Poppy Jasper

Boosts Imagination & Happiness

➤ By Liz Oakes

Poppy Jasper are quite beautiful stones that may infuse you with an increase of joy and happiness. 

They stimulate your imagination, aid you to clear clutter and may assist you to be more organized.

Their energy may also help you to get over feelings of stress, anxiety and depression and may boost motivation.

Poppy JasperPoppy Jasper

The energy of these stones can also be helpful to encourage less athletic people to exercise more. 

By stimulating your energy it may help you to feel more motivated to get out and do more activity.

They encourage positive energy and good health and are helpful to balance the female-male energy in the body.

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Crystal Tip: Through their powerful effect within your base or root chakra, they are known to stimulate your libido, so may aid relationships.

Why Would You Use Poppy Jasper?

These lovely red crystals are known for their action to bring an increase of joy and happiness into your life.

The energy of Poppy Jasper is interesting as its both soothing and energizing. Their vibration may help if you are feeling apathetic and need a boost.

They are good healing crystals for you to use if you lacking enthusiasm for doing much, as they enhance motivation and may galvanize you to take action when required.

Poppy JasperPoppy Jasper Heart

They may be especially helpful if you need to exercise more as they encourage you to increase your level of activity. 

By motivating you to exercise more, this activity may improve your overall level of fitness.

Wearing Poppy Jasper: How Will It Help You? 

Beads made from Poppy Jasper may also be found selling as Brecciated Jasper, as they are a variety of this stone.

Wearing them is helpful and I like having a Poppy Jasper bracelet as you can easily hold it and take advantage of its healing properties when you feel the need to either calm down or be energized.

Poppy Jasper BeadsPoppy Jasper Beads

They are quite beautiful crystals and if you can find Poppy Jasper jewelry they will have a good effect to assist you depending on your need.

They are also useful if you are a writer or if you work in an area that requires imaginative or innovative thinking as they are known to boost your imagination.

They are known to balance the yin-yang energies, meaning that they help to harmonize the male and female facets of your temperament. 

Improving your organizational ability may aid you to get rid of clutter, so you may also find this aspect is advantageous.

They are excellent crystals to declutter and organize your life, and this can be helpful if you are prone to feel confused and muddled when you wish to find something. 

Being more organized is helpful in many areas of your life and this crystal may help you to develop a more effective and systematic way of acting.

For this purpose either keep it on your body or nearby during the day. You may also choose to have a piece in the bedroom.

Shop Poppy Jasper hereHaving a piece of this stone nearby while you are sleeping may also enhance your ability to recall your dreams.

 Who Should Use It? Healing Properties

Poppy Jasper Healing Properties: These beautiful crystals are known to be particularly helpful to use if you have a protracted illness, that is taking time to improve.

The Poppy Jasper healing properties are said to be particularly helpful if you are feeling lethargic and need a kick to improve how you are feeling.

These bright crystals are also helpful to relieve stress, anxiety or depression and are helpful crystals for boosting energy, courage and strength during a protracted illness.

Their vibration is definitely known for being especially beneficial if you are feeling stressed by being unwell for an extensive period.

Poppy JasperPoppy Jasper

These crystals are also known to have a number of other excellent healing properties, and are said to be helpful for detoxification of the body.

This detoxification process is said to strengthen cell walls and may help digestion. Their energy is also purported to assist allergies, including in animals.

It has a good action to assist those who work with animals, such as veterinarians or vet assistants as it helps to bring rapport with animal kingdom.

It is known to also help with the release of noxious substances from the blood and the liver and is known to help with dissolving liver or bile duct blockages.

These red stones resonates strongly within the base chakra where they may aid the reproductive organs to enhance intimacy and improve pleasure.

Major Poppy Jasper Chakra 

While it works within all chakras, the major Poppy Jasper chakra is the base or root chakra where it is known to boost you physically.

They are very well known as beneficial base chakra stones, and this area relates to reproduction and intimate relationships.

So having them on you may also be helpful if your love life needs a boost, as they may trigger increased intimacy and satisfaction.

Poppy JasperPoppy Jasper

In addition, they may on the other hand calm those who have an overactive libido or when you feel frustrated at the state of your intimate relations.

Their energy is unusual in that they may either assist you to feel serene and composed when you need to calm down or alternatively can boost your energy.

They can have a quite stimulating energy and are known to be useful to invigorate you, if you feel tired or exhausted. 

Where Is It From? Poppy Jasper Meaning

The name of these beautiful crystals relates to the bright Poppy Red color of many of these stones.

Poppy Jasper is a type of Brecciated Jasper found in Morgan Hill in California as well as some other areas of the United States.

It is also found in Germany, France, China, Russia, South Africa and India. 

The meaning of the word jasper relates to crystals that are a mixture of microgranular quartz, chalcedony and various other minerals.

Stones in the jasper family are usually red, brown, yellow or green, often mixed.

This stone is a type of orbicular jasper, which means that it often has circular or orbicular patterns showing on the stone. 

It occurs in shades of lovely bright red as well as darker brick red, and can have mottled, spotted or speckled sections that may be colored white, cream, black, brown or yellow.

How To Use It? My Final Thoughts

More than any other reason these crystals have an excellent action to boost joy and happiness and to improve intimate relationships.

They are strong heart chakra stones that may aid the growth of loving relationships.

Keeping a piece under the pillow may improve romantic feelings and enhance your feelings for your partner.

Poppy Jasper

In summary: these crystals embody excellent healing properties and are particularly helpful crystals for stress, tension and depression.

If you have been prone to be disorganized, you may find that after having a piece nearby that this improves.

For anyone who has had a protracted illness, keep a piece under the pillow to boost your vitality and aid faster healing.

Keeping a piece of Poppy Jasper on your body may help to energize you, invigorate your relationship and may bring an increase of happiness.

Best Crystals To Use With Poppy Jasper

What are the best crystals to use with Poppy Jasper? These are lovely stones to stimulate your imagination. 

This may be very helpful if you work in an area that requires you to think imaginatively in order to produce an item or a project.

If you feel you need to more help to stimulate your imagination combine these stones with other crystals that aid imaginative thinking, such as Iron Pyrite, Rose Quartz, Ilvaite and Spessartine Garnet.

These bright red crystals have a lovely energy and they are strong stones to stimulate joy and happiness.

There are also quite a few other stones that are powerful for bringing an influx of happiness into your life.

This includes the lovely bright yellow Citrine Crystals, Green Peridot, Polychrome Jasper and Blue Euclase.

Poppy Jasper has a good energy to help to boost your organizational ability, and we can all benefit by being more organized.

So if you think you might be helped by enhancing your ability to have a more orderly approach and to assist you to declutter.

You might wish to combine them with other stones for this purpose such as these specific stones for this purpose including Melikaria, Fluorite, Lapis Lazuli or Merlinite.

These are strong stones to assist the balancing of your male-female energy also known as yin-yang energy.

There are a number of other stones that also help to balance these energies including Mariposite, Rhodochrosite, Shaman Stones and Magnetite so these may be beneficial to combine with these stones.

More Pictures Of Poppy Jasper

Poppy JasperPoppy Jasper
Poppy JasperPoppy Jasper
Poppy Jasper

Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.

Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing. 

Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.

Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.

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