Celestite Crystals

Contact Guardian Angels, Boost Psychic Ability

➤ By Liz Oakes

Celestite aids contact with guardian angels. It is a sweet blue high vibration crystal that helps you to develop the psychic gifts of prophecy or precognition.

It has a lovely gentle uplifting energy and strong metaphysical properties that aid mental clarity as it clears and sharpens mental faculties.

Learn how can you use this very beneficial stone to help spiritual healing and growth.

CelestiteCelestite Crystal

These are powerful healing crystals for you to use to elevate your spiritual growth and to assist spiritual healing.

While it seems on the surface to just be a crystal with a sweet and gentle energy, it has a strong stimulating effect on spiritual and psychic gifts.

A cluster of this lovely blue stone in your room is excellent for your emotional state as it is calming and uplifting.

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Why Would You Use Celestite?

This blue mineral allows you access to the higher transpersonal chakras, and via the crown chakra you open the soul star chakra, also called the eighth chakra.

This chakra is located outside the top of the head and is the source of Divine wisdom.

Utilizing this area can aid spiritual healing and help you in the journey towards ascension and supreme enlightenment.

This high vibration stone is so beautiful to look at and its energy is sweet and harmonious, yet it packs a spiritual punch, which is something of a surprise.

Learn Celestite meaningLearn Celestite meaning

At the same time it aids you to discover your spirit guide, contact your guardian angel, and at the same time it will open the third eye, and this may stimulate psychic clairvoyant visionary abilities.

This is a stone for spiritual advancement, and very much a part of your personal journey.

This is about making contact with the angels, and in particular with the angel who is your guardian throughout life.

Celestite Stimulates The Higher Chakras

All of these higher three chakras have a role in promoting the development of any psychic gifts including clairaudience, also known as psychic hearing, stronger intuition and clairvoyant ability. 

By stimulating all three chakras at once, you are likely to find that these gifts and some other psychic abilities may also develop.

Once you find that you are able to get a piece of the stone it is beneficial to keep it on you.

Macrame crystal holders are easy to buy, so if you are not able to buy jewelry made from it, wear a piece of this stone in a macrame crystal holder.

Raw CelestiteRaw Celestite

It has a good energy for emotional healing, and there are many other side benefits that may come through during use

They are powerful crystals for precognition that may help you to develop the gift of prophecy.

Its energy while you sleep imbues you with a positive vibration, that will stay with you in the morning, and may make your cells open to healing from the angels. 

Shop here for Celestite Crystals. They may stimulate precognitive dreams and have the potential to also aid with dream recall.

It is extremely emotionally supportive aid for cleansing your etheric field.

They are helpful crystals to assist patience, and will help to calm anger and bring serenity. 

The Mineral Celestite: Its Crystal Properties

Celestite crystals are beneficial healing crystals for you to utilize to aid you to contact your guardian angels.

They are commonly a soft blue color and have a high vibration, that is excellent to use in meditation.

Their energy is both calming and uplifting, and will aid contact with angels. 

Buy Celestite from Exquisite Crystals, my most trusted crystal seller.

Celestite clusterMy Celestite Cluster

The soft blue color of these stones is delightful, and they are beautiful both physically and spiritually.

Their lovely vibration is immediately apparent when you pick one up. Many of the pieces on the market are Celestite clusters although single pieces are also available.

Can You Use It For Connecting With Angels?

These blue crystals also elevates you to the area where you may access Divine healing. Its vibration will allow you to more easily make contact with your spirit guides.

Celestite crystals have a strong and quite beautiful vibration that will help you to connect with the angels and other members of the angelic realms, especially your guardian angel.


To aid you to begin the process of connecting with angels, keep a cluster of this lovely stone close to you, or keep a piece on your body, or do both. 

Once you learn easy meditation ideas, you may like to keep it close to you, such as in your lap, during meditation.

Their energy may be helpful for meditation if you find that your mind won't settle, as they have a quite soothing energy.

They are useful crystals for overthinking that have a calming energy that may assist you to release those thoughts that stop you getting into meditation.

Celestite Healing Properties

This is a stone for anyone and everyone to use, but in particular healers may like to have a piece of this stone in their healing room. 

Celestite is a lovely mineral that exudes a quite positive healing vibration, and will also help to clear negative energy.

It is well known for its healing qualities of assisting the lungs and breathing.

Natural CelestiteNatural Celestite Crystal

It is easy to buy Celestite, including small natural pieces and tumbled stones, and you may also like to have one of the lovely clusters in the room.

It is nice to be able to have my cluster in my healing room, or sometimes in the bedroom, as their vibration is amazing.

While it is primarily a stone for the higher chakras, most are blue crystals so you may realize that it is also a throat chakra stone.

By clearing and sharpening the mental facilities, it will improve mental balance and bolster mental clarity.

How To Use It

Using a piece of Celestite would benefit anyone who wants to elevate their spiritual development and/or their psychic abilities.

This is a crystal that is powerful to use, yet sweet, soft and serene, so it seems easier to utilize its energy. 

They are a high vibration crystal that resonate with a strong crystal energy, that may help to stimulate the birth of psychic gifts

Celestite SphereCelestite Sphere

I have bought quite a few pieces of this mineral, and I like small pieces as well as large, as it is an advantage to be able to hold it in my hand or wear a piece on my body.

My first piece was the cluster of stones in the big picture above, which I bought from a massed display of this lovely blue crystal.  

The vibration in the shop was amazing, and I found it so hard to choose one.

The energy of each piece, from the small pieces through to quite large clusters, all were very similar and all very powerful. 

Simply Place A Piece In Your Room

My Final Thoughts: Celestite crystal will also stimulate the gift of psychic hearing, also known as clairaudience.

It is a crystal that has many gifts to give to you, and it is known for its action to help to create improved psychic communication abilities.

If you can't get jewelry made from this stone, simply put a piece in your pocket, or in a macrame crystal holder, as wearing it will be highly beneficial to you.

These stones are on the zodiac birthstones list as they are a Gemini birthstone, and wearing lovely jewelry made from this stone will be very beneficial. 

Tumbled CelestiteTumbled Celestite

In summary: how to use any crystal you own is up to you.

If you simply wish to place one of the lovely blue clusters in the room where you spend most of your time, which may be the bedroom, this will benefit you.

The energy of this crystal may help you to learn how to be psychic and it may help you to develop your intuitive gifts as well as stimulate clairsentience.

Enjoy its lovely energy and feel love and gratitude for the many gifts it will bring into your life from its special vibration.

Where Is It From? Blue Celestite Meaning

Celestite has been found In Libya, Egypt, Madagascar, Germany, Italy, Britain, Poland, Peru, Canada, Mexico and in the United States.

Also known as Celestine, the meaning of its name comes from the Latin 'coelestis', meaning 'heavenly'.

This refers to the lovely blue color of these stones, and the way they make such a heavenly angelic connection.

You can get lovely clusters of this stone and many are quite large.

You can also buy tumblestones or lovely natural raw pieces, which are the most common type of stone available.

Celestite Color and Mineral Makeup

Its color range is blue, white, golden, yellow and red. The makeup of this mineral is strontium sulfate.

It occurs in the compact form, as fibrous masses and as pyramidal or tabular crystals. Rough pieces of this rock may be found in combination with other minerals such as Albite, Halite, Anhydrite and Sulphur. 

White CelestiteWhite Celestite

While it comes in a number of colors, the blue crystals are the most common, although some of the others may be powerful stones to use for metaphysical purposes.

They may be more difficult to acquire and although I was able to get a white piece of this stone, they are not common.

Best Crystals To Use With Celestite

What are the most beneficial crystals to combine with Celestite?

Celestite is a high vibration crystal, so it will combine well with other high vibration stones. 

The high frequency stones could be divided into two groups, those with an energy that may be confronting, and those that take a gentler approach.

Stones with a gentler, less confronting approach includes Datolite, Scolecite, Beryllonite or Petalite.

If you already have any of these stones and have used their energy, you will have an idea of how you personally will react to the energy. 

Those with a more potent energy are Satyaloka Quartz, Herderite, Natrolite and Moldavite.

To boost its action to stimulate intuition, you may choose to use it with Herderite, Merlinite, Blue Calcite, Sodalite or Amethyst Crystals.

Pair With Other Crystals That Contact Angels

Other stones that aid in contacting the angelic realm are Kammererite, Pollucite, Angelite and Seraphinite, so any of these would be a good combination for meditation.

There are a number of crystals for clarity that will combine well with these stones. This includes Hyalite Opal, Pietersite, Magnetite or Uvarovite Garnet.

Amazing crystals to use with it are Que Sera Crystals, which aid clairaudience and will boost your energy, amongst other things.

Using it with Cerussite, a stone of spiritual alchemy, will help to boost the way Cerussite works and aid its spiritual connection.

All of the stones in the high crystal energy group combine well with Celestite, it just depends which way you wish to use the energy.

More Pics Of Celestite

Celestite Meaning & UseCelestite Meaning & Use

Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.

Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing. 

Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.

Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.

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