Azurite Crystals

Stimulates Spiritual & Psychic Gifts

➤ By Liz Oakes

Azurite crystals or stone has a strong effect on the intellectual functions of the brain and its energy may boost your memory

This is a strong stone for anyone who is studying as it is helpful to aid you to retain information.

It stimulates Spiritual growth as it resonates within the crown chakra, to create a better connection with the Divine mind.  


It has strong powers that can aid you to strengthen the energy within the higher chakras and will enhance your creative gifts. 

The calming action that they embody helps to relieve stress and is also beneficial to use if you are doing a crystal meditation.

It has a strong action to enhance your spiritual awareness and is known to help you to have mystical experiences. is reader-supported. When you buy thru links on my site I may earn affiliate commissions. Click Here to learn more.

Why Would You Use Azurite?

The vibration of this deep blue crystal within the third eye may stimulate psychic gifts such as clairvoyance and intuition.

This is a beneficial stone to help you to recognize truth and is also effective to help you to activate your third eye chakra. 

Azurite stone has a powerful effect at the brow chakra where its energy aids you to develop your intuition

It has a beautiful deep blue color that embodies the vibration of the blue ray. 

AzuriteNatural Blue Azurite Stone

The strong vibration of this third eye chakra stone makes it an excellent aid to stimulate psychic development.  

By resonating within the third eye chakra, it has a strong effect on the pineal gland where your psychic gifts originate.

Revered By The Ancient Egyptians

The powers of Azurite were revered by those living in Ancient Egypt.

Both the Egyptians and the Atlanteans kept its properties secret and only allowed the high priests to use it.

Both the civilizations of the Mayans and the Native Americans incorporated it as part of their belief systems.

The Mayans recognized its action to assist those who used it to have mystical experiences.

The Native Americans were aware of the action of these blue crystals to help them to connect with their Spiritual Indian guide.

Exquisite Crystals, my most trusted crystal shop has beautiful Azurite.

Azurite StoneAzurite Stone

It may open you spiritually to a new understanding of yourself, and how your spirituality affects your life and may assist with exploration of your past lives.

It is particularly powerful to assist you to develop psychic visions or clairvoyance and may aid channeling.

This makes it a very helpful stone if you work in psychic employment, such as working as a psychic reader. 

Benefits Of Meditation With Azurite

There are a number of benefits of meditation with Azurite as it helps you to more easily connect with both the Spiritual world and your higher self.

The flow of energy of this bright blue stone will stimulate the mind and attune it to spiritual guidance. 

If you particularly wish to develop your psychic abilities, you might choose to use an Azurite stone every day to do a psychic development meditation

Blue Azurite With Green MalachiteBlue Azurite With Green Malachite Tumbled

When you finish your meditation it allows you to be able to communicate what you heard as it stimulates more effective communication. 

It also helps you to retain information that comes through to you from your guides or other beings in the higher realms. 

When you are using this stone, once you start your meditation, it will help you to relax and enter the deep meditative state, where you totally let go of mundane thoughts.

Azurite is a wonderful stone to aid you to go deeper into your meditation and to let go of thoughts as you still your mind, yet keep an awareness of spiritual insights that come through to you.

Azurite Helps To Activate Your Third Eye

Azurite stone is very effective to help you to activate your third eye chakra, and it also resonates within the crown chakra.

It has a strong spiritual action that will stimulate psychic gifts such as clairvoyance, channeling and intuition.

It is a good crystal to assist stress, worry, grief and sadness and will help you to develop your creative gifts.

Azurite SunAzurite Sun found in Australia, comes naturally in this shape

It has a strong effect on the intellect, and aids clarity of thought, so it is an excellent stone for anyone who is studying to use.

Light workers are aware that it helps you to retain information that comes through to you from the spiritual realm, and aids you to interpret it without judgment.

They are crystals that can assist decision making, and may help you to decide what to do when you need to find a solution to a problem that is bothering you

Azurite Healing Properties

Blue Azurite crystal has a number of excellent healing properties that made it popular in the past and are still relevant in the modern world.

Many crystals healers keep a piece of Azurite in their healing room as it is recognized by modern practitioners as a powerful stone for healing the physical body.

Azurite TumblestoneAzurite Tumblestone

It is a useful crystal healing stone that is known to act at the cellular level to aid issues such as migraines, tinnitus and inner ear issues causing vertigo, as well as helping the nervous system.

More Healing Properties And Benefits

It's crystal energy is said to help to clear toxins from the body, through its action to heal the liver, kidneys and gallbladder and may assist blood circulation.

Like many blue stones it is purported to aid throat problems and is known as a good stone to help sore throats and to boost the immune system.

Azurite Malachite TumbleAzurite Malachite Tumble

It is known to be helpful to assist the healing of broken bonesand may aid joint problems, particularly when it is in a mixed stone, combined with either Malachite or Chrysocolla.

In some stones Azurite may be mixed with both, and this is a helpful stone to assist the health of the spine. 

It has a strong positive energy and wearing it is known to help you with letting go of stress, anxiety, worry, grief and sadness.

Start using this stone if you are looking for ways to relieve tension and stress.

Wearing Azurite Stone

Wearing Azurite jewelry such as earrings keeps the energy close to the higher chakras. 

An Azurite pendant will work well too, as the main thing is to simply keep it on your body so that its metaphysical properties can benefit you.

This stone is on the birthstone list by month as it is a May birthstone, and it is also on the zodiac birthstone list.

It is helpful for anyone studying to wear, as by stimulating the intellectual areas of the brain it may aid students to retain information.

It is a very popular birthstone as it is a a Capricorn birthstone and a Sagittarius birthstone, so you are very likely to find lovely Azurite jewelry available.

Azurite PendantAzurite and Malachite Pendant

Many people choose to make beaded necklaces, and as Azurite beads may not be easy to get, a good alternative is to use Azurite Malachite beads.

Beaded necklaces and bracelets made from this stone are very beautiful, and this is also an advantageous combination.

The energy of this stone also helps you to maintain clarity and keep your concentration on the subject you are working on.

It may also stimulate the memory so it is beneficial to keep on your body. 

It is easy to buy Azurite Stone, and this may help you if you are studying or wish to take advantage of the mental stimulation that this stone creates.

Wear it for as long as possible each day in order to get the strongest effect. Azurite jewelry is quite easy to buy, including bead necklaces.

Wearing it is known to help you with letting go of stress, anxiety, worry, grief and sadness.

Where Is It From? Azurite Meaning

It is a soft mineral that has been known about since ancient times, and the name Azurite comes from an old Persian word that means 'blue color'.

This blue stone has been found in a large number of locations including Egypt, Namibia, Russia, France, Australia, Peru, Chile and in New Mexico and Utah in the United States. 

An interesting stone known as K2 Jasper is an unusual stone. K2 is Azurite in Granite, and it is found on the K2 mountain in Pakistan, so this is another another form that this stone occurs in. 

The beautiful bright green Malachite and the lighter green Chrysocolla are some of the minerals that with Azurite make up Eilat Stone

It is common for all three to naturally occur together,  and the name that this combination is known as is Azurite Malachite Chrysocolla.  

Although it may occur as prismatic crystals, it is more commonly found in the massive form as a rough stone.

It is a copper carbonate mineral which is commonly found in copper mines.

It often occurs naturally combined with other copper based stones, including with Malachite, Shattuckite, as part of Eilat Stone, Chrysocolla and Cuprite. 

You will also find this stone occurring in a round circular formation, which are commonly called Azurite Suns, which are only found in Tasmania Australia.

Double Azurite Suns From AustraliaDouble Azurite Suns From Australia

Azurite is a copper ore and a quite soft stone, and occurs in various shades from a deep blue, to azure and even some pale blue stone.

Much of the stone selling is raw stone which can be toxic if ingested, so it's safer to use sealed stone to avoid health problems.

If you use unsealed stone keep it in a cloth bag and avoid breathing in the fumes from it.

Azurite History: The Stone Of Heaven

This beautiful blue stone has been used in many civilizations that were located close to where there were copper deposits.

It was used by the ancient Chinese who named it "The Stone Of Heaven" as they recognized its action to make a connection from the physical world to heaven and the higher powers.

It is said to activate the quest for the heavenly self and to more easily obtain spiritual guidance.

AzuriteNatural Blue Azurite Stone

Many other people in the past also recognized Azurite’s metaphysical properties.

This included the Greeks, Egyptians and the Romans who were aware of its powerful action to boost psychic powers.

It resonates within the higher chakras, and this may aid your consciousness to rise a higher level.

It may assist you to be aware of when people are being dishonest when they communicate with you.

Like most blue stones, it also resonates within the throat chakra where it encourages you to communicate better and helps to stimulate the growth of stronger psychic communication gifts.

How Will It Help You?

These blue crystals have some excellent qualities that will help you in a number of ways including:

  • Wearing this lovely stone may assist your confidence and is known to help an inferiority complex.
  • Used within your thymus chakra or higher heart, it helps to bring through strong compassion and empathy for the circumstances of others. 
  • It has beneficial powers that may help you to accomplish whatever you wish achieve, and to be more effective at getting it done.
K2 JasperK2 Jasper is Azurite in Granite

It is helpful to enhance your creativity and is useful to calm the emotions and to release negative thoughts. 

Azurite helps you to understand a subject clearly by expanding the conscious mind.

It may also help you to perceive a new approach and new perspectives to what you are learning.

Azurite Stone is also beneficial for those in business to use, to aid you to understand the other person motivations, as it will help you to more easily recognize the truth. 

It resonates within both the sacral chakra and the heart chakra to help you to recognize a loving attitude in others and will stimulate the same in yourself.

Their vibration may aid you to make the quantum leap needed to understand how different areas of study are connected to each other. 

This may also springboard you to the next level in what you are doing.

This is a stone of insight and inner vision, and this makes it an excellent stone to use in meditation. 

Used at the crown chakra, it will enhance your spiritual connection and may assist astral travel.

How To Use It? My Final Thoughts

The American Indian people viewed it as a sacred stone, and it was used traditionally to aid contact with Indian spirit guides.  

It may help you to find your spirit guide, and to be better able to interpret the messages that come through to you from your guides during meditation.

Its vibration has a good action to boost both psychic and intuitive abilities when used in meditation and it is known as a stone to enhance inner strength and bring good luck. 

Azurite With MalachiteAzurite With Malachite

In summary: remember that within the higher chakras, it will clear the energy to create better connections to the Divine mind. 

It may also help you to connect to the higher realms, to carry out past life investigations and may aid you to discover alternate lives.

Keep a piece by the bed for enhancement of dreams and to aid the release of negative energies to mother earth.

Best Crystals To Use With Azurite 

What are the most beneficial crystals to use with Azurite?

This stone has a good action to assist your ability to tell the truth and to know when others are are being dishonest in their speech.

By pairing these stones with other crystals for truth you may be able to boost its action.

Specific stones to use for this purpose includes Glendonite, both clear Euclase and Blue Euclase, Green Kyanite and Sodalite.

It may be advantageous to combine it with other third eye chakra stones such as Vivianite, Jeremejevite, Celestite, Lapis Lazuli and Ametrine.

While this stone will help your memory, to boost it even more you may like to use it with Diaspore, Green Calcite, Albite or Hematite.

To enhance your mental clarity, combine it with Mariposite, Yellow Apatite, Celestite, Citrine Crystals or Spessartine Garnet.

Use it with Bowenite also called Maori Greenstone, Merlinite, Heliodor or Chalcopyrite, as they will help to boost its mystical attributes.

You may pair it with the high vibration crystals and stones to bring through a stronger vibration when used in meditation, to help you reach the higher realms.

Stones such as Phenacite, Natrolite, Moldavite, Libyan Desert Glass or Green Kyanite will all work well with Azurite Stone to take its energy higher.

There are a number below that combine well with them. To enhance spiritual clarity use it with Honey Calcite or Purpurite.

Use it with Variscite, Kinoite, Dioptase or Tugtupite to boost this stones vibration of love and compassion.

To help to magnify the effect of both stones, you may combine this stone with any of the other copper based stones, including Malachite, Brochantite, Eilat Stone and Chrysocolla.

Azurite Malachite and Chrysocolla

Azurite Malachite and Chrysocolla
Azurite Meanings Properties & PowersAzurite Meanings Properties & Powers

Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.

Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing. 

Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.

Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.

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