
Enhances Courage & Stimulates Inner Harmony

➤ By Liz Oakes

Aurichalcite helps to encourage inner harmony and personal freedom and their vibration aids creativity and original thinking.

They help the release of  internal conflict and may assist you let go of old negative ways of looking at life, as well as helping to enhance your courage.

Their energy may encourage a more balanced approach to life, while also fostering feelings of inner peace. 


They are beneficial healing crystals for you to use in meditation.

They have a strong resonance within the third eye chakra, the area where psychic gifts commonly emerge from.

These healing stones will create a protective shield around you, and make you feel more secure in your environment.

Their energy helps to clear the auric field, and will help you to feel more stable and less fearful about life. is reader-supported. When you buy thru links on my site I may earn affiliate commissions. Click Here to learn more.

Why Would You Use Aurichalcite?

This mineral helps to inspire personal freedom and a stronger ability to act as you desire.

It has metaphysical properties that help you to have a more positive approach to life.

Its energy may be especially helpful if you have been living a life that has made you feel constrained because you are following the dictates of others, even well meaning people.

Aurichalcite's vibration can be valuable to encourage you to walk your own path.

It may help you to release unproductive ways of approaching problems that have been your 'normal'.

Aurichalcite Meaning & UseAurichalcite

Its influence may help you to have a more practical way of dealing with situations, and by doing it your way you may find that life becomes more peaceful and harmonious.

These crystals energy may inspire within you to have a more peaceful approach towards others, and may help you to develop a more agreeable attitude towards those that challenge your ideas.

It may support you when you you find that the nature of what others are trying to communicate to you seems to be somewhat unclear, vague or even a little mysterious.

The action of these blue crystals to help you to more easily interpret the meaning behind the point of view of others can be beneficial.

This may help you to act constructively when taking action to create new situations in your life.

How Will It Help You? Healing Properties

The vibration of this mineral helps to clear the auric field, and its energy will help you to feel more stable, and less fearful about life, even when situations distress or challenge you.

Use during social occasions, to induce peaceful interactions with others and to help you to have more tactful conversations.


They are lovely stones to stimulate an increase in your creativity and may boost innovative and imaginative approaches to projects.

While they do not have a large number of healing properties, they are beneficial to aid the healing of circulation problems and to help issues within the pineal gland and the thalmus.

By helping to clear negativity from the aura, this may also improve healing.

Use In Meditation

This is an excellent psychic protection stone that is great to keep close to you as they can make you feel peaceful, serene and secure when you are doing meditation.

They help to heighten courage, helping you not to be daunted by situations that are unfamiliar.

The are beneficial crystals to prevent psychic attackas they create a protective shield around you,


Their action to assist the release of fear can also be helpful at times when you are doing new activities that cause you to experience unusual feelings that might make you a little anxious.

The vibration of this stone resonates within the third eye chakra and will stimulate the pineal gland and the brain by routing more energy to the area.

My Final Thoughts

These stones have a lovely calming, soothing vibration that helps to release any stress or anxiety you may be feeling.

They also help you to release all thoughts as you allow yourself to slip into deep peaceful meditation. 

Their energy assists you to receive valuable messages from the higher realms, bringing through high vibration energy and information that you require, to be aware of your future path in life.


In summary: remember that they are known to assist you to discover more about what your purpose is in this lifetime

They aid you to learn specifically why you came here at this time, and the reason for incarnating at present.

Where Is It From? Meaning of Aurichalcite

The meaning of Aurichalcite comes from a Greek word meaning mountain brass.

It is said that in ancient times it was known as cuivre de Corinthe, said to mean yellow-copper or brass.

Deposits of this stone have been found in Namibia, Russia, Germany, Italy, France, Greece, England, Scotland, Mexico and in a number of locations in the United States.  

Their mineral make-up is a carbonate of zinc and copper, and while many of these crystals are very small they are quite beautiful.

They are quite lovely stones to look at, with some stones comprising a drusy coating on the matrix stone.


Many have fine silky needle-like crystals in a range of similar crystal colors such as pale green, green blue or turquoise blue color.

They are quite fragile stones, so are not really practical to carry on your body, as they could easily break up in many small pieces, so you might choose to use them by placing nearby in the room.

Best Crystals To Use With Aurichalcite

What are the best, most beneficial crystals to pair with Aurichalcite?

These crystals have a good action to assist you to speak tactfully, but you may  enhance its action to aid you to speak more tactfully.

Stones to pair with it to boost this energy includes Lamprophyllite, Snow Quartz, Witches Fingers or Howlite.

It has a strong action to boost your courage but will benefit by being combined  with other stones that stimulate your courage.

Stones for this purpose includes Bloodstone, Witches Fingers, Tiger Iron, Rhodochrosite and Sardonyx.

These stones will help you to let go of fear. But if you think you need even more assistance to release these thoughts, use it with other stones that aid you to detach from these negative feelings.

Crystals for fear that you could use for this purpose includes Tigers Eye, Staurolite, Witches Finger Quartz, Black Jade, Rhodonite or Ethiopian Opal.

There are a number of excellent third eye chakra stones that will combine well with this stones. This includes Vivianite, Kammererite,  Diaspore or Novaculite stones.

There are quite a few other stones that would be beneficial to combine with these stones to further enhance your creativity, including crystals such as Heliodor, Picasso Marble, Yellow Apatite and Sunstone.

If you are experiencing stress there are a number of other stones that will help to relieve stress.

Some of the most effective crystals to aid stress and depression are the lithium based stones such as Lepidolite, Lithium Quartz, Kunzite, Pink Tourmaline, Amblygonite and Holmquistite.

There are a number of other stones that may also help you if you are feeling stressed, so check out the article about ways to relieve stress for more tips to help your stress.

Photos Of Aurichalcite

Aurichalcite release fear aids stressAurichalcite release fear aids stress

Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.

Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing. 

Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.

Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.

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