
Discover Your Life Path

➤ By Liz Oakes

Eudialyte helps you to discover what your life path isIt carries positive vibrations with a strong action to assist heart based loving energy to fill your life.

This crystal has a good energy to open the heart chakra, then helps to produce a loving connection to base chakra energy.

This helps to boost your life force energy by uniting your emotional feelings with physical expression. It's vibration assists you to choose to allow yourself to accept all the good things that life extends to you.


It has a very encouraging vibration and is a strong aid that enhances inspired thinking that can help you to recognize what direction to take your life in.

This stone has a strong effect that can cause coincidence or synchronicity to occur in your life. is reader-supported. When you buy thru links on my site I may earn affiliate commissions. Click Here to learn more.

Crystal Tip:  Hold Eudialyte to create an increase in both beta and alpha brain waves. Alpha brain waves help to increase your creativity and may stimulate clairaudience, and also help you to develop telepathy and ESP.

Want Help To Discover Your Life Path?

This is a supportive stone, that aids you to find out what your reason is for being here at this time.

It helps you to connect through your heart, and to take that energy into your physical life, to determine how to create a purposeful life.

Eudialyte crystals embody both the pink ray of the heart and the deeper red ray of the lower chakras, and this works to connect your spirituality with your physical existence.

Buy Eudialyte from Exquisite Crystals, my most trusted crystal seller.


If you have been depressed or stressed, sometimes it is hard to let go of negativity, but this stone helps you to release pessimistic feelings.

Using these stones may be helpful to relieve stress.  

They help you to feel a greater degree of self-love, and aid you to feel more balanced and to accept yourself and all that you are.

If you want a situation to change or a relationship to end, Eudialyte helps you to let go of the circumstances in a peaceful way.

It teaches you that you may replace feelings of hopelessness and accept a life full of joy, happiness and completeness.

This stone helps you to let go of feelings that you are unable to avoid living a life full of suffering and hardship.

Aids New Gifts, Creativity & Inspiration

Eudialyte are strong stones for inspiration that can help to stimulate inspired thinking with new thoughts and plans coming to you without warning.

You may find new ideas arrive in your mind out of the blue giving you some possible ways to take action so that you can move forward in your life.

This is a good stone for boosting your creativity and even if you are unaware of these talents, it is possible that they can be developed.

If because of circumstances in your life you have not had the opportunity to develop specific creative gifts, perhaps you may not be aware of them, but if you are inspired to try something, perhaps it is time to take action.

Using this stone may create a flow of spiritual energy, allowing inspired channeled writing to naturally occur.

This strong connection also creates an affinity between your mind and your emotions.


When you are in the zone that elevating your mind to alpha creates, at this time your ability to make a stronger linkage with Spirit is increased.

This may bring an elevation of psychic gifts, including clairaudient abilities, ESP and remote viewing. It will also aid you to develop telepathic gifts and will enhance the creative flow.

This stone is said to create an increase in both beta and alpha brain waves. 

This increase in alpha brain waves is part of the reason why Eudialyte is such a powerful stone to enhance creativity.

Wearing this stone as jewelry may assist you, as the longer you hold a piece of this crystal, the greater the extent of your connection with spirit.

Jewelry made from this stone is not common but you can still keep it on your body, by placing it in your pocket or wearing it in a macrame crystals holder.

It is easy to buy a macrame crystal holder, and they come in a range of sizes and colors, and this makes it easy to wear them on your body during the day.

Healing Properties Of Eudialyte

Using it may be beneficial to aid your healing. This stone is purported to have a number of healing properties.

It is an excellent healing stone and is known to aid the body to heal a number of different issues.

It is said to assist nervous system disorders, including Parkinson's Disease, Multiple Sclerosis, Lupus and Alzheimer's.


This crystal is said to be beneficial to treat disorders of the eyes and in particular is said to help the optic nerves.

It is a good healing crystal for depression as it has a positive vibration that will help to lift feelings of depression.

Eudialyte will help to harmonize your brain waves, and assist you to let go of negative emotions that may be keeping you from feeling satisfied with your lot in life.

Who Should Use Eudialyte?

It is known to aid occurrences of coincidence and synchronicity in your life, and this may help you to see how your dreams may become reality.

These coincidences may also present ways to move forward using these insights.

It's energy helps to remove blockages to creativity and will help you to allow your innate gifts to flow as they were meant to.

The vibration of this stone helps you to learn from your mistakes and helps you to more at peace with yourself.

This stone is known to provide some psychic protection energy.

EudialyteEudialyte With White Agrellite

It's energy also has an ability to aid the process of kundalini activation.

Sometimes life circumstances make you feel angry with Spirit, and you blame God for what has happened. Sometimes the reason for a situation may be based in a past life.

This stone may help you to negotiate your journey to that life and while finding out the background, may give you greater understanding on what is currently happening.

Because its vibration helps you to see the personal Divinity of your own spirit, it will help you to better understand your purpose for being here.

Eudialyte stimulates synchronistic events to happen in your life, and at the same time it enables you to see why certain things in your life have occurred.

It is beneficial to wear it on your body and Eudialyte jewelry will be helpful, especially if you wear it close to the heart chakra.

How Will It Help You?

It is easy to buy Eudialyte and it's resonance creates an excellent healing action within the body at the cellular level, and may aid you if you are feeling a lack of energy.

It is a strong stone to help the dying to make the transition to Spirit more easily and it may help you to examine why you feel as you do, and can help your spirit to heal.

It has a strong ability to cause coincidences to occur in your life, and is a good stone to assist heart based loving energy to fill your life.

Eudialyte with White AgrelliteEudialyte with Agrellite

These red crystals create an increase in both beta and alpha brain waves. An increase in beta brainwaves stimulate better judgement and improved problem solving.

Increased alpha brainwaves help you to settle into the meditative mode and may stimulate creativity and help you to develop telepathy, clairaudience and ESP.

Why Would You Use It?

Eudialyte are beneficial crystals for emotional healing that will soothe feelings of resentment that may be creating a disturbance in your emotional body.

Feelings such as anger, guilt or jealousy may also be helped by its positive energy. Its vibration is known to draw soul companions together.

This energy may help you to understand the relationship with another, and to work out if you were meant to be soul mates or if there is a spiritual connection.

Eudialyte are crystals for self love, and they may assist you to both love yourself and to be confident in your own abilities.

The vibration of this stone produces a feeling of confidence in your abilities, and a sense of inspiration to create an improvement in your personal circumstances.

It is easy to but natural Eudialyte stones, or loose gemstones that have been tumbled, and which make nice jewelry, but they are not common.

Wearing this heart stone on your body may be beneficial, as Eudialyte opens the heart. It then helps to bring an increase of love within your physical energy by creating a connection from the heart to base chakra energy.

From the base or root chakra it then aids the energy to move down to the earth chakra, to make a connection with Mother Gaia.

How To Use It? My Final Thoughts

This crystal vibrates within the base chakra, which is the lowest chakra in the body and also within the earth star chakra below your feet.

Its energy is known to have an effect to enable you to receive sound waves with greater clarity, and to pick out the desirable sounds from multiple sounds being received.

If the stone you are using has black inclusions within it, these black inclusions are known to help to take the energy down to the lower chakras.

The energy of these stones also has an ability to aid the process of kundalini activation.


In summary: it will enhance sounds that are clear and recognizable, and will act to sharpen indistinct sounds. 

This aids the psychic gift of clairaudience to improve, as you are able to more easily pick out a specific sound from the myriad of sounds broadcast.

It has a very encouraging vibration and is a strong aid to help you to recognize what direction to take your life in, and aids you to discover what your life path is.

Where Is It From? Eudialyte Mineral Structure

This complex mineral was first discovered as an inclusion in nepheline syenite in the Ilimassaq Intrusive Complex in Southern Greenland in 1819.

Deposits of this red silicate mineral have also been found in South Greenland, in Norway, North West Russia in the Kola Peninsula, Madagascar, Brazil, Canada and Arkansas in the United States.

These stones are an example of a rare and unusual mineral. They are alkaline igneous rocks that contain a strange assortment of igneous minerals.

Its crystal structure is often in the massive form but may also be as rhombohedral crystalline masses.

This rare mineral contains a number of rare earth elements including the mineral Cerium, which makes it mildly radioactive.

See article on the radioactivity of mineralsTherefore you may choose to take care when using it, or to not use it if this concerns you.

Other minerals that are also alkaline igneous minerals includes stones such as Aegirine, Lamprophyllite, Titanite, Arfvedsonite and Sodalite which is a quite popular mineral.

This rare cyclosilicate mineral is also found with white Agrellite as well as the attractive brown Nepheline stone. It often has black inclusions which may be Aegirine or Arfvedsonite.

Eudialyte Meaning and Colors

The meaning of the name Eudialyte comes from the Greek words for 'easy' and 'to dissolve' as early users of this crystal found that the Eudialyte displayed easy solubility when dissolved in acid.

Stones in the Eudialyte group usually occur in a range of distinctive colors from pink through to red, and even a dark reddish brown with both white and black inclusions being common.

EudialyteEudialyte Specimen

Stones in this mineral group may also be green, brown, yellow-brown or violet, but it is a rare stone and colors other than the reddish pink shades are very uncommon.

In the same area of Greenland, the mineral Eudialyte is found with white syenite as the host rock and combined with black Arfvedsonite. 

You can read about that this quite rare Eudialyte Arfvedsonite mix called Kakortokite or Lopar's Blood in its own article. 

Best Crystals To Use With Eudialyte

What are the best crystals to combine with Eudialyte?

If you have been having emotional problems you may choose to combine it with the lithium based stones, Hiddenite, Pink Tourmaline, Lilac Lepidolite, Lithium Quartz, Amblygonite and Pink Kunzite.

Lilac Lepidolite, Blue Hemimorphite, Uvarovite Garnet, Rainbow Obsidian and Smithsonite are also strong stones for healing your emotions, and will combine well with this stone.

Base chakra stones such as Red Cuprite, Black Tourmaline, Red Tourmaline or Ruby may be used with Eudialyte to strengthen the connection, as you to take energy down through the base chakra to the earth for grounding.

If you would like to enhance the action of this stone to boost telepathic abilities, you may choose to combine it with other stones that also aid mental telepathy.

This includes Selenite, Muscovite, Rhodizite and Amethyst Cacoxenite.

Books That Aid Psychic Development

In her book 'Diary of a Psychic', you can read the story of how Sonia Choquette developed her gifts, and how to develop your psychic abilities.

Sonia's books shown below, are excellent aids to help you if you are working on developing psychic abilities.

This includes developing your intuition, which is a closely related gift.

Sonia has been working in psychic employment as a reader and as a teacher in the development area for many years.

If you would like to read reviews of these Sonia Choquette books Click Here.

Eudialyte Meanings Properties & UsesEudialyte Meanings Properties & Uses

Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.

Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing. 

Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.

Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.

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