Rhodonite Crystals

Compassion, Forgiveness & Release of Fear

➤ By Liz Oakes

Rhodonite helps to bring peace to troubled relationships. It may help your relationships, by its action to stimulate acceptance, forgiveness and unconditional love towards others.

It is helpful to assist relationship problems, and has a strong heart based energy with a useful healing vibration.

Having a piece on your body, may help to stop you from taking action when you are feeling angry, fearful and panicky.

Rhodonite wide 3Rhodonite

These stones are excellent for balancing the emotions, and during traumatic times this stone can be used to calm you.

It is known for its capacity to bring emotional healing and to release blocked energy from within the heart chakra. 

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Helpful When Traumatic Events Are Unfolding

The vibration of these pink stones may also help you to discover innate talents that you may not have been aware of, and work out the best way to utilize them. 


Rhodonite can be especially helpful when traumatic events are unfolding in your life or in the world around you.

They are advantageous healing crystals for you to use in meditation to help you to discover where your destiny lies.

Their energy is beneficial when you keep overthinking about a specific problem, as they help to free your mind and help you to stop obsessing.

Rhodonite Intensifies Acceptance & Forgiveness

These pink crystals are powerful to balance your emotions. Their energy will intensify acceptance, forgiveness and unconditional love towards others.

During stressful times, when you are frightened or panicky, this crystal can be used to calm you.

Rose Pink RhodoniteRose Pink Rhodonite

They are good crystals to help you to conquer your fear as they will assist you to release the fear that you are holding onto.

This crystal embodies an active heart based vibration, and this is a helpful energy to use to aid the healing of relationship problems.

Rhodonite Aids Emotional Healing

This crystal is helpful within the emotional body, for healing shock and soothing tension and stress, and it also has many other good healing attributes within the physical body. 

Keep a piece of this beautiful pink stone on your body if you are stressed, as using the energy of this stone is one of the ways to relieve stress.


Its energy within both the heart chakra, and higher heart or thymus chakra will bring emotional healing, and will help to release blocked energy that may be causing health issues.

This stone is helpful to aid healing of the endocrine system, which is made up of a number of glands that produce hormones that are responsible for your body working properly.

Why Would You Use Rhodonite?

Rhodonite crystals are excellent to aid self esteem and self confidence, and are powerful to help you when your life is traumatic.

They may aid you to discover if the problem in your relationship is connected to how you have been acting, or whether its related to the other person's actions.

Shop for Rhodonite at Exquisite Crystals, my most reliable crystal seller.

Rhodonite EggRhodonite Egg

Like most pink crystals this stone carries the vibration of love within it, as well as a strong energy of altruism and generosity. 

It helps you to discover what your talents are, and how they can be used to assist others.

They resonate within the heart chakra and the thymus chakra or higher heart, and this is beneficial in many different ways to help your life.

Rhodonite Healing Properties: Brings Life Force Energy In

They have a number of good healing properties and by bringing life force energy into the physical body, this will aid all areas of your system to function better. 

Keeping a piece on your body is very effective to aid your healing, as it works in so many different ways.

These stones will help the immune system to function better, by stimulating and strengthening the glandular system.


They are said to be a good treatment to use for aiding arthritis sufferers.

They have a good energy to aid inflammation, including helping inflammation within the joints and the healing of inflammatory conditions related to broken bones.

They will aid the liver to carry out detoxification, assist ulcers to heal, as well as aiding the healing of health issues such as kidney or gallstones.

These issues can be assisted by having this stone on your body.

The darker pink stones, and especially those with black inclusions in them, have a strong resonance at the base or root chakra.

Other Rhodonite Healing Properties

Other very important healing properties that might help you includes their energy to aid the healing of skin problems.

A tincture of this stone is known to help the itching caused by insect bites, as well as aiding scars to heal.

Rhodonite EggRhodonite Egg

The action of the variety known as Gemmy Rhodonite may help  with the healing of health issues within the kidneys and adrenal glands, and is known to assist with treating Lupus.

These stones may help with healing of hormone related issues. They are also helpful to assist the healing of throat infections and lung problems including emphysema.

Who Should Use Rhodonite?

It is common for it to help users to work out the reason why you are here on earth at this time.

Its vibration encourages selflessness, and stimulates a desire to assist others.

Rhodonite jewelry is so easy to buy, so for anyone who would like to boost this energy in your life, use this by either wearing it as jewelry or putting piece in your pocket.

RhodoniteDeep Reddish Pink Rhodonite

It assists you to understand your dreams, and aids you to appreciate ways that you can use your individual talents and abilities in service to others.

Shop Rhodonite Stone here. It has an energy that draws you to do actions that are beneficial in aiding the healing of the earth.

It will be helpful, just as long as its energy is within your auric field for a period of time each day.

You might even like to put one under your pillow, as this vibration is known to help you to better understand your dreams.

Helps Overthinking During Meditation

Rhodonite is easy to buy, and it is a dependable stone to stimulate feelings of kindness and concern for others as well as generosity.

It is an excellent stone to use in meditation as many people find that it is hard to stop themselves from overthinking, especially when you'd just like to relax and meditate.

They are excellent crystals for overthinking as they can help you to let go of issues that just seem to go round and round in your head without an answer.

RhodonitePink Rhodonite

There are a few different ways that you can use this stone to help you and they may be advantageous if you wish to boost your self esteem and confidence in yourself.

Wear this stone as close as possible to the chakras it most effects. These chakras are the heart, thymus, solar plexus and base chakras.

The solar plexus is located in the middle of the stomach, and is also known as the power chakra.

Wearing These Pink Crystals

Crystal jewelry is commonly made from this pink stone, and it is very attractive. This crystal comes in a number of different shades of pink.

Pink Rhodonite is on the zodiac birthstones list and as this stone has such a lot of excellent healing qualities, it is highly beneficial to keep a piece on your body.

Pink Rhodonite Pencil PendantPink Rhodonite Pencil Pendant

If you are unable to obtain jewelry made from this stone, simply get a small cloth bag and carry your crystal in your pocket or in a macrame crystal holder.

It's easy to buy a macrame crystal holder, just remember to get one with a bead at the top to keep it secure.

Wear To Help Relationship Problems

It is helpful to keep a piece on your body if you are experiencing relationship problems. 

What better way to keep its energy close to you, than to wear it on your body. 

It is a Taurus birthstone, so this means you should be able to get some lovely birthstone jewelry made from this stone.

Jewelry colors include light pink crystals like the pendant shown in the image above, through to lovely deep brownish red stones.

Pink RhodonitePink Rhodonite

In addition you can get pink stones with black inclusions like the one shown in the picture of my Rhodonite bead bracelet.

It is especially useful to wear this lovely pink crystal every day, as it can help you to remain calm when you may be likely to experience panic, anger or fear.

Its energy to stop you from overthinking may be helpful to assist you to find an answer to the issues that frighten you, and become calm while you make decisions.

Rhodonite Meaning

The name Rhodonite comes from the Greek word meaning 'a rose', which relates to its rose pink color.

These stones commonly occur in the massive form or rarely may be found in a crystal form although these are fairly uncommon.

They are a manganese silicate mineral and their mineral makeup may also relates to inclusions of iron, magnesium, calcium or zinc. 

Although the lighter pink stones are becoming more popular you will see many stones that are a deeper pink or magenta stones with inclusions of black manganese oxide in them.

Where Is It From? Rhodonite Colors

This stone is found in a large number of locations, including Germany, Sweden, Russia, Spain, Brazil, Mexico, Madagascar, South Africa, India, Australia, Canada and the United States. 

The variety of stone called Pyroxmangite or Gemmy Rhodonite, that has slightly different mineral make-up. See Pyroxmangite section here.


They occur in a range of colors from a pale pink though to a deep rose pink almost rose red shade.

Certain pieces of this crystal are known to be brownish red or almost entirely black, depending on the amount of manganese present.

Although it may be found as tabular crystals, these are quite rare. Some of the colors may relate to weathering of the stone and partial oxidization. 

It is more commonly found in a massive growth form, with very large pieces common.

How Will It Help You? 

They are strong stones for conquering fear and they can be used as a remedy, or first aid stone, during times of severe panic, alarm or distress.

It may help if you are going through issues in your life, where you find it hard to cope. 

If you are aware that you often give into feelings of anger and fear, keep one of these stones close to you, within your aura.

This may help you to feel calmer and less panicky, and may help you to solve conflict in a positive and practical way.

Rhodonite Bead BraceletRhodonite Bead Bracelet

This stone helps you to feel more stable, especially if you are going through relationship problems where your emotions are beginning to feel resentful, confused and bitter at the turn life has taken.

Even when you may not really want to forgive someone else, you may find that this stone helps you to feel less bitter.

Its energy helps you to move towards an emotional space where you may find that forgiveness is possible. Use crystals that aid this chakra to ensure you have a healthy self esteem.

My Final Thoughts

In summary: Rhodonite is a stone that will helps you to discover where you talents lie.

By utilizing what you discover while in meditation, you may be able to find out your true life direction, and your life purpose.

This stones vibration will help you to work out what you could be happiest doing.


You may discover how you can not only use your gifts to help yourself, but also to be of benefit for others.

You may choose to use a piece of this pink stone on its own, or you may like to combine it with other stones during meditation

You can read about these combinations in the next section of this article.

How To Use It: Health Of The Physical Body

It is beneficial to combine this stone with other pink heart chakra as well as thymus or higher heart chakra stones.

It may be helpful to grid yourself with them, while doing your daily crystal meditation.

There is an excellent combination of stones that are recommended by the well known author Judy Hall, in one of her crystal books, 101 Power Crystals.

The stones that Judy recommends are so good together that I wanted to pass on her information and how she suggests that they could be used.

You use these stones by placing them on yourself at the appropriate places (known as gridding yourself).

Lie down and place Rose Quartz Crystal at your heart chakra and a piece of Tugtupite at the heart seed, (located between the heart chakra and solar plexus chakra).

Place a piece of Pink Rhodochrosite on your higher heart chakra, and place a piece of Rhodonite at the solar plexus chakra.

Allow yourself to enter a state of relaxed inner awareness, and simply allow any negativity that comes up to be released.

This will open your higher heart to unconditional love as well helping you to let go of anything you have been holding onto that is not helping you.

Pyroxmangite: Meaning & Properties

Pyroxmangite is a polymorph of Rhodonite, so as it is closely related has many qualities in common with this stone except its energy is higher and more intense.

It is higher in manganese than Rhodonite, and for healing purposes it might be used at the higher heart chakra where it resonates quite powerfully.


Used at the higher heart it enhances the movement of an influx of Divine Love into your body, and has a strong love energy that stimulates forgiveness.

It helps to bring balance and harmony, assisting you to live from the heart, as it is a stone that encourages love for self as well as for others.

It also resonates within the third eye, and this may stimulate the pineal gland and it has a good action to boost creativity and inspire imaginative thinking

Best Crystals To Use With Rhodonite

What are the best crystals to combine with Rhodonite?

If you need help with forgiveness, combine this stone with other higher heart chakra stones that have a strong energy to aid forgiveness.

Specific stones that have a good energy to aid this area are Dioptase, Green Calcite,  Rhodochrosite,  Blue Hemimorphite and Stichtite. 

To accentuate its loving vibration, you may choose to combine Rhodonite crystals with other heart chakra stones, including with both the pink heart based crystals, and the green stones.

Specific pink heart chakra stones such as Rhodochrosite, Cobaltian Calcite, Pink Thulite, Morganite, Transparent Pink Calcite and Rose Quartz work well combined with this stone.

Transparent Pink CalciteTransparent Pink Calcite

Pair With Heart Based Stones

There are a great many stones for the heart chakra and many of them will combine well with it, including the green heart stones such as Green Emerald Crystals, Dioptase, Variscite and Chrysoprase.

It combines well with Red Almandine Garnet and Blue Lapis Lazuli, and it also combines well with Sugilite and Tibetan Black Quartz, which is particularly helpful to aid you to remove negative energy.

If you are having difficulty with letting go of fear, it may be beneficial to utilize more than one stone that will assist you to feel less frightened.

Other stones that may help you with this includes Beryllonite, Purple Scapolite, Vesuvianite or Ethiopian Opal.

The high crystal energy stones, and in particular Moldavite, Scolecite, Natrolite and Aurora Quartz also called Anandalite are powerful combined with Rhodonite to assist you to connect to the Divine mind and to aid awakening of your inner being.

For assistance with helping you to boost the energy that aids you with finding your life purpose and reason for being here at this time, use it with Dalmation Jasper or Astrophyllite.

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Rhodonite Aids Release of FearRhodonite Aids Release of Fear

Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.

Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing. 

Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.

Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.

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