Moldavite Crystal

Amazing Transformation Energy

➤ By Liz Oakes

Moldavite crystal has an amazing transformation energy that brings good luck and fulfillment of wishes!

It is also known as 'The Holy Grail Stone' and is a powerful crystal that in ancient times was thought to be a mystical stone. It has a high vibration and intense frequency! 


It is one of the most powerful stones to use for psychic protection and spiritual growth.

These days it has got the attention of many people as it has an amazing energy that helps to create change in your life once you begin to utilize its vibration.

They are remarkable healing crystals for you to bring into play in your life. 

Did you know that negative entities find it difficult to connect to your aura when you are wearing one of these stones on your body? is reader-supported. When you buy thru links on my site I may earn affiliate commissions. Click Here to learn more.

Interesting Fact: The quite intense reaction that many people have to this green crystal is so common that it has been given a specific name, called 'The Moldavite Flush', learn more here.  

What Does Moldavite Do?

Moldavite: Amazing Transformation Crystal Meaning & PowersMoldavite Crystal

These natural green tektites are glassy crystals that are powerful to create transformation.

Are you keen to learn more about this powerful stone? Check out these important areas below.

What does this green stone do? read about below.

Metaphysical properties of Moldavite: discover more

What does Moldavite do when you hold it?  learn more.

Why is this crystal nicknamed 'The Stone Of Transformation'? 

Click here to learn about how it stimulates change and transformation in your life!

Follow these links to learn valuable information about this stone.

What Does Moldavite Do Spiritually?

What does this green stone do for you spiritually? Real Moldavite has a number of excellent Spiritual metaphysical properties including:

It has a powerful energy to aid spiritual awakening, transformation, spiritual growth and spiritual healing, but it is not always easy to use.

It has a strong energy to assist you to connect with the Divine mind, which is wonderful to move you forward spiritually to a higher level.


There is a lot more information about How To Use Moldavite in this related article, including FAQ's that may be helpful.

Metaphysical Properties Of Moldavite

What are the metaphysical properties of Moldavite?

The vibration of this crystal strongly stimulates your auric field so many people feel an intense heat when they wear it or even hold it for the first time.

Many of the most valuable Moldavite metaphysical properties relate to the fact that it is an extremely powerful high frequency crystal.

It is a stone of rapid transformation and shifts, and is known to help you to release old intense and painful thoughts.

Warning: Moldavite crystal metaphysical properties are powerful and not everyone finds these stones comfortable to use, so start slowly.

What Does It Do When You Hold It?

What does Moldavite do when you hold it?

When someone picks up one of these unusual crystals, the most common reaction that most people feel first is a tingling in the hand, which spreads out into the body.

Often the reaction is then felt in the chest, in the area of the heart chakra, and then in the face as an intense heat flush.


This may be all or one of the well known ways that it can affect you.

It is common for it to give you a reaction when you first use it, such as dizziness and feeling sort of odd or somewhat different to normal.

What Is The Moldavite Flush?

What Is The Moldavite Flush?

If you are wondering what all the hype is about this dark green stone, and what Moldavite is supposed to do, be aware that different people can have different reactions to this stone.

The Moldavite flush is called this name as many people have quite strong reactions to it the first time they hold it, and it can cause a flush to go through you.

Moldavite Meaning Properties And PowersMoldavite

The reaction to this stone is called The Moldavite Flush.

This reaction can affect people in different ways, but commonly you may feel headachy, light-headed or dizzy.

The Moldavite headache is quite common and some people also feel nauseous. This reaction can vary, lasting anywhere from a few minutes to a few hours.

The best way to help yourself if this happens is by drinking extra water and resting as this may assist you to feel better more quickly.

This effect lasts longer if you continue using it, so it may benefit you to stop using it for a little while, until the symptoms subside.

What is Authentic or Real Moldavite? 

What is authentic Moldavite? The answer to the question is quite simple. 

I say authentic or real Moldavite to differentiate it from fake Moldavite as some stone that is selling is man-made or fake.

Real Moldavite is a silica based crystal that commonly has an aero-dynamic shape, which suggests that in all likelihood this attractive green stone fell from the heavens.


These gemstones are a type of natural glass that is found close to the area where the impact of a giant meteorite occurred in the Czech Republic.

This event is believed to have produced melted glassy material that fell to earth and created this powerful green glass.

Learn More About... What Is Moldavite?

What is Moldavite Crystal

This green crystal is known as a form of tektite. The raw Moldavite stones are a forest green color but often have dark inclusions within them.

It has been suggested that this may be a combination of meteoric matter and material from the area where it crashed. The heat generated may have melded them together.

Note: that although some scientists believe it to be of extra-terrestrial origin this cannot be confirmed.

You won't find tumblestones made from real Moldavite stone as its just too valuable to waste by tumbling it.

Where Does It Come From? Moldavite Meaning

Where Does It Come From?  

The origin of all of the genuine Moldavite pieces come from only one area of the world in Central Europe in the Czech Republic formerly called Czechoslovakia.

The meaning of the name Moldavite relates to the Moldau River in the Czech Republic, which is the only place in the world that it is found.

What is Moldavite Crystal

It is thought that the origin of these green crystals relates to a meteorite of enormous size.

It was known to have crashed in the mountainous region of the Czech Republic about 15 million years ago.

The meteorite impact is said to have had more power than an atomic explosion. 

This amazing stone was created by the heat of an incredible impact that had extraordinary force. This created a strew field in this location containing these green stones.

Why Is Moldavite So Expensive To Buy?

Wondering why Moldavite is so expensive to buy? Basically the price has gone up, and it is now quite expensive because there is a limited amount of authentic stone available now.

This is because the Czech Republic has restricted mining of the stone. This also means that more fakes are being created, so only buy it from a reputable source.

If the price of Moldavite pieces that you see selling is very cheap, it's possible that it's fake Moldavite, but small stones may be less expensive.

Moldavite PendantMoldavite Pendant

There is an unusual variety of this beautiful green stone that comes from near the village of Besednice which is also located in the same general region of the Czech Republic.

The Besednice Moldavite varies a little, as they are quite beautiful lacy crystals, slightly different in form than other types of this stone, but still with the amazingly strong energy.

Moldavite Stimulates Change And Transformation!

Why is Moldavite so special? It stimulates change and transformation!

These green crystals have a powerful crystal energy, that is known for its action to stimulate highly beneficial occurrences of coincidence and synchronicity in your life.

This unusual green crystal is certainly a powerful stone, and is one to choose if you are on the spiritual path and you are looking for a high crystal energy stone to assist you.


As they have powerful healing properties, often they are grouped with other stones of a high vibration and these combinations can be very powerful.

These high energy crystals raise the vibration of other stones in its vicinity, which creates an overall stronger healing vibration.

They are a type of tektite that can be a powerful catalyst for making changes in personal relationships. Very powerful!

They are potent healing crystals for you to use as they can create an amazing healing response in the individual.

This is a high vibration crystal that is very beneficial to aid you to more easily receive messages from the higher realms.

Moldavite Benefits

This crystal has a high vibration that boosts positive energy and has an excellent action within all of chakras.

It resonates particularly well at the chakras above the heart including the throat chakra, third eye and crown chakras to enhance spiritual transformation.

There are many Moldavite benefits, particularly its role to assist you in your spiritual healing journey.

It is a beautiful stone that may assist your spiritual evolution at this time of extraordinary changes that are happening at the moment.

moldavite crystal 500Moldavite Crystal

It has powerful benefits when it is used in spiritual practices including stimulating kundalini arousal.

It is a powerful stone to enhance any of your psychic gifts and a common outcome from its use is to help you to make contact with your spirit guides.

It is incumbent upon us to make the best use of it if we want to participate in the amazing spiritual transformations that may be coming soon.

My Final Thoughts 

On many pages of this site you will see references to this green crystal, and many crystals will benefit you if you also use this stone with them.

This is the reason that wearing jewelry made from pieces of Moldavite stone is so beneficial, as it makes it easy to know that everything that you work with, will work at its best.

Moldavite PendantMoldavite and Blue Kyanite Pendant

Your intuition may develop or psychic abilities may either come to life for the first time, or you may find the abilities you have may expand or change.  

These are potent healing crystals for you to use, and whatever stone you choose to combine with it, the combination with this stone will take the other stones energy up a notch.

If you feel dizzy or spaced out after using it, make sure you ground yourself afterwards.

There are a number of ways you can do this including using grounding stones, doing a grounding meditation or walking on the earth.

Crystal Books You May Enjoy

There are a large number of excellent crystal books now available with some of the authors having been in the crystal industry for many years.

You can now get a number of excellent books that are good to have on hand for reference purposes. To read reviews of my favorite Crystal Books Click Here.

One of the first people to write about Moldavite was Robert Simmons and he has written a number of books that may interest you. Check them out.

Moldavite Experiences: Stories Other People Have Written 

In case you didn't know, there is a page on my site where people can write about their Moldavite experiences, and many have written their own stories about using one of these crystals.

This crystal is popular so there are quite a few Moldavite stories that you can read that have been written about it.

So check the list of stories below to learn the experiences of other people when using this quite amazing high vibration crystal.

At the bottom of each page listed above there is a link to make a comment on what you read. Or alternatively you can write your own story, by clicking on the link.

But please note: don't copy something from somewhere else and don't use it to simply ask a question as that's not what its for.

Also if what you wrote isn't long enough the page will not go up. There are instructions on the page so check it out if it interests you.


Combine Other Tektites With Moldavite

A powerful pairing is to use Libyan Desert Glass with Moldavite Crystal. Both of these stones are tektites and their energy is amazing when combined.

Another powerful pairing is to use it with Prophecy Stone, as it also has a potent vibration that aids transformation.

It elevates the energy of both of these tektites when you pair them and it also is a strong combination to use it with other tektites

Other powerful Moldavite combinations includes using them with other tektites such as Cintamani Stone also called Agni Manitite, Campo Del Cielo or Darwin Glass also known as Darwinite.

These Moldavite combinations are amazing to enhance your life. Many people who have experiences using them together report heightened Spiritual growth and healing from using them together.

Agni ManititeAgni Manitite
Campo Del CieloCampo Del Cielo

Information On Related Page

Moldavite: Amazing Transformation Crystal Meaning & PowersMoldavite: Amazing Transformation Crystal Meaning & Powers

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Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.

Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing. 

Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.

Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.

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