
For Inner Peace & Transformation

➤ By Liz Oakes

Scolecite is one of the high vibration crystalsthat facilitates deep inner peace and spiritual transformation and is excellent when you can't sleep!

It is a strong stone to aid communication, especially with spirit. It is wonderful crystal to aid you to feel calmer and more relaxed.

To help to encourage a restful nights sleep it is highly beneficial to place a tumble stone under your pillow.


It is a stone that awakens the heart as it has a strong resonance within the chakras from the heart up.

Once you have used it you will appreciate the wonderful gifts that it brings into your life.

This lovely crystal helps you to bring the things that you desire into your life, as it helps you to take control of your life. is reader-supported. When you buy thru links on my site I may earn affiliate commissions. Click Here to learn more.

Why Would You Use Scolecite? How To Use It

The sweet sublime contact with spirit that one feels, makes this a wonderful stone for the crown chakra too.

When you hold this white crystal in your hand you will feel a deep calming energy flow through your entire being.

This lovely stone resonates completely with the third eye chakra.

Yet unlike some of the more intense stones that affect the third eye, it is gentle and calming as it makes contact.

scolecite stone 1-500Scolecite

From the moment you first use it you can understand the advantages it will bring into your life.

This white crystal embodies a deeply spiritual love, that will flow through you when you first experience the energy of this stone.

It is the most profoundly peaceful stone, allowing you to make contact easily with spirit and your higher self.

The high vibration of this white stone, and its connection with the heart, makes it one of the most powerful high crystal energy stones.

Own one, use it, decide to transform your life. The possibilities for personal transformation within both your spirituality and health are boundless.

Shop for Scolecite at Exquisite Crystals, my most reliable crystal seller.

Scolecite & Other ZeolitesScolecite & Other Zeolites

It is known that Scolecite is a powerful stone to aid the healing of bruises. Keep it close to you for as long as possible each day to aid its action.

If you have a skin cream you use to rub on your bruises, it may be beneficial to hang a piece off the bottle to help the cream to absorb the healing energy of this crystal.

They are known to help disorder of the lungs.

Who Should Use It? Calming Energy For Sleep

I love the calming energy that Scolecite brings to my sleep, and it is my go to stone to help me if am unable to sleep. 

I have a piece a tumblestone of this crystal under my pillow always, as the energy of these white stones give you such good methods to relieve stress.

If I wake in the night unable to sleep, I hold my piece of this stone in my hand and feel the peace descend, and I am back to sleep very quickly.

Scolecite TumblestoneScolecite Tumblestone

Its energy is wonderful for anyone suffering from insomnia, and it will also aid you if you wish to lucid dream.

Combining it with Pink Danburite is one of the best ways of creating powerful lucid dreams, but there are also other stones you can also use with it for this purpose.

Pink Danburite is another stone that resonates deep peace and harmony. If you are having trouble sleeping combine the two for maximum efficacy.

Its energy is deeply restful with an instant vibration that is akin to the feeling of love. 

It gently and peacefully awakens both the heart chakra and the deeper thymus chakra, also known as the higher heart chakra.

The benefits that this lovely white crystal brings to your daily life, make it an excellent stone to have to help you. 

Salmon Pink ScoleciteSalmon Pink Scolecite

The first time that you experience Scolecite, a deep pulsating feeling may flow through you, as it makes connection with the pineal gland.

You will instantly know that this stone is entirely different to anything else you have felt before.

You can buy Scolecite in a number of forms, and if you have been having trouble sleeping this beautiful white stone is a fantastic asset for you to use.

How Will It Help You?

It is easy to buy Scolecite and having this stone within your aura all day is beneficial, as it may help to prevent anxiety and the build up of stress.

Any of the high vibration crystals will benefit by being combined with it.

Its calming energy will make the spiritual contact happen more gently and with less intensity, while still being so powerful.

Scolecite PendantScolecite Pendant

My White Scolecite pendant is lovely to wear, and helps me to feel relaxed and quite calm. 

If you use it in meditation with a group of the more intense stones at the same time, it will bring through a deeply heart based spiritual connection.

Shop Here For Scolecite StoneMake the choice to create the life you want!

Once you begin to use this lovely crystal your intuition may begin to develop more quickly, as will many other psychic gifts.

Where Is It From? Scolecite Meaning

This lovely crystal has been found in India and Iceland. It forms in thin vertical striated prismatic crystals, in massive form and in nodules.

Although it's color is commonly white, it can also be colorless and there are some less common pink, salmon, red and yellow stones. 

The unique look of these crystals marks them clearly for what they are.

If you take a look at the pictures below, including the one of the pendant, please note that is the way that this stone commonly looks.

The meaning of this crystal's name relates to the Greek word meaning 'a worm', referring to its propensity to curl when heated.

Crystal Books

The crystal books shown below are all very in-depth crystal reference books. There have been a lot of excellent new crystal books published in the last couple of years.  

I love the book from Cassandra Eason called The Complete Crystal Bible as it features many of the more common and less common stones.

ScoleciteNatural Specimen

The Book Of Stones was updated a while back, and now has a third edition. When it was updated I was pleased to see a number of new stones featured.

Of the more recent books, in particular I can recommend the books by Judy Hall, including Crystal Bible Three.  Another one one of her books covers a very interesting topic.

Its name is Crystals and Sacred Sites, Use Crystals to Access the Power of Sacred Landscapes, and you learn a lot about the extraordinary places that many powerful stones originate from. 

If you need to know more read my crystal book reviews here.

Best Crystals To Use With Scolecite

What are the best crystals to combine with Scolecite?

Amethyst is a crystal that provides you with an amazing crystal meditation experience, and combined with Scolecite you will go to the highest possible spiritual level you desire. 

Amethyst and Scolecite are also a good combination to ensure restful sleep, and they may be combined with other crystals for sleep.

Stones to aid your sleep includes Zircon, Augelite, Kinoite or Howlite.

Many of the other high vibration crystals such as Moldavite and Herkimer Diamonds have a strong crystal energy so are very powerful to help you.

Yet using them with this beautiful white crystal assists them to go to a different level, with a purer and sweeter link to spirit.

Some crystals that are less intense combined with Scolecite are Herderite, Natrolite and Phenacite.

One of the most easy and beautiful ways to use it is to use it to meditate with. The choice of combinations with other stones are many, so use your intuition to guide you.

To help you to cope better with anger, combine this stone with Stellerite, and to help you to sleep better use it with Phosphosiderite.

Learn some of the easy techniques to meditate, and experiment with combining it with various other crystals especially the high vibration stones.

Some of the high vibration stones that you may like to use to open you up to the possibilities of creating powerful transformation in your life, includes Moldavite, Stellar Beam Calcite, Herderite, Creedite or Clear Apophyllite.

Scolecite has a good resonance within the higher chakras, including within the crown chakra. Boost the way it works there by pairing it with other strong crown chakra stones.

This includes Scottish Greenstone also known as Iona Marble, Snow Quartz, Pentagonite and Mango Quartz.

PentagoniteBlue Pentagonite
Mango QuartzMango Quartz

To strengthen its action to aid lucid dreaming combine it with other stones that stimulate lucid dreams.

This includes Ruby stone including Ruby in Kyanite, Wavellite, Axinite and Amphibole Quartz also called Angel Phantom Quartz.

More Photos Of Scolecite

Scolecite with Green ApophylliteMixed With Green Apophyllite and deeper green Heulandite
Scolecite Has Powerful Energy To Awaken Your Heart: Meaning & UseScolecite Has Powerful Energy To Awaken Your Heart: Meaning & Use

Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.

Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing. 

Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.

Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.

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