Carnelian Meaning Properties & Powers

Boosts Physical Intimacy & Creativity 

➤ By Liz Oakes

Carnelian stones boost fertility and physical intimacy and have a strong healing vibration and have a strong action to accelerate your motivation.

They give you the courage and confidence to move forward on a new path in life.

They are stones of action and have a quite powerful energy to help to boost motivation and clarification.


This power crystal stimulates ambition and drive and has a powerful action to aid creative gifts. Their energy also maintains an improved flow of life force energy via the blood. 

The vibration of this bright orange stone may aid you to clarify your goals, so you can find your best direction in life.

At the same time they are quite stimulating, but may help to soothe anger or rage and bring calm. In ancient times it was a stone used to protect the dead on their journey to the after-life.

They are beneficial healing crystals for you to utilize to aid the health of the physical body and are helpful to help pain and the healing of broken bones. is reader-supported. When you buy thru links on my site I may earn affiliate commissions. Click Here to learn more.

Carnelian Boosts Physical Intimacy

The vibration of various Carnelian stones may resonate within different chakras according to the color of the stone. 

Use it at the sacral or navel chakra to initiate an improvement in physical intimacy.  

For this purpose it will also be advantageous to combine it with Zincite and Orange Calcite, and be ready for your time in the bedroom to take flight!

Shop for Carnelian at Exquisite Crystals, who sell high quality crystals.


If you know you need inspiration to move your life forward in a new direction, use this powerful stone.

It is an excellent stone to kindle feelings of joy and warmth, and will enhance concentration. 

Once this extra energy is in the blood, it flows via the heart to the entire physical structure of the body.

Why Would You Use Carnelian Crystal?

Carnelian comes in various shades of orange and the various colors affect various chakras. 

The deeper red stone has a good energy to help the base chakra and may boost physical intimacy and aid the healing of women's health problems.

The more pinkish orange crystals resonate within the heart chakra and are powerful heart chakra stones.

Carnelian Meanings Properties Powers & Uses

It is known to help to strengthen your will power, and by its action to intensify your goals and drive.

It may help you to manifest what you want to move onto your desired path forward in life!

The energy of all colors of this stone will highly activate the first through to third chakras, as well as resonating up into the heart chakra.

These orange stones are a type of chalcedony which is a variety of quartz crystal, so they have the added advantage that the quartz will amplify their energy, wherever they are placed.

These stones are said to have been used by the ancient Egyptians who believed it would help the soul's journey in the afterlife.

Who Should Use These Crystals For Creativity?

The energy of these crystals for creativity will aid you in creatively manifesting what you require to move onto your desired path forward in life. 

These orange crystals may aid you to move forward on a new life path, and will help you to make new, clearer decisions and better future career choices.

Although it is potent, its energy brings vitality, yet repudiates any possible negative possibilities.

It also resonates well within the solar plexus or power chakra and the base or root chakra.


Its energy will inspire courage and confidence, and they are well known as crystals that will enhance your creativity.

These orange crystals have a strong energy to boost your creativity and may assist you to find creative solutions to situations that arise that are difficult to solve.

Like most orange stones, this is a stone of the sacral chakra, and it creates a stimulating vibration within this region that is powerful to boost creativity. 

Carnelian Crystals are easy to buy, and are great stones to help in the reproductive areas of the body as well as stimulating sexual energy.

Carnelian Meaning

This stone is also spelled Cornelian and there are a couple of possible meanings of this stones name.

The first relates to the Latin word carne which means flesh, as some stones are flesh colored.

The other possible meaning of its name, is said to relate to its color being like the Kornel or cornel cherry. 

You may also see them selling as Carnelian Agate or Carnelian Jasper. While these names are not usual that will probably still be referring to the same stone.

Deposits have been found in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, Iceland, Britain, Brazil, Uruguay, Peru and a number of places in the United States. 

But much of the best Carnelian stone comes from India.

It is a cryptocrystalline form of silica, meaning that is it in the quartz family of minerals.

This mineral is in the chalcedony family as it one of the varieties of the silica mineral that contains a iron oxide.

CarnelianCarnelian Stones

This creates a beautiful translucent type of orange chalcedony in a range of orange hues.

The bright clear orange stones are the most common but it occurs in many beautiful shades of orange.

The intensity of the color of this variety of chalcedony relates to the level of iron impurities it contains.

So the color ranges from bright orange red to lighter colors such as pale orange, pink or light flesh colored. 

These stones may also be a deeper reddish orange, reddish brown, rusty brown, grey, red or brownish-red mineral.

You can commonly buy Carnelian tumblestones, as well as raw natural unpolished chunks of the stone and lovely polished gemstone jewelry is fairly easy to get.

How To Use It: Wearing Carnelian Gemstones

This bright stone is one of the most helpful healing crystals for you to use, especially if you can keep this stone within the area of the three lower chakras, where it it will be most beneficial.

An easy way to use it is to wear Carnelian jewelry, which is is easy to obtain.

It will be advantageous if worn as a bracelet or ring as it will resonate more easily within the lower chakras.

It is probably easier to buy a lovely pendant, which would be beneficial if worn low on the chest.

Carnelian PendantCarnelian and Sunstone Pendant

These lovely stones are on the zodiac birthstone list and gorgeous Carnelian jewelry is beautiful. 

You can keep a Carnelian tumblestone in your pocket if you prefer, but there are often attractive orange Carnelian pendants and necklaces selling.

While it is good if you can wear a pendant close to the lower chakras, wearing any type of jewelry will be advantageous.

Simply keeping it within your aura will make the most of its energy.

Wearing Carnelian stones will help to keep this lovely positive energy working for you.

These orange crystals are a Leo birthstone, as well as a Taurus and Cancer birthstone, and jewelry made from the stones is attractive and is easily found.

Carnelian Healing Properties: Aids Fertility

This is a stone of fertility that has excellent healing properties and there are quite a few ways in which it will help you.

These orange crystals have a powerful energy to assist women as they aid fertility and have powerful healing properties for females.

Orange Carnelian PendantOrange Carnelian Pendant

The energy of these orange crystals work within the sacral chakra to increase fertility and frigidity.

It is known to be an active male energy stone that helps impotence, that brings healing energy to the organs in the area of the lower body within the sacral chakra. 

Natural Carnelian Health Benefits

Some of the Carnelian benefits for your health includes:

Their energy is known to assist the healing of other issues within the organs in the area of the sacral.

This includes helping the body to heal problems of the kidney and gallstones.

It is said to help those with kidney stones or gallstones and may help the spleen and pancreas.

They are good crystals for women, as they help to regulate your menstrual cycles and may help irregular menstrual cycles. They also help to maintain the health of the ovaries.

Keeping this bright orange crystal on you is beneficial for your physical health as it stimulates the health of the physical body generally.

It is a helpful stone to help to relieve pain that is known to help pain occurring in various areas of the body.

Dark Carnelian PendantDark Carnelian Pendant
  • Its vibration is said to aid tissue renewal and aid skin diseases and it is also known to assist allergies.
  • It will aid your body to eliminate problems with rheumatism and fevers.
  • These orange stones will energize the physical body to give you the vitality to take the actions you need to take.
  • They are known to help with healing of problems in bones, including lower back problems and issues in the bones and ligaments.
  • If you are using the orange pink stones, their resonance within the heart chakra is known to help heart issues.
  • It is also said to help blood pressure and other blood disorders.

How Will Carnelian Stones Help You? My Final Thoughts

There are some very good ways in which Carnelian Stones will help you including:

They may help you to release jealousy, envy, anger or rage as they bring a soothing calming energy to replace these negative feelings.

Their vibration sharpens your enjoyment of life and using them within the solar plexus chakra will help to boost your will power.

CarnelianPale Orange Carnelian

In summary: remember that the energy of Carnelian Stones will help to dispel fear, and will bring inner peace.

The action of this stone is known to quicken your motivation, and may help you to decide the direction to go in your life.

They will boost your creativity and may help you to unlock your potential.

They help to free your imagination, and allow full flight of your inspiration and ingenuity to assist you to improve your life!

Looking For Crystal Books?

Are you new to crystals and want information about which book is best? There are a large number of crystal books selling and some are better than others. 

Some are very in-depth crystal reference books, others not so detailed. If you are new to crystals you may benefit from reading my book reviews.


There is even a section devoted to those who are just starting out, as well as reviews of books for collectors who appreciate a book that is more in-depth.

Read reviews of my favorite Crystal Books, to learn which book may suit you.

Best Crystals To Use With Carnelian

What are the best crystals to use with Carnelian?

It is excellent to combine with many of the high vibration crystal energy

Use Carnelian at the solar plexus or power chakra then add in Moldavite at the heart chakra or third eye.

Use Phenacite at the third eye and use either Petalite, Phenacite or Danburite above the head at the soul star chakra, to take your energy up to the higher transpersonal chakras.

Hold Carnelian stones and at the same time put Smokey Quartz or Tiger Iron at the base chakra.

Both Tiger Iron and Smokey Quartz are strong spiritual grounding stones and the added energy of the Carnelian will create a strong flow of excess energy down. 

This is an excellent combination to ground you, as it helps the excess energy to flow down, via the lower chakras to the earth star chakra.

Combined with either Green Aventurine or with Green Calcite, it will strengthen the liver and pancreas, gall bladder and kidneys.

To stimulate sexual energy combine it with Bustamite, Black Andradite Garnet, Hureaulite or Crocoite.

To amplify its energy to enhance your creativity, combine it with Golden Labradorite, Vanadinite, Yellow Apatite or Sardonyx.

You might like to use them at the solar plexus chakra as they will help to stimulate your willpower.

To boost how this works, combine them with Pyrite, Libyan Desert Glass aka Libyan Gold Tektite, Sardonyx, Dumortierite or Pietersite.

Orange Carnelian Stone

Natural Carnelian
Carnelian Meanings Properties Powers & UsesCarnelian Meanings Properties Powers & Uses

Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.

Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing. 

Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.

Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.

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