
Eases Stress, Aids Happiness!

➤ By Liz Oakes

Pargasite is known as a stone of love, compassion and happiness and will help you to be able to love yourself more easily. 

Its energy is quite relaxing so keep a piece on your body for as long as possible. 

It has a lovely calming vibration that resonates within the higher heart, heart  and solar plexus chakras.

Pargasite Meaning & UsePargasite

They are advantageous healing crystals for you to use as the energy will slowly aid you to release negativity that causes you to be unhappy or glum.

When you hold a piece of this stone, you can feel its vibration helping you to feel calmer.

Pargasite may also help you to let go of depression, and using it is one of the ways to relieve your stress.

Although it does not work fast, the healing properties of crystals like these will work to help you to feel happier and calmer. is reader-supported. When you buy thru links on my site I may earn affiliate commissions. Click Here to learn more.

Where Is It From? Pargasite Meaning

The name of this stone relates to the location Pargas in Finland, where it was found back in 1814.

While it is found in a number of other places these days, large amounts have recently been mined in Vietnam.

Other locations where it is found includes Tanzania, Japan, Burma, Pakistan, Hawaii and a number of other locations in the United States.

This crystal is a member of the amphibole group of minerals, and forms as lovely transparent to translucent prismatic or tabular crystals, as well as in the massive form and as platy or grainy  crystals.

The lovely apple green crystals embedded in marble are now easier to buy, since large amounts started to come out of Vietnam.

Prior to when larger amounts of the green minerals started to come out of Vietnam, the light brown, medium brown, greenish brown, very dark green or black colored crystals were much more common.   

PargasitePargasite In White marble

Green crystals from Vietnam are often found in combination in the same stone along with Red Spinel, and most occur in bright white marble.

Ruby and Zoisite stone that comes from Tanzania is known to occur in combination with Black Pargasite crystals.

Why Would You Use It?

There are a few reasons why you might choose to use this stone including:

  • This is a stone that has good metaphysical properties that help you when situations occur that make you feel afraid.
  • They help to release negativity around the circumstances that may be happening, and using them is one of the ways that may aid stress.
  • They also have a good action to help you to release stress and tension related to the situation.
  • They are good crystals for happiness that help to improve your mood.
Green PargasiteGreen Pargasite

The energy of the higher heart relates to feelings of love and compassion and forgiveness of yourself and others. This stone has a strong resonance to aid emotional healing.

The vibration of this stone resonates strongly within the both the heart chakra and the thymus or higher heart chakra.

How Will It Help You? My Final Thoughts

This stones healing properties also relate to the areas surrounding the heart.

It is known to aid health issues within the higher heart chakra region and within the throat.

It is said to assist the health of the physical, heart and the area of the lungs, including respiration.

Pargasite Meaning Properties & Use

In summary: These stones do not work quickly, and you will need to be patient as they take time to take effect.

They stimulate feelings of happiness and help there to be an influx of positive emotions filling your life so are a positive crystal to have nearby.

The yellowish green stones also resonate within the solar plexus chakra also called the power chakra as this is the chakra that is related to your personal power.

They stimulate the area of the body that aids the growth of feelings of self esteem, self worth, clarity and creativity.

So their energy may assist you when you are working to improve these in your daily life.

Best Crystals To Use With Pargasite

What are the best crystals to combine with Pargasite?

These stones help you to experience feelings of love and compassion, due to their strong resonance within the higher heart chakra.

If you wish to stimulate feelings of love and compassion you may choose to use them with other higher heart chakra stones.

There are a few crystals you could choose including stones such as the lovely Rose Quartz, Dioptase, Tugtupite or Morganite.

If you are suffering from stress there are a number of excellent stones that you can use to help you and these are listed in my article about crystals for stress.

While there are a large number of stones that you could choose, my particular favorites include Scolecite, Howlite, Mangano Calcite, Trolleite or Diaspore.

There are a large number of other crystals that you can use to stimulate feelings of happiness, and you may benefit by combining this stone with other crystals to aid happiness.

Some of my favorite stones that boost feeling of happiness include the lovely green Peridot, Citrine, Polychrome Jasper and Poppy Jasper.

There are quite a few more stones on the list, so check out the happiness stones page by following the link above.

Pictures Of Pargasite

PargasiteGreen Pargasite In White Marble
Green Pargasite
Black PargasiteBlack Pargasite
Pargasite Meaning Properties And PowersPargasite Meaning Properties And Powers

Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.

Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing. 

Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.

Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.

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