Amazonite Stone

Stone Of Hope, Truth & Manifestation

➤ By Liz Oakes

Amazonite crystal has been called the 'hope stone' as they produce hope in the success of manifesting your desires and wishes.

They inspire you to speak with confidence and self assurance and will energize the words you speak with the power of truth.

They are strong stones for communicating, that help you to communicate truth with balance and integrity.


Their active metaphysical properties and strong vibration works powerfully through both the throat chakra and the higher heart chakra.

This crystal has a strong energy to aid EMF sensitivity and is a powerful stone to support you when you are undergoing change.

If you are doing energy work using the power of words, including EFT or tapping, it is an excellent stone to have within your aura, as it will aid the process. is reader-supported. When you buy thru links on my site I may earn affiliate commissions. Click Here to learn more.

Amazonite Helps You To Speak The Truth

This is one of the best crystals for truth as it will help you to align your speech to higher spiritual ideals.

The energy of this stone of truth also aids you to speak using words that clearly outline your real way of thinking, rather than the societal norm.

At the same time it's vibration assists for you to remain calm and unemotional.


The main thing is to keep this stone within your auric field to get the most benefit from this energy.

They are powerful healing crystals for you to use if you require help to communicate truthfully, as it aids you to verbalize your own truth, and to do so with integrity and a balanced outlook.

It will help you even if you are in a situation where you may be required to speak honestly about delicate or uncomfortable subjects that you are passionate about.

By using the energy of Amazonite stones, you will be supported to speak your highest truth. It is often difficult for many people to do this.


It is particularly helpful if you sometimes find it difficult to tell the truth, especially when you are talking about sensitive or embarrassing issues

They are powerful crystals for truth that are beneficial at those times when we are put into a situation where we need to speak of delicate matters.

We all experience times when there are issues that are emotionally difficult to speak truthfully about.

This blue crystal will aid you to communicate harmoniously and truthfully, and to let your true feelings and thoughts from a higher perspective, shine through.

The Hope Stone Has Calming Soothing Energy

This stone is also known as 'The Hope Stone' as it is an excellent stone of manifestation, as it inspires hope for your success.

It is powerful when combined with both the power of truth and hope as it empowers your spoken words with the energy of your hopes and wishes.

These blue-green crystals are powerful stress relief crystals that have extremely soothing energies and a calming nature.

Amazonite With Smoky QuartzAmazonite naturally intergrown with Smoky Quartz.

This soothing stone will also aid you to release the stress associated with previous experiences. 

You may need to learn better methods to communicate, and this stone may aid the process.

Why Would You Use It? Helps Overthinking

Amazonite enhances feelings of peace and harmony, that helps you to let go of worries and fear of judgment.

If you find that you keep thinking about issues that are worrying you and this happens at night, this stone might help to settle your thoughts.

Buy Amazonite from Exquisite Crystals, my most trusted crystal seller.

Peruvian Amazonite StonePeruvian Amazonite Stone

Amazonite are helpful crystals for overthinking, especially when you mind is filled with ongoing mind chatter every night, and does not want to stop.

When this type of negative thinking occurs, put a piece under your pillow so you can hold it and help to stop these thoughts and get back to sleep. 

It is a stone of courage that strengthens your determination, and boosts your ability to persevere during difficult situations.

It helps to release negative energy that may be blocking you emotionally from letting your authentic ideas and impressions from a spiritual standpoint be apparent.

How Will Amazonite Help You?

Amazonite crystals energy may help at times when you need to negotiate. 

If you are going through any situations where you need to be able to communicate better, wear this stone at the throat or nearby.

They are good crystals for communication so keep one of these blue-green stones on your body if you have been feeling fearful after confrontations. 

It may also be helpful to have on you at times of conflict relating to issues from the past, or even issues from the present.


Some people have difficulty in actually discerning 'truth', and are unsure what this truly means.

If you are in that position, using Amazonite stone may help you to clarify what your truth really is.

This natural crystal is highly beneficial to aid emotional trauma and may help to rehabilitate the nervous system and heal muscle tissue and aid muscle spasms.

It has a positive effect to eliminate energy blockages which may be causing a problem with the proper flow of nerve impulses within the brain.

It has a strong healing action for the emotional body as it boosts the flow of positive energy within your entire system. 


Amazonite is potent for balancing the masculine and feminine energies, and assists you to constantly retain a feeling of being balanced.

It assists you to heal and restore any problem areas within the etheric body, and will breathe new life into your physical body. It is a powerful stone for crystal healers to use to assist light-body work.

Wearing This Blue Green Stone

It is easy to buy high-quality crystals or pieces of Amazonite jewelry in a range of styles including some beautiful pendants and rings. 

These greenish blue crystals are lovely to wear, and this is a great way to assist you to remain calm and balanced.

This may be because they carry a vibration that resonates within the heart chakra.

Wearing lovely Amazonite gemstones that have been made into beautiful pieces of jewelry, is a wonderful way to help your communication. 

Amazonite Gemstone PendantAmazonite Gemstone Pendant

Beads made from this stone are sometimes available, and these have the advantage of being able to be mixed with other crystals.

These attractive bluish-green stones are on the zodiac or list of birthstones by star sign.

It is excellent to combine these crystals with other throat chakra stones.

If you choose to wear a pendant made from these beautiful precious stones close to the throat, this will aid you to use them to their greatest advantage.

They are a birthstone for Virgo, and if you decide to wear jewelry made from this stone, wearing Amazonite earrings may aid you to hear and recognize the truth when it is spoken.

Healing Properties Of Amazonite

The healing properties of Amazonite relate to its strong action for healers to use to assist your physical health to recover after you have been injured in an accident.

It is known to aid cell regeneration, and has a good action to balance both the thyroid and adrenal glands.

Their energy may be especially helpful when you have been adversely affected by stress and tension. 

Amazonite PendantAmazonite Pendant

It is reported that Amazonite assists the healing of gout and arthritis, and it is said to assist tooth decay as well as assisting osteoporosis caused by a calcium deficiency.

For calcium deficiency you might find that making a crystal elixir from this stone may be helpful.

Use the indirect method as some Amazonite is said to contain small quantities of lead.

Where Is It From? Amazonite Meaning

The meaning of the name of this stone relates to the Amazon River, as it is a location where there are considerable deposits of the stone.

This feldspar mineral is also known as Amazon stone or Amazon Jade as this location in South America is a major source of amazonite stone.

As well as in the Amazon area, it is also found in Madagascar, Russia, Canada, Namibia, Mozambique, Peru, India, Brazil and the United States.

This stone has been found in many locations for thousands of years.

Its color varies from a pale green through to a deep turquoise green including blue-green colors, like the color of the pendant from Peru, pictured further down the page.

Its mineral makeup relates to it being a blue green variety of microcline feldspar.

It is a type of potassium based feldspar that occurs as short prismatic crystals, tabular crystals or in the massive form.

The darker stones generally have a more intense vibration, but even the lighter stones will have an impact where needed.

There are new deposits being found all the time including areas where it is intergrown with Smoky Quartz and these are now available as quite beautiful tumble stones.

You might find this mixture being sold as Graphic Amazonite. In these stones you'll see lines of Smoky within the Amazonite.

I believe this mixture comes from Russia, will show you some pictures soon!

amazonite 3-500Amazonite

Strong Stress Relief Stones

These crystals are excellent stress relief tools, and this crystal will provide you with ways to relieve stress from your current life. 

While it is powerful to help to relieve stress, at the same time it is highly energizing.

You may simply keep it on your body, by putting a piece of the stone in your pocket.


Shop For Amazonite Stone Here.

These stones will help you to determine how the words you may have spoken in the past may have created or manifested your current reality.

Hold this stone in your hand while doing affirmations, as this may aid their manifestation, as it brings extra energy to using positive affirmations.

They are excellent stones to use when you are undergoing changes in your life and will support you while you work through the changes.

EMF Protection Crystals

This crystal is one of the more effective EMF protection crystals to help you to deal with electromagnetic negativity given off by cell phones or microwaves.

It is a powerful healing stone that may aid you if you have electrical sensitivity. You may like to use this stone to help to remove the energy emitted by these devices.

Attach a tiny piece of this stone to your phone and place a good sized one next to your computers, and your microwave to absorb undesirable energy.

AmazoniteAmazonite With Smoky Quartz Inclusions

This mineral sometimes naturally occurs with Smoky Quartz Crystals intergrown with Amazonite stone, similar to the piece in the above picture.

There is another piece of Amazonite with Smokey Quartz pictured on the page as well. These make wonderful specimen pieces.

Who Should Use It? Aids Meridian Tapping

Use this crystal if you are doing specific energy work that uses the spoken word, such as healing modalities like EFT or meridian tapping.

For this purpose, the higher heart chakra area may be used instead of tapping on the 'karate chop' area on the hand, that is commonly used. 

This beautiful stone also resonates strongly within the higher heart chakra area.

This chakras location is an alternative area for EFT practitioners to rub, while speaking the words needed to begin the EFT process.

Wearing Amazonite jewelry make it easy to keep this crystal on your body.

Its ability to assist you is very powerful, as it is a strong communication stone, that may boost the energy of the throat chakra.

If you are doing meridian tapping, wear a piece of jewelry made from this stone to give you the added energy of its vibration.

History of Amazonite: My Final Thoughts

Amazonite stone has been in use for thousands of years. The way that the ancient Egyptians used it makes us aware of its importance in ancient times.

An example of this use is that part of the Egyptian Book of the Dead was engraved on a piece of this stone.

From the Bible, it is believed and highly likely that this was the third stone in the breastplate of Moses.

Jewelry made from this stone was found in the tomb of the Egyptian Pharaoh, King Tutankhamen.

It was a prominent stone for making amulets in ancient times, and the Assyrians connected it with their God Belus.

Best Crystals To Use With Amazonite

What are the best crystals to combine with Amazonite?

Due to the fact that there are now an enormous number of devices that emit electromagnetic fields, many people are reacting to their emissions.

If you have electrical sensitivity and are looking for solutions to this issue, there are a number of stones that help your body to cope with this problem, and there are quite a few stones that will help your body to cope. 

Stones known to assist this problem include Shungite, Fulgurite, Aegirine and Black Tourmaline but there are more in the article about Crystals For EMF's.

To boost the action of this crystal to assist you to balance your male-female energies you may like to combine it with other crystals that aid balancing your energy in this way.

Crystals you may choose include Lake Superior Agate, Green Aventurine, Alunite and Lapis Lazuli Stone.

You may choose to use it with Shattuckite, White Topaz also called Clear Topaz, Azurite or Sunstone, to accentuate the strong vibration of truth within this stone.

The energy of the both the heart chakra and the higher heart chakra that comes through this stone, may awaken compassion and forgiveness within you, and it may be aided by combining it with Dioptase.

To enhance your negotiation skills, combine it with Golden Tigers Eye. All throat chakra stones combine well with it, especially any blue or blue-green ones such as Blue Lace Agate or Larimar.

The specific crystals to combine with Amazonite Stone for enhanced communication would be Septarian stone, Aquamarine, Chrysocolla or Aqua Aura Quartz .

Combine Amazonite stones with Rosasite, Sodalite, Nuummite and Moldavite, to give you a greater degree of understanding of the real meaning of truth.

Amazonite: The Hope StoneAmazonite: The Hope Stone
Amazonite Stone Meaning Properties & PowersAmazonite Stone Meaning Properties & Powers

Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.

Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing. 

Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.

Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.

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