Peridot Stone

Increases Prosperity & Happiness!

➤ By Liz Oakes

Peridot stones have a lovely vibration that helps to stimulate increased prosperity and aids the growth of happiness in your life.

They are important crystals to use for cellular rejuvenation and agingThey are powerful healing crystals for you to use, and make beautiful precious jewelry. 

Peridot has a strong vibration that resonates with the frequency of increase


This energy makes it a noteworthy gemstone as they stimulate manifestation of all desired things.

These lovely lime-green crystals are well known as birthstones for August, but their energy also helps those born in September and October.

They may help the problems associated with aging, increase confidence and assertiveness, balanced by patience and clarity of thought. 

These lovely lime green gemstones were historically called Olivine and have been in use for many thousands of years. is reader-supported. When you buy thru links on my site I may earn affiliate commissions. Click Here to learn more.

How Will Peridot Gemstones Help You?

Peridot gemstones are potent healing crystals for you to have in your life.

Their preeminent benefit is their strong energy, that comes like a beam of sunshine into your life. 

The vibration of this stone is high, high enough that even small Peridot stones have an energy that will easily be felt.  

The spiritual meaning of Peridot relates to their strong action to block psychic attack, so are powerful stones to use in meditation for travelling the higher realms.

They are historically reputed to be especially good to use while doing spiritual work, and may create an overall improvement in your spirituality and health

Use to Manifest Money

Its powerful action to manifest an increase in the flow of money is amazing. It is a very effective stone to manifest growth in your abundance and prosperity.

These green stones have been recognized since ancient times to be a useful stones to stop negative energies from impacting you and were worn for protection against psychic attack.

Peridot Gemstone BraceletPeridot Gemstone Jewelry

Using Peridot gemstones will increase your self esteem, and aid you to let go of guilt, felt from past experiences. It is both a heart and solar plexus chakra stone. 

The energy of these green stones also bring improved emotional health, and may help to create an increase in love and joy in your life.

How To Use Peridot Stones

On the emotional level they have an excellent action to assist you to feel happier, and they will help you to let go of feelings of anger or jealousy.

The vibration of these green stones has been likened to a tonic for the body.

Their energy works to aid healing in the chest and gut and may help disorders of the lungs. 

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Natural PeridotPeridot Natural Stone Point from Supatt in Pakistan

Peridot stones are easy to buy and they have a strong energy that will help you to heal, both physically and emotionally.

Their healing properties relate to how they may stimulate your body, and boost strength and staying power.

Emotionally, they help you to feel more at ease and to flow with the various developments of life, and to feel comfortable when at a crossroad in life.

Help You To Feel Happier And More Positive!

Peridot gemstones have such a lovely energy and are such a pleasure to wear within your aura, that they are a stone that everyone should try. 

It is easy to buy a small rough Peridot or a tiny tumbled piece, and they are relatively inexpensive, so think about getting one to use.

Peridot meaning: boosts manifestationPeridot meaning: boosts manifestation

Peridot stone is easy to buy, and has a vibration that is calming to the body, and that helps to aid you to have a positive outlook on life. 

Whether you wear it as jewelry, or as a piece of stone kept on your body, it embodies a lovely energy that has the potential to make anyone feel happier and more positive. 

Who Should Use Peridot Stones?

These beautiful stones are made into a range of different birthstone jewelry types and styles, and you will find it featured on the zodiac birthstones list.

Lovely lime green Peridot jewelry is easy to buy. One of the easier ways to achieve this is to obtain one of the lovely Peridot gemstone rings or a pendant. 

Peridot Birthstones: This is a Scorpio birthstone, as well as a Leo, Virgo, Sagittarius birthstone, and its ancient use has made it popular from then until current times.

Peridot Gemstone RingPeridot Gemstone Ring

You will see on the birthstone list by month that Peridot is an August birthstone, as well as a September and October birthstone. 

You can buy birthstone pendants, earrings and you may even get a lovely Peridot birthstone ring.

If you intend to buy Peridot jewellery, that has no other stones mixed with it, buy a piece to wear on the body at the level of the heart chakra or solar plexus chakra. 

 Wearing This Green Stone 

Use Peridot gemstones in meditation, as it will connect you to the Divine Mind, and bring through Divine energy.  

If you are not sure about how to do meditation, learn some easy techniques for meditation and start doing it regularly.

Peridot jewelry is gorgeous, and even a tiny piece of Peridot has a vibration that will bring through a sense of well-being into your life. 

Peridot Earrings with Rainbow MoonstonePeridot and Rainbow Moonstone Earrings

The combination of green Peridot gemstones that's been mixed with other stones, such as Rainbow Moonstone and Peridot gemstone earrings, are an example of how it can be combined to benefit you.

Its unique vibration brings through spiritual energy that will bless and energize your life.

It is possible to buy pieces of natural Peridot Stone, so this is another alternative, and the energy in these crystals is still quite powerful.

Healing Properties

Peridot crystals are wonderful to wear, and are also helpful healing stones.

The have strong healing powers that may help to strengthen your eyesight and help issues related to aging, by stimulating cellular rejuvenation.  

They vibrate strongly within both the solar plexus or power chakra and the heart chakra.

Peridot Gemstone PendantPeridot Gemstone Pendant

Wearing a pendant may be helpful, as when they are worn on the chest they may aid healing in that area.

These green crystals are known to help the body to heal from health issues such as problems in the heart, lungs, spleen and intestines and they are known to help stomach and duodenal ulcers.

Peridot Facts

You could use Peridot crystals in combination with other stones, if  you wish to work on developing specific gifts.

This may aid you to develop these gifts, and wearing them on your body to keep the energy close may be very beneficial. 

Use a lovely sterling silver Peridot ring or earrings to increase the level of good vibrations in your life. 

Peridot GemstonesPeridot Gemstone Earrings

One of the foremost characteristics of this lovely green stone, is its ability to elevate your overall level of happiness. 

It will enable you to learn how to feel happier more easily. This energy will flow through you and correct problems, and aid you wherever needed.

Use the seven laws of attraction, then combine the use of Peridot stones with it. 

This is one positive method to that is likely to succeed. If you have a clear picture in your mind of what you hope to achieve this will be helpful.

Peridot Meaning

The meaning of the name Peridot comes from the French word 'peritot' which is believed to come from an Arabic word 'faridat', which means precious stone. 

It has also been called names such as 'poor mans Emerald' and 'Peles tears'.

Its ancient name was Olivine, and this was related to its color, although the color may range from a light yellow green or lime green color through to the darker olive green shade.

Colors include a less common brownish green and even some lighter colored pieces that are almost yellow.

Taking into consideration the amount of time that this stone has been in use, it has only been known by this name for around two hundred years.

Where Is It Found? Peridot History

Peridot stones have been found in a large number of locations, including Brazil, Pakistan, Australia, Ireland, Russia, Sri Lanka, United States and Egypt.  

This is the gem quality stone of Forsterite Olivine, and it is a beautiful transparent, green colored stone. The green color is caused by its high iron content. 

Peridot aka Olivine crystalsNatural raw Peridot crystals growing on basalt

Some of the earliest records of this stone come from the Bible. One of the stones in the breastplate of the High Priest in Jerusalem, was a stone known as chrysolite.

Chrysolite is believed to have been this lovely green gemstone.

Early records relating to Peridot powers come from the Roman historian Pliny, who wrote about it in about 50 ad.

He said that Peridot had already been mined in Egypt for thousands of years.

The first discovered source of this gem was on the Egyptian island Zabargad, where they have been mining this beautiful green gem since ancient times.

Brought To Europe In The Middle Ages

In the middle ages, Peridots were brought back to Europe from the middle east by Crusaders. 

This was when European interest in the stone began, and more Peridot jewelry began to be made.


The Peridot history goes back to ancient times, when they called this stone 'Topazios', which was what the Greeks called Zabargad, the island where it was mined.

While it is possible that the stone talked about were Emerald gemstones, it is highly probable that it was Peridot gemstones that were being used and that information recorded about their use.

My Final Thoughts

There are quite a few reasons for many of us to want to use one of these crystals. 

Its energy is warm and powerful, bringing light and beauty into your life.

Its vibration will connect you to the energy of the heart chakra to encourage you to feel a love for the earth and its creatures.

Peridot Properties Powers Meanings & UsesPeridot From Pakistan

In summary: This lovely green stone also helps you to be aware of the perfection of your physical body, and to appreciate the beauty of the earth on which we live. 

Although Peridot may not stimulate the birth of psychic gifts, it has the ability to increase these gifts once you start to have and use them, especially clairvoyance.

Best Crystals To Use With Peridot

What are the best crystals to use with Peridot stone?

There are a number of crystals below that combine well with them. 

Combine it with Green Prehnite crystals to elevate your connection to the Divine Mind, as Prehnite will aid you to go to an even higher spiritual realm.

Using it with Rainbow Moonstone is also an excellent combination, especially for psychic protection and for aiding you to develop your clairvoyant abilities. 

Peridot is an important stone to use for cellular rejuvenation, and to help the problems associated with aging.

For aiding the health problems associated with aging, you may choose to pair it with Ankerite, Mookaite Jasper or Okenite.

When you are using it to create an increase in love, joy, optimism and improved emotional health, other happiness stones may be combined with it.

This includes Ocean Jasper, Sardonyx, Inesite, Green Apatite and Staurolite which is also known as the Fairy Cross Stone.

Pair With Manifestation Stones

The frequency of increase within Peridot stones is powerful to manifest money and other good things into your life.

So you may choose to use it with the golden stones, such as Golden Rutile included in Quartz, lovely Citrine Crystals, Libyan Desert Glass or Heliodor, to increase the effectiveness of this stone.

Peridot stones are easy to buy, and combine well with any of the heart chakra and solar plexus stones, especially the lighter green stones.

This includes stones such as Green Apatite, Green Tourmaline, Chrysoprase,  Prehnite and yellow or green Hiddenite.

Peridot Properties Powers Meanings & UsesPeridot Properties Powers Meanings & Uses

Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.

Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing. 

Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.

Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.

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