Blue Aventurine

Aids Communication & Boosts Psychic Gifts

➤ By Liz Oakes

Blue Aventurine may enhance your aptitude for better communication, and may also assist you to be more eloquent when called for.  

These crystals embody a strong energy which resonates within both the throat and third eye chakras and their vibration is known to enhance your psychic abilities.

Many of you may have these gifts, but until you allow them to become part of your world, these abilities may not fully surface.

Blue AventurineBlue Aventurine

Often the abilities you are developing are gifts that you have previously been unwilling to admit you had.

These gifts may be strengthened by the energy of these blue crystals but it does take some time. is reader-supported. When you buy thru links on my site I may earn affiliate commissions. Click Here to learn more.

How Will Blue Aventurine Help You?

These blue stones boost your inner strength but their metaphysical attributes may work slowly. 

By putting one under your pillow at night over time it will enhance its action to assist your addictions as well as aiding abilities to develop.

The longer they are within your aura the better they will work to assist the release of bad habits, and while this is no quick fix it may help you over time.

Blue AventurineBlue Aventurine

This vibration can mean that you are more easily able to stick to a plan, such as a diet. 

It may be helpful to use these stones in meditation each day, as using their energy in this way will assist you in overcoming addictions.

Use In Meditation

Using these stones within meditation may enhance your spiritual journey and may also bring through psychic abilities that you have previously been unwilling to embrace.

Blue Aventurine crystals may aid those with addictions to take responsibility for their problems.

Dark Blue AventurineDark Blue Aventurine

These crystals embody a strong energy which resonates within both the throat and third eye chakras. 

Many of you may have psychic gifts but until you allow them to become part of your world these abilities may not fully surface and be able to benefit your life.

The metaphysical properties of these blue colored stones are highly prized for their attributes to aid the development of psychic gifts.

Blue Aventurine stones are excellent to use in meditation as they resonate within both the throat chakra and the third eye chakra.

They assist you to make a strong connection to beings within the spiritual realm and this has a good action to aid your spiritual growth.

Blue Aventurine SkullBlue Aventurine Crystal Skull

Many of you may have these abilities, but until you are willing to allow yourself to become whatever it is that you have the potential to be, these abilities may not surface.

How Will It Help You

Aventurine crystals of all colors resonates easily within all areas of the body. It is also simple to program as it is a member of the quartz family.

To learn how to program your crystals check out the article here.

Part of the reason why they are so helpful is that their energy also helps to boost your self discipline and their energy may boost your communication skills.

They are useful crystals for communication, that may benefit your daily life by making your contact with others clearer.

Blue AventurineBlue Aventurine

Within the throat chakra, this blue crystal may strengthen your communication abilities and may help you to speak out when required.

It may help you if you have any type of addiction, including smoking, substance abuse or addiction to food, that may be causing problems including weight issues.

Keeping one of these blue stones in your pocket during the day and under your pillow at night may benefit you.

Blue Aventurine Meaning 

Aventurine stone is a type of microcrystalline quartz. Various colors have have been found in Italy, Brazil, India, China and Russia.

The meaning of the name Aventurine came from the Italian word a ventura, which means by chance.

In the 18th century metal filings were accidentally dropped into a vat of glass and this created sparkly stone by the addition of colors and was known as Goldstone.

This attribute became known as 'aventurescence', as the mica in Aventurine stones give them a sparkly reflective potential, depending on how much mica is in individual crystals.

Aventurine Colors

There are a number of colors of this stone and it is the presence of various minerals in microcrystalline quartz that gives them both their color and their metaphysical attributes.

The color of the stones discussed here is blue of course and it ranges from a light blue through to a quite strong blue color.

There are two schools of thought about the color of the blue variety of Aventurine.

When it comes from Brazil, its color may relate to a mixture of silicon dioxide with an inclusion of Dumortierite.

Blue Aventurine stone from other locations relate to microcrystalline quartz with Crocidolite that has dissolved in quartz, along with rutile. 

Specimens with iridescent sparkles are said to contain some type of mica. The name of the stone is also spelled Adventurine, and it is sometimes sold as Aventurine Quartz.

This crystal occurs in a number of different colors, including the well known green stone as well as less well known red aventurine, white, peach, yellow and orange aventurine.

Best Crystals To Use With Blue Aventurine

What are the most beneficial crystals to use with Blue Aventurine?

This stone is also helpful to aid addictions, but it may take some time to work. You may find that combining it with other strong addiction stones may be helpful for this purpose.

Specific stones that may be of assistance includes Hematite, Unakite, Staurolite, both Purple or Black Amethyst and Dravite Brown Tourmaline.

The natural stone will also blend its energy easily with many varieties of quartz, and you may specifically choose to use it with Clear Quartz, Amethyst, Yellow Citrine and Strawberry Quartz crystals.

Sodalite, Iolite, Purple Scapolite, Plancheite and Lapis Lazuli crystals are all third eye chakra stones that will harmonize well with these lovely blue stones.

They may also aid you to totally allow yourself to own the process. If you do embrace the resulting personal growth, using them may assist you to make contact with the spiritual realm.

This can aid your psychic communication gifts, as well as assisting you to find your spirit guides.

The blue colored Aventurine stones combine well with Dumortierite, Wavellite,  Green Fluorite or Neptunite, and this may assist you to develop your intuition as well as other psychic abilities that Dumortierite is well known for boosting.

Pair With These Stones For Weight Loss

This stone is useful to assist weight loss but if you specifically need help to release weight, use it with other stones that aid weight loss.

This includes Picasso Marble also called Picasso Stone, Yellow Apatite, Diaspore or Green Tourmaline.

The crystal properties of these crystals are useful, as they vibrate within both the throat chakra and third eye chakra. 

There are a number of blue crystals that are throat chakra stones that will combine well with these stones.

This includes Linarite, Peruvian Blue Opal, Plancheite or Blue Tigers Eye.

For aiding you to develop your psychic powers, use the high crystal energy stones such as Phenacite, Satyaloka Quartz, Celestite and Moldavite, along with this stone.

Satyaloka QuartzSatyaloka Quartz

You can read about other colors of Aventurine stones here.

Blue Aventurine Pictures

Blue AventurineBlue Aventurine
Blue Aventurine Meaning Properties And PowersBlue Aventurine Meaning Properties And Powers
Blue Aventurine boosts throat chakra and third eyeBlue Aventurine boosts throat chakra and third eye

Note: When you use the vibration of crystals to help and support your healing remember that crystals are part of an holistic approach to your health.

Metaphysical healing uses universal energy so does not stand alone and can be used with any other type of healing. 

Conventional medicine may say that crystal healing is just the placebo effect, but those who use it do find it is beneficial.

Using the energy of crystals for healing yourself is about finding a way to enhance conventional medicine not replace it. So always seek out medical treatment for any worrying health issue.

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