the clearer asparagus green gem variety.

Asparagolite Meanings Properties & UsesAsparagolite or Green Apatite

The meaning of the name of Apatite relates to a Greek word 'apatao', meaning to deceive.

The purpose behind this name was that it was often wrongly identified as a different mineral, but these days genuine apatite is easy to find.

Apatite comes in a number of other colors, including blue, pink, purple, white and a lovely golden yellow.

This mineral occurs in the massive form as well as in a tabular or prismatic form.

Natural or rough crystals are easy to buy, and it is also common to see tumblestones selling.

Many of these stones are quite translucent or transparent and they are popular stones to use to make into gemstone jewelry.

Where Is It From?

Deposits of this stone have been found in a number of locations, with quite beautiful specimens being found in Madagascar and Russia.

It is also found in Canada, Mexico, Sweden and Austria. The minerals hydoxylapatite and fluroapatite are closely related to the green apatite stone.

Both of these are similar in looks, so as it can be hard to differentiate, it is normal to simply call it apatite. See other varieties or colors pictured below.

Pink ApatitePink Apatite
White ApatiteWhite Apatite

Best Crystals To Use With Green Apatite

What are the best crystals to use with Green Apatite?

These green crystals have a good energy to help stress, but if you are still feeling stressed you might like to use them with other crystals for stress.

Stones that contain lithium, a powerful mineral to assist stress, anxiety or depression are a good choice.

There are a number of crystals that contain lithium, including Lithium Quartz, Pink Tourmaline, Amblygonite and Lepidolite.

These green crystals work well to stimulate intuitive ability, but if you'd like more help to encourage stronger intuitive gifts, you might choose to use them with other stones that enhance intuition.

This includes crystals such as Neptunite, Prehnite, Purple Amethyst or Dumortierite.

These crystal have a lovely energy to boost abundance in a range of different ways within your life.

Many people think of abundance as just being about the growth of money, and of course having enough money to support your needs is important.

Many of the most well known abundance stones will aid manifestation of money and these can be used with these green stones to assist you.

Specific well known abundance stones include the bright yellow Citrine crystals, Libyan Desert Glass, Yellow Topaz and Brazilianite.

More Pictures Of Green Apatite

Green Apatite Meanings Properties & Uses
Green Apatite 9-500
Green Apatite aids abundance grief sadness and heartbreakGreen Apatite aids abundance grief sadness and heartbreak

Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.

Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing. 

Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.

Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.

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