
 Aids Decisions & Past Life Recall

Wavellite has a unique energy that can spiral energy out into the etheric body, clearing negative energy as they go, and may aid you to make more effective decisions.

They have a beneficial energy to help you to see all parts of a situation, and to be aware of all perspectives and this can aid better decision making.

They have a beneficial vibration that will boost intuition, and is known to enhance lucid dreaming and psychic dreaming.


They also help to balance the level of white blood cells in relationship to red blood cells, and may speed up healing of the skin.

This is a lovely healing stone, that it is said to aid detoxification. 

These attractive green crystals are quite unusual, and are formed as beautiful wheel or fan shaped minerals. 

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Past Life Work: Their energy aids you to recall past lives when you are investigating past life issues. 

They are known to heal associated past life problems that may surface at the time you are doing past life research.

Why Would You Use It? Aids Decision Making

Wavellite are excellent crystals for decision making and are highly beneficial to assist you when you are working on making complex or difficult decisions.

This is especially true when you are seeking better work or career related alternatives. Their energy is also known to assist the solving of relationship issues.

They may enhance your ability to make good decisions and to see the bigger picture.

By being aware of the peripheral or obscure reasons for your choices, you might end up discovering a better option to what you had originally considered.


These beautiful stones have a number of excellent metaphysical attributes, and in particular are beneficial heart based crystals.

This can assist you in a number of ways, as they have a quite powerful action to activate the higher heart chakra, and emanate a strong emotional healing energy.

This higher heart vibration is powerful, as it stimulates feelings of love, compassion and forgiveness.

Who Should Use It? 

Using these quite interesting stones in meditation can be helpful for a number of excellent reasons, including their action to strengthen 

The vibration of these stones stimulates the third eye, which helps to fine tune your intuitive gifts.

Their strong third eye energy may help to enrich your intuitive abilities.

They may also help the birth of psychic abilities or powers which you may not have been aware of.


They have a highly advantageous energy to boost your psychic ability, and perhaps this relates to the surprising and quite unique manner in which their energy flows.

The energy takes the shape of the embodied coils within the stone, spiraling its energy out through each of the levels of the etheric body, and helping to clear any negativity it finds as it travels.

When using them in meditation, hold them at the center of the body in the region of the heart chakra, then simply relax and allow yourself to flow with the energy.

Their energy may enable you to clear issues that you need to let go of in order to move forward in a new or better direction in order to develop your gifts.

They also have a good action to assist you to experience precognitive dreams and they are also known to help with developing lucid dreams and psychic dreaming.


Crystal Tip: To aid you to have precognitive dreams, keep a piece in the bedroom. They also may ease stress as their energy is soothing, so they could also be helpful to aid you to go to sleep more easily.

 How Will It Help You? Healing Properties

These unusual stones embody a quite powerful vibrational healing power and emit an excellent energy that can easily be utilized to assist healing.

They have a number of beneficial healing properties as they help to encourage healing energy to move from the etheric body or auric field into the body where it is needed.

WavelliteWavellite Spiral Close Up

Their energy is helpful to ameliorate issues that are related to the flow of blood around the body, are also known to aid detoxification and may help skin disorders including dermatitis.

Other issues that it may help includes assisting to balance the level of white blood cells in relationship to red blood cells, and they also have a soothing and calming effect which may help to relieve stress and tension.

How To Use It: Wearing This Crystal

Wavellite is an Aquarius birthstone and while jewelry for this air sign stone is not common, if you feel its energy will benefit you, you may like to track down a piece.

These unique green crystals are beneficial to wear on your body as they will assist you when you have been having trouble making a decision about an issue that seems challenging.

Wavellite PendantWavellite Pendant

As the vibration of these stones can help you to see the circumstances surrounding the situation from a number of perspectives, this may assist you to decide which action to take for your greatest good.

An alternative to wearing jewelry made from this stone is to put a piece in your pocket or on your desk if you work in the same place every day.

Wavellite jewelry isn't common but there is another alternative, as you can wear a piece of this stone by using a macrame crystal holder

It is easy to buy a macrame crystal holder, just make sure you get one with a sliding bead on top so you can take the stone out for cleansing it.

Where Is It From? Wavellite Meaning

The meaning of the name Wavellite relates to it being named after William Wavell, the Englishman who discovered this stone.

They have been found in Britain, Bolivia, Australia and the United States. 

They are an aluminium phosphate mineral, that occurs as a secondary mineral in low grade metamorphic rock. Their shape is generally in a lovely wheel or fan shaped form.


While their color is commonly green, they also occur in shades such as yellow green, brownish green, white, brown or colorless. Their form may be botryoidal, stalactitic or acicular.

While single prismatic crystals have been found they are very rare. These unusual crystals form as needle like crystals that are hemispherical or radial shaped structures, that are quite beautiful.

They actually occur as ball shaped pieces or clusters.

It is only when the balls are opened that you can see the unusual circular or fan shaped habit of these stones, clearly seen in images here.

Although in the past they were known as rare stones it is now becoming easier to obtain them.

While they are not common stones, they can be found at most good crystal stores.

My Final Thoughts

These green crystals are also known to help issues that may have originated in a past life, so they are beneficial healing crystals for you to use when doing past life investigation.

This is because their vibration helps to reduce any stress that may occur that is related to working through upsetting situations in past lives and may clear related trauma as well


In summary: these unique stones resonate within the higher heart chakra, bringing an increase in love compassion and forgiveness.

Use in meditation to boost intuition and stimulate psychic gifts and help you to make better decisions and use for past life investigations.

Place in your bedroom to enhance lucid dreaming and psychic dreaming, and as they they have a soothing, calming energy that relieves stress, you may also find you sleep better.


Interesting idea: Are you a crafty person? If you are, you may enjoy these instructions to make your own macrame crystal holder here.

Best Crystals To Use With Wavellite

What are the best crystals to combine with Wavellite? Did you know that these stones have a good energy to help with decision making?

But if you feel you need extra help, you could combine them with other stones that might help you to decide what to do.

Stones you could use with them includes Tigers Eye, Grandidierite, Fluorite or Mookaite.

If you would like to enhance your ability to lucid dream there are quite a  few other crystals that you might use with this stone to assist you to experience lucid dreaming. 

Specific stones you might choose includes Angelite, Dream Quartz, Covellite and Danburite.

If you are working on past life issues and are especially looking to release old trauma from these lives, there are a number of good crystals that aid past life healing.

Stones to pair with them for this purpose includes Dream Quartz, Vogesite, Ancestralite and Black Onyx.

To boost the action of this stone to develop your intuition, combine it with other stones that will also help you to become more intuitive, such as Agrellite, Stilbite, Blue Barite or Picasso Marble also called Picasso Stone or Picasso Jasper

These crystals are known to have a good action to assist the healing of disorders of the skin, including dermatitis.

If you feel you could use some help to heal skin issues, it may be beneficial to use it with other stones for that purpose, including Moss Agate, Dumortierite, Apophyllite or Crazy Lace Agate.

More Pictures Of Wavellite

Wavellite SpiralWavellite Spiral
Wavellite spirals clear negativityWavellite spirals clear negativity

Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.

Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing. 

Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.

Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.

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