
Stone of Divine Love: Helps Relationships

➤ By Liz Oakes

Morganite brings Divine love into your life, and this helps to heal women emotionallyIt also aid physical healing and helps to relieve guilt and shame.

Use in meditation to enable you to make contact with the angelic realm and experience the beauty and joy that you find there.

This pink variety of Beryl has excellent metaphysical properties. This lovely pink crystal has a high vibration and vibrates strongly with a beautiful love energy. 


These crystals are powerful to aid your spirituality, if you continue to work with the energy of Divine Love that is stimulated by this crystal's vibration.

This Pink Beryl has a strong heart based vibration and like the green Emerald stones it also resonates with the more powerful vibration of Divine Love.

It resonates strongly within both the heart and higher heart chakras. is reader-supported. When you buy thru links on my site I may earn affiliate commissions. Click Here to learn more.

Morganite embodies a wonderful love vibration which makes it a potent stone to use for helping relationships, including the one with yourself.

How Will Morganite Help You? 

Like many of our favorite stones Morganite is a variety of Beryl, and an excellent choice for both gemstone jewelry and for metaphysical purposes.

Like Green Emerald stone this beautiful crystal carries the vibration of love, and not just love for other people.

It is a powerful crystal to enhance self love, with a strong vibration that will improve your self respect , morale and self confidence.

Natural MorganiteNatural Morganite Stone

These pink crystals bring through the energy of Divine love and merge this with your own feelings of self esteem, or love for yourself.  

Morganite gem stone it is not as widely available as other Beryl gemstones, and it is sometimes classified as a rare crystal.

There are a number of reason why you might choose to use this stone including:

  • Morganite is a potent support for women to use, and they may enable you to feel your own strength and beauty from within.

These stones assist you to vibrate with the power of the Divine feminine energies.

They are useful crystals for patience that help you to stay calm and composed while waiting for what you desire to arrive.

Shop for Morganite at Exquisite Crystals, my most trusted crystal shop.


They are also beneficial healing crystals for you to use as their energy helps to enhance both patience and respect for both yourself and others.

The deeper purple-pink stones are known to excite the third eye chakra. 

When used at this chakra it may stimulate the mind and bring wisdom, and allow access to past memories.

Experience The Energy Of Divine Love

It is not as common as other varieties of Beryl, but it is a crystal that is both beautiful to look at and has an inner beauty as well. 

The vibration of love it engenders is very powerful. Even a small piece has a noticeable vibration.

So do try to locate one, and experience the energy of Divine Love with which it will may make a connection.

MorganiteGemmy Morganite Stone

The main thing to remember that the longer the stone is within your aura, the more chance it has to do its work.  

For healing, it is said to heal lung conditions, such as asthma or emphysema.

It may stabilize the heart, as it clears problems within the lungs. It has a very heart centered energy that resonates powerfully with the spiritual love of the Divine Realm.

This pink crystal is both a heart chakra and higher heart chakra stone, and will aid men who want to balance their masculine and feminine energies, yet still retain their innate masculinity.

All varieties of colored Beryl have inclusions within the stones that cause the color, with the color of this Pink Beryl caused by inclusions of manganese.

Sometimes dark Pink stones of Morganite are labeled Bixbite to get peoples attention, but real Bixbite is less common, and a deeper pink or red in color.

Morganite enhances self loveMorganite enhances self love

The color of lighter pink Morganite stones may be intensified by heat, but they may also turn an orange color from the heat.

Peach Morganite comes from Thailand where it occurs naturally. It a lovely stone, with slightly different metaphysical properties to the more common pink.

Morganite may also assist you to develop your psychic gifts and aid you to contact your spirit guides. Hold this stone in your hand or keep it on your body.

How To Use It? Wearing Morganite

It is getting easier to buy Morganite, as more of this lovely stone is now becoming available, with delightful specimens of this stone made into gemstones.

Wearing jewelry made from this stone, such as a lovely Morganite ring or a pendant that can be worn at the heart, provides you with a powerful love vibration.

It mixes well when used in combination with other varieties of Beryl, such as Aquamarine crystals or Emeralds. This is a beautiful way to bring the love vibration into your life.

Morganite PendantMorganite Pendant

Jewelry made from this stone is often very beautiful and this lovely pink beryl can be found on the zodiac birthstone list so birthstone jewelry may be available.

Morganite jewelry, like the beautiful Morganite Pendant shown in the picture, are made into lovely pink birthstone jewelry.

You will find it on the list of Libra birthstones, and beautiful jewelry is made from this pink crystal, as these stones have a lovely vibration that is a pleasure to wear.

They are also known to be a useful stone to help disorders of the lungs.

Why Would You Use Morganite? Boosts Psychic Gifts

When you are working on developing your psychic abilities you may benefit from using it in meditation as it may help you in various ways.

It is common for its vibration to stimulate contact with the angels during meditation.

Morganite 2-500

If you are able to obtain a large piece of this stone, it is known to be a powerful aid to use in shamanic ceremonies. 

It allows the shaman to connect to his inner wisdom via the hearts energy.

If you are not sure how to meditate learn some easy techniques for meditatingThe energy of this stone may also stimulate communication of information from your spirit guides.

Where Is It From? Morganite Meaning

This rare, pink semi-precious gemstone has been found in Thailand, Brazil, Madagascar, Africa and the United States.

Specimens of this pink crystal are beautifully transparent stones, with their color range being from a clear silvery pink, to purple-pink and peach color.

It may also be sold as Rose Beryl, Pink Beryl or as Cesian Beryl.  The meaning of this stones name relates to the time when this stone was first discovered. 

This lovely pink stone was discovered in California, and the gem buyer Kunz from Tiffany's bought all he could, for the collector J P Morgan, after whom this stone is named.

Morganite is a type of beryl, and is in the same crystal family as Emerald and Aquamarine.

Who Should Use Morganite?

The peach Morganite is a less common color of this stone. Wearing the peach stone may bring a deep spiritual aspect of divine love into the sexual experience. 

It is also said to be effective for those doing tantric love and kundalini sexual practices. 

It is powerful to use for bringing the feminine love energy down to the navel chakra, for a memorable and loving experience.

Morganite and Rutilated Quartz PendantMorganite and Rutilated Quartz Pendant

This variety will unite the loving energy of the heart chakra with that of the power center or solar plexus chakra. 

This energy may be enhanced by combining it with either Tiffany Stone or Shiva Lingam.

Peach Morganite has a slightly different vibration to the pink stone, and when used at the sacral or navel chakra, it may help to enhance your creativity.

Facts About Pink Beryl: My Final Thoughts

Morganite stone activates, clears and energizes both the higher heart chakra and the heart chakra

It helps love to flow in your life, and people of any sex will find it a powerful crystal to use. 

Many women have difficulties in accepting the feminine side of themselves.

For many people feelings related to grief, loss, old guilt, shame or even karma from past lives are behind the reason why they are unable to heal their problems.

Gemmy MorganiteGemmy Morganite

In summary: for women, this lovely crystal helps you to realize that you can be independent of men and still feel harmony with the male energy. 

Women who feel that the only way to handle men is to dominate them, may be encouraged by this stones vibration. 

Its energy helps you to allow men the grace of being different, yet to still be in harmony with them.

Best Crystals To Use With Morganite

What are the most beneficial crystals to pair with Morganite? The vibration of this pink variety of Beryl, works beautifully within the meditation experience, especially by using it combined with other heart chakra stones.

This includes Green Vesuvianite which is also known as Idocrase, Rose Quartz Crystals, Phosphosiderite and Pink Kunzite Crystal.

If you have been developing your psychic abilities, and have found your spirit guide, this stone may stimulate communication of information from your spirit guides.

One powerful way to aid this process it to combine it with other stones on the list of stones for finding your spirit guide, such as Elestial Citrine, Anyolite, Rainbow Moonstone or Herkimer Diamonds.

By using one of these lovely pink crystals in combination with other heart chakra stones, together they create a beautiful and powerful energy. 

They are beneficial crystals for self love and self acceptance and may boost your ability to feel more comfortable with yourself.

To assist the growth of self love, specific stones that also embody this energy includes Strawberry Quartz, Peruvian Pink Opal, Pink Tourmaline, Linarite and Kutnohorite.

These stones have a very high vibration crystalline energy, and help to create a connection within the soul star chakra and this creates a wonderful angelic connection.

One of the most powerfully lovely combinations is to use it in meditation with Pink Danburite, Elestial Rose Quartz, Pink Petalite and Seraphinite.

My experience was one of the most powerful and deeply emotional encounters with the divine feminine energy, and I recommend these stones for women in particular to experience.

If you are looking for help to assist you to release old shame and guilt, especially if you feel it might be related to a past life, you might find it helpful to pair it with other stones that help you to release these emotions.

Helpful stones that may help you to release guilt and shame that might be combined with Morganite includes Angelite, Okenite, Vogesite and Rhodolite Garnet. 

Rhodolite GarnetRhodolite Garnet

Other stones that work well in combination with this pink beryl include Lepidocrocite, Goshenite, Rhodonite, Green Emerald, Nirvana Quartz or Pink Tourmaline.

It may be advantageous to use this stone with other types of Beryl. One of the more popular types of beryl is the well known green Emerald stones.

It is a good stone to use combined with the lovely green Emerald Gemstones, as it balances the strength of the green stones vibration.

Natural Green Emerald stones bring through a powerful love vibration, and combined with the energy of Morganite it allows for peaceful acceptance of the place of Divine love within loving relationships.


The most common stones in the Beryl family are the colorless or Clear Beryl known as Goshenite, the yellow to yellow green stone called Heliodor and the fairly uncommon even rare dark red stone called Bixbite.

Lastly the blue to blue-green Aquamarine crystals make up the list of the most well known types of beryl, which all work very well when used with this stone.

Morganite Stone Of Divine LoveMorganite Stone Of Divine Love

Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.

Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing. 

Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.

Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.

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