White Heulandite

Stimulates The Brain & Helps To Release Karma

➤ By Liz Oakes

Peachy White Heulandite may take you on inner journeys to ancient civilizations such as Atlantis, Lemuria or Egypt.

You may learn about past lives you have experienced there, and it aids you to heal situations that may be of a karmic nature. 

This energy may help you to stop the ongoing need to keep reliving these situations. It is a high vibration stone that is a powerful for meditation. 

These crystals have the advantage of being one of the group of stones known as Zeolites.


Stones in the zeolite group commonly are known to be helpful to benefit the environment, as they absorb toxic products and odors, so they are helpful to have around.

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Where Is It From? Heulandite Meaning

The meaning of the name of this stone, simply relates to the name of a man that it was called after, a collector named John Henry Heuland.

This stone is in the zeolite family and is said to be related to a zeolite mineral called clinoptilolite, and often occurs in combination with Stilbite crystals.

The largest amount of this stone is found in India, but it is also found in Iceland.

Heulandite color may be red, yellow, black, brown, gray, pink, peach, white and green.

The two most prolific colors are the green crystals and what are called the 'white' stones.

Crystals that are colored pink or peach, may be labeled as 'white' stone, as the metaphysical qualities of the pink, peach and white Heulandite are very similar.

The information about the 'white' colored stone is covered on this page or you can read about Green Heulandite on its own in-depth page.

Peach Heulandite on White MordenitePeach Heulandite on White Mordenite

The peachy 'white' crystals from India are commonly known to form on a base of pure white Mordenite stone, which is a stark contrast to the color of the crystals.

The energy of both prominent colors of this crystal, white or peachy colored and the green stone is of a strong vibration.

Why Would You Use This High Vibration Stone?

There are a number of reason why you might choose to use these crystals including:

  • All colors of this stone have a very high frequency, and using any color in meditation is very powerful.
  • They are all excellent stones for assisting you to focus your thoughts.
  • As the metaphysical character of the pink, peach and white crystals are very similar, these stones that are colored pink or peach, may be labeled as 'white' stone.

How Does Heulandite Work In The Brain?

White Heulandite has a frequency that is similar to that of Herderite, and works particularly within the third eye and the crown chakra

It will aid the synchronization of both hemispheres of the brain, and its stimulation within the brain can easily be felt by most people.

Peach Heulandite on White MordenitePeachy White Heulandite on stark white Mordenite matrix

As you begin to utilize this specific part of your brain, you will find that you may access Divine guidance more easily. 

It may boost your awareness of psychic visions, as it may assist in overall brain health and aid one to become aware of higher subtle vibrations. 

You may be aided to know what steps to take to develop your psychic powers, and by accessing this special guidance you may develop a range of new gifts. 

This guidance may include helping you to make contact with new spirit guides. 

Your ability to find higher spirit guides to work with, specific guides from the higher planes, will put you on an elevated path, and the next phase in your overall spiritual development.

Using White Heulandite

This is a powerful stone that aids you to connect to the akashic records, and it has a strong energy within the third eye and the brain.

While there you may be able to access past life information, and by accessing this information it may enable you to heal issues in your present life.


These issues my be of a karmic nature, and this may be your opportunity to release past life pain, caused by blockages, related to past life events.

Combined with Lemurian seed crystals it may bring memories of Lemurian past lives to your awareness. This combination may help you to resolve karma attached to them.

There are some differences in the way that the different colored stones direct your thoughts.

To aid you to journey back into your past lives, specifically those of ancient civilizations such as Atlantis, Lemuria and Ancient Egypt, the White Heulandite is an excellent tool.


Both colors have a strong level of crystal energy and are powerful for aiding you to making major changes in your life.

One of the most amazing ways of using these stones is by combining both the green and white crystals together.

As you bring these two energies into rapport, their vibrations meld, and create a beautiful vibration that locks together your mind, heart and soul, creating an extraordinary spiritual activation.

Best Crystals To Use With White Heulandite

As mentioned above, using Lemurian seed crystals with White Heulandite is an excellent combination.

The blend of the energy of these two stones is an excellent aid to help you to remember your Lemurian past lives, and help you to resolve the attached karma.

Use them with Natrolite to create a greater level of energy for inter-dimensional travel and with Herkimer Diamonds to journey back to Atlantian times.

You may choose to combine these crystals with the energy of Rhodizite, Cryolite, Brookite, Axinite or Golden Herderite and you may find your overall level of brain stimulation to be extraordinarily potent.

As they are strong crown chakra stones, if you are working to assist spiritual growth or feel that there are issues that require spiritual healing use them with other crown chakra crystals.

This includes crown chakra stones such as Elestial Citrine, Stellerite, Purple Scapolite or Clear Apophyllite.

When you combine the 'white' variety of this crystal with other high vibration stones, this will move your development forward very quickly, as they all emit very strong vibrations.

Phenacite, Creedite, Satyaloka Quartz and Stellar Beam Calcite also combine well with the white stones.

To aid weight loss, combine either color with other weight loss crystals. Stones that are useful for this purpose includes as Yellow Apatite, Picasso Marble, Epidote or Diaspore.

If you'd like to know about Green Heulandite, simply click on the image below to learn about another color of this stone.

More Photos Of White Heulandite

Peach Heulandite 2-500
Peach Heulandite on White Mordenite
Heulandite on White Mordenite

Heulandite on White Mordenite

White Heulandite Meaning Properties And PowersWhite Heulandite Meaning Properties And Powers

Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.

Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing. 

Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.

Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.

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