Larimar Stone

Connects To The Goddess

➤ By Liz Oakes

Larimar stone has an energy that will quicken your contact with the Goddess. 

You may soothe and heal your emotions and release stress by connecting with the Divine Feminine

It helps to release stored negative emotions such as angry thoughts, remembered pain and other detrimental emotions that are not benefiting you.

Larimar StoneLarimar Stone

It has powerful metaphysical properties that help to dissolve emotional barriers. It is an active throat chakra crystal, that helps you to speak of your emotions.

This blue crystal has a distinct vibration that aids you to communicate with clarity. This is because of its heart based energy.  

This is a highly spiritual stone that works effectively within all of the chakras from the heart chakra through to the crown chakra.

This includes the higher heart chakra, which aids compassion and it has a vibration that assists clear communication. is reader-supported. When you buy thru links on my site I may earn affiliate commissions. Click Here to learn more.

Why Would You Use Larimar Stone?

There are quite a few reasons why you might choose to use this stone as they have some highly beneficial metaphysical healing properties including:

Healers may use this stone in layouts at any of the chakras from the heart chakra up, but it is most effective at the  throat and the heart chakra.

Within the thymus or higher heart chakra, its vibration will aid you to forgive others that may have caused you difficulties.

Larimar Stone Meaning Properties And Powers

It assists emotional healing and helps to clear deep seated emotional pain. 

It might be helpful to wear a piece close to the where you are feeling the pain, to keep the energy working at its highest capacity.

It has a strong harmonious feminine energy and calls forth feelings of a spiritual nature. They have some excellent Spiritual healing properties including:

  • They are powerful healing crystals for you to use to aid you to release deep seated pain, resentment and fear. 
  • This is an excellent stone to aid you to clear any negative entities or other attachments.
  • They have a helpful vibration that can assist you if you have side effects related to kundalini activation as it is calming and soothing.

How To Use It? Healing Attributes

They are excellent healing crystals for you to use as they have a number of beneficial healing properties, including helping to heal fevers and infections.

They are excellent crystals to aid inflammation and are known to assist the removal of energy blockages, especially in the throat, chest, neck area and head. 

Their vibration is said to aid blood pressure problems and soothe infections in the chest, throat and head as well.

You may wish to place a piece of Larimar stone on the sore spot to aid your healing.

Buy Larimar at Exquisite Crystals, who sell high quality stones.

Larimar StoneLarimar Stone

It has a strong healing vibration that will help you if you have problems managing anger.

It is cooling to the emotions, and the energy of this stone is known to help to enhance your creativity.

It may help you to find creative ways to accomplish your soul purpose in this incarnation as it encourages spiritual perception.

How Will Larimar Help You? 

Larimar stone is easy to buy, and there are two powerful ways to use this stone with both being highly beneficial.

One of the ways you may choose to use it is to wear this stone.

Wearing this crystal will keep the energy within your auric field constantly, or you may use it in meditation or do both.

Larimar With HematiteLarimar With Hematite Inclusion

It is a strong asset to aid meditation, and brings through a wonderful feeling of relaxation.

It has a decidedly spiritual energy that is said to aid ascension, and to help you to let go of connections with other people that are not for your highest good.

By holding a piece of this blue crystal during meditation you may accentuate its vibration to aid you to contact angels and to connect with the Goddess. 

It is easy to buy Larimar and it may also improve your connection with nature.

Enhances Communication

Larimar also enhances your communication and will enable you to say things to others that may be slightly uncomfortable in some circumstances. 

This blue crystal is helpful at this time, as its vibration helps to make the communication more acceptable to the hearer.

If you are a singer, it is a very helpful stone to wear close to the throat, as it will support the health of the voice and enhance your singing.

Larimar StoneLarimar Stone Pendant

This is a truly spiritual stone that performs successfully when use within any or all of the chakras from the heart chakra through to the crown chakra.

If you look at this lovely blue stone you will see within it the colors of the sea and sky which is very relaxing.

A very soothing energy resonates from this blue stone, that aids you to feel calm and relaxed.

These stones are very helpful to relieve stress, as the vibration of this stone takes you into a deep meditative state very easily, so it is a strong stone to relieve stress.

Wear To Link To Divine Feminine

They are helpful healing crystals for you as their vibration is all about how you communicate, as they resonate primarily through the throat chakra.

Wearing a Larimar stone pendant is the easiest way to use one of these crystals. 

This lovely blue stone is good to wear as a pendant, as its energy resonates within the throat chakra stone.

Worn there it helps to create clearer communication, especially connected to your feelings and how you relate to others.

It is on the list of zodiac birthstones, and this delightful blue stone makes very attractive jewelry, including lovely pendants, earrings and rings.

LarimarLarimar Pendant

Jewelry made from Blue Pectolite is easy to buy, and wearing a pendant made from this lovely stone will help you to feel calm and relaxed.

Finding jewelry made from Blue Pectolite is easily managed as it is found in a variety of different styles. 

As it is a birthstone for Leo, this means that it is more likely that you will find birthstone pendants and earrings made from this stone.

Helps To Heal Emotions And Relieves Stress

Larimar stone inspires self assurance and helps you to develop a bright cheery temperament.

This stone of the Goddess augments your feminine power and your connection to Divine feminine energy.

Larimar StoneLarimar Stone

The vibration of these beautiful blue crystals resonates within both the heart chakra and the thymus or higher heart chakra, to help you to break down barriers around the emotions.

Its meaning relates to how it helps you to let go of ego based feelings and to live in the now. 

Due to all of the earth changes happening now, this is an important stone to use at this time.  

These beautiful blue crystals will soothe and heal your emotions, and will help to relieve stress.

Where Is It From? Larimar Stone Meaning

This stone is also known by various names including Atlantis stone and Stefilias stone. This blue stone is found in only in the Dominican Republic in the Caribbean Sea.

It is in this one location in the world, on the island of Hispaniola that this type of Blue Pectolite is found.

Other varieties of Pectolite have been found in other parts of the world, including in the United States and Canada, but are usually named Blue Pectolite as Larimar is a registered trademarked name.

Within these lovely stones there are interesting patterns of blue, white and blue-green, as well as white veins through the stone.  

Some of the stone may also have inclusions of grayish black or red-brown Hematite within it.

Larimar StoneLarimar Stone

The meaning of this stone's name is related to the man who who rediscovered it in 1974, Miguel Mendez.

The meaning of this stone is associated with his daughter Larissa. 

It is said that he used the first three letters of his daughter Larissa's name... Lar... and the local word for the sea ...mar, to create the name Larimar.

My Final Thoughts

The Larimar meaning relates to the way it helps you to clearly say those things that you need to say, in a way that others will understand.

More than ever each of you need to understand the requirement to live right now, to be fully present in the moment.

Rather than looking back at the past, or hoping things will be better in the future, now is the time to concentrate on.

Larimar Stone

It has a strong spiritual action and will stimulate both the third eye and the crown chakras, and will help you to care for yourself. 

They are good stones to aid communication as they have an action to encourage you to go with the flow and quieten your thoughts.

This allows you to be fully present and understand your current circumstances.

Best Crystals To Use With Larimar Stone

What are the most beneficial crystals to combine with Larimar Stone?

To emphasize this stone's connection with the higher realms, you may choose to use it with some of the  high vibration crystals.

High energy crystals such as Scolecite, Moldavite, Natrolite and Tanzanite will combine well with it, and will aid you to reach the higher realms during meditation.

You may choose to combine Larimar with other blue throat chakra stones.

In particular, use it with Ajoite in quartz, Amazonite, Chrysocolla or Afghanite as they all blend well with it.

Larimar Stone helps to stimulate contact with the Goddess, and to boost this aspect of its energy, combine it with Rainbow Moonstone which also assist contact with the Goddess.

By contacting the Divine Feminine you may calm your emotions and free yourself from stress. Lemurian Crystals love to be combined with Larimar.

Using this stone together with the quartz energy helps to amplify the vibration, to assist you to make contact with the Goddess. 

It also combines well with Green Diopside and Ruby Stone.

If you need more help in dealing with anger and/or any resentment you may be feeling, it may be helpful to combine this stone with some of the other stones that can help you to cope better with these emotions.

You may choose to use crystals such as Green Calcite, Black Jade, Howlite,  Plancheite.

Other blue stones that are excellent in combination with this stone are Blue Aragonite, Blue Sodalite, Blue Lace Agate and Lapis Lazuli.

Larimar Stone Meanings Properties & UsesLarimar Stone Meanings Properties & Uses

Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.

Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing. 

Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.

Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.

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